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Chapter 1. No Straight Thing
In late 1996 there were approximately 14,000,000 computers connected to the Internet. Nearly all of them relied on the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), one of the fundamental rule sets underlying communication between computers, and the one used for most common services on the Internet. And although it was known to have security weaknesses, the protocol had been doing its work quietly for nearly two decades without a major attack against it. But on September 1 of that year, the online magazine Phrack published the source code for a network attack tool that exploited the trusting way the protocol handled connection requests (see the sidebar A Fractured Dialogue). Suddenly, the majority of those 14,000,000 computers were now vulnerable to being taken offline—in some cases, crashed—at the whim of any malcontent capable of compiling the attack program.
It was a time when new vulnerabilities were being disclosed daily, and the article at first went unnoticed by most security professionals. It was, however, read carefully in some quarters. Within days, an ISP in New York City named Panix was repeatedly savaged using the technique. Day after day, bombarded by tens of thousands of false connection requests—known as a SYN flood , after the protocol element that was misapplied—Panix was helpless to service its paying customers. The security community took notice and began to mobilize; but before experts could come up with an effective defense, the attacks spread. The Internet Chess Club was clobbered several times in September. Scattered attacks troubled several more sites, mostly media outlets, in October. In November, on election night, the New York Times web site was disabled, and the resulting publicity opened the floodgates. By the time an effective defense had been devised and widely deployed some weeks later, hundreds of sites around the world had been victimized. Tens of thousands more were affected, as experts and laypersons alike struggled to cope with the practical impact of this first widespread denial of service attack. Figure 1-1. How a normal TCP network session works![]() Why are we telling this story? True, the attack makes for interesting reading. And true, the attackers deserve our contempt. But there are, sadly, many other Internet attacks that we might describe. Why this one? It's partly that both of us were heavily involved in the worldwide response of the security community to the vulnerability and resulting attacks. Mark worked at Sun Microsystems then and was integrally involved in Sun's technical response to correcting their networking software. Ken worked the problem from the incident response side—he was chairman of FIRST (the international Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams) at the time. More importantly, the TCP SYN flood attack exemplifies a multitude of different secure coding issues that we are deeply concerned about. As we wind our way through this book, we'll use this particular example to illustrate many points, ranging from the technical to the psychological and procedural. We'll return to this story, too, when we discuss design flaws, errors in implementation, and various issues of secure program operation, because it so clearly represents failure during every phase of the software development lifecycle. If the architecture of the TCP protocol had been more defensively oriented in the first place,[2] the attack would never have been possible. If the request-processing code in the affected operating systems had been designed and implemented with multiple layers of defense, the attacks wouldn't have brought down the whole house of cards. If the software had been tested and deployed properly, someone would have noticed the problem before it affected thousands of Internet sites and cost millions of dollars in lost time, data, and opportunity. This "lifecycle" way of looking at security is one we'll come back to again and again throughout this book.
We'll mention several other attacks in this book, too. But our focus won't be on the details of the attacks or the attackers. We are concerned mainly with why these attacks have been successful. We'll explore the vulnerabilities of the code and the reasons for those vulnerabilities. Then we'll turn the tables and make our best case for how to build secure applications from the inside out. We'll ask how we can do better at all stages. More simply, we'll try to understand why good people write bad code. Smart, motivated people have been turning out new versions of the same vulnerabilities for decades. Can "no straight thing" ever be made? |
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