[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

I, in interface names 
ICloneable system interface 
ICollection collection interface 
IComparable system interface 
IComparer collection interface 
ICompressible interface 
IConvertible system interface 
    for interfaces 
    in VB6 vs. VB.NET 
IDictionary collection interface 
IDictionaryEnumerator collection interface 
IEnumerable system interface 
IEnumerator collection interface 
    vs. Enumerable interface 
If . . . Else Statement 
If and only IF statement 
If statement 
IIF statement 
IIS (Internet Information Services) 
IL  [See MSIL]
ILDasm tool  2nd 
IList collection interface 
IMessage interface 
immutability of strings 
implementing classes 
implements relationship 
Imports statement 
Increment( ) method 
    on strings 
IndexOf( ) method
    Array class 
    String class 
    multiple, not supported in VB.NET 
    not supported by structures 
InitializeComponent( ) method 
inner joins 
Insert( ) method
    ArrayLists class 
    StringBuilder class 
instance members 
instance methods 
    vs. shared methods 
Integer type 
integrity of data 
interface implementations
    testing for 
interfaces  2nd 
    vs. abstract classes 
    casting to 
    for collections 
    I prefixing names of 
    using for dynamic invocation 
interim variables 
Interlocked class 
Internet Information Services (IIS) 
intrinsic attributes 
intrinsic types  2nd 
    default values for 
InvokeMember( ) method, using for dynamic invocation 
is-a relationships 
IsFixedSize property 
IsPostBack property 
IStorable interface 
Item property 
Item property name 
Item( ) method 
