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6.3 Row-Level Logging6.3.1 ProblemYou must implement a row-level log for a database table. With respect to our example, you wish to log changes to data in the Stock table so that you can review such changes at a later date. You need an auditing system that will allow you to track all the changes on each product. 6.3.2 SolutionAs a basis for implementing this row-level log, you'll create a log table that mirrors the structure of your Stock table. The name of this table will be StockLog. All of the columns that make up the Stock table will be replicated in the StockLog table and will make up the operational portion of the log record. In addition, the StockLog table will contain some additional columns to indicate the time and type of operation that occurred. These additional columns will make up the log record's descriptor. Triggers will then be used to automatically log activity occurring on the Stock table. The following CREATE TABLE statement creates the StockLog table: CREATE TABLE StockLog( ProductID CHAR(40), Qty INTEGER, Type CHAR(1) CHECK (type IN ('D','E','I','N')), UserId VARCHAR(40), EventTime DATETIME, LogId INTEGER IDENTITY, EventId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY(LogId) ) Each record contains a body and a descriptor. The body is usually a copy of the original record structure, and the descriptor holds additional information needed to identify specific events. Figure 6-4 highlights the structure of the StockLog record. Figure 6-4. The StockLog Record![]() Once the StockLog table has been created, you can create the triggers that will record the activity on the Stock table. Three triggers are needed: one to record inserts in the log, one to record updates, and one to record deletes. You can use the following CREATE TRIGGER statements to create these triggers: CREATE TRIGGER InsertStock ON Stock FOR INSERT AS BEGIN INSERT INTO StockLog (ProductId, Qty, Type, EventID, UserId, EventTime) SELECT i.ProductId, i.Qty, 'I', NEWID( ), CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM inserted I END GO CREATE TRIGGER DeleteStock ON Stock FOR DELETE AS BEGIN INSERT INTO StockLog (ProductId, Qty, Type, EventID, UserId, EventTime) SELECT d.ProductId, d.Qty, 'D',NEWID( ), CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM deleted d END GO CREATE TRIGGER UpdateStock ON Stock FOR UPDATE AS BEGIN DECLARE @ProductId CHAR(40) DECLARE @dQty INTEGER DECLARE @iQty INTEGER DECLARE @guid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE UpdateStockLog CURSOR FOR SELECT d.ProductID,d.Qty,i.Qty FROM deleted d, inserted i WHERE d.ProductId=i.ProductId OPEN UpdateStockLog FETCH NEXT FROM UpdateStockLog INTO @ProductId, @dQty, @iQty WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS=0) BEGIN SELECT @guid=NEWID( ) INSERT INTO StockLog (ProductID, Qty, Type, EventID, UserID, EventTime) VALUES(@productID,@dQty,'E', @guid, CURRENT_USER,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) INSERT INTO StockLog (ProductID, Qty, Type, EventID, UserID, EventTime) VALUES(@productID,@iQty,'N', @guid, CURRENT_USER,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) FETCH NEXT FROM UpdateStockLog INTO @ProductId, @dQty, @iQty END CLOSE UpdateStockLog DEALLOCATE UpdateStockLog END GO 6.3.3 DiscussionThis solution records activity in the Stock table by inserting records into the StockLog table. The idea is to include all the columns from the Stock table in the log, together with some additional columns to identify the user, the type of action taken, and the time the action was taken. Log table structureThe StockLog table contains five columns not in the original Stock table. These columns have the following purposes:
In the triggers created for this recipe, the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and CURRENT_USERfunctions are used to populate the EventTime and UserId columns. Not all database servers use the same names for these functions, but all database servers implement this type of functionality. If you are using a database other than SQL Server, you may need to make minor changes to the example code for it to run in your environment. The LogId column is incremented sequentially by virtue of its being declared using the IDENTITY keyword when the StockLog table was created. Again, different databases have different mechanisms for implementing sequentially increasing primary keys. Oracle, for example, requires that you use a stored sequence. Use a mechanism appropriate for your environment. Log triggersThe three triggers used to maintain the log correspond to the three SQL statements — INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE — that can be used to change the data in a table. For INSERT and DELETE statements, the triggers simply need to make a copy of the row being inserted or deleted and log it together with the user ID, timestamp, operation code, and log sequence number. For example, if you inserted two records and then deleted one, your log might look as follows: ProductID Qty Type UserId EventTime LogId ---------- ---- ---- ------- ------------------------ ------ Bananas 100 I Jenny 2000-06-27 22:41:41.150 1 Apples 40 I Teena 2000-06-27 22:41:41.177 2 Apples 40 D Teena 2000-06-27 22:41:41.183 3 The update trigger is a bit more complex than the other two, because it needs to deal with two versions of the row being updated — the original version and the modified version. One way to think of an update is as a combination of a delete followed by an insert. The deleted row represents the original version of the row, while the inserted row represents the new version. Our update trigger records the execution of an UPDATE statement in terms of those two steps. The deletion of the original row is marked using the type code E. That is immediately followed by an insert marked using the type code N. The codes E and N are used to differentiate update events from real delete and insert events. The following example shows the log records that would be generated as a result of a change in the quantity of bananas in the warehouse: ProductID Qty Type UserId EventTime LogId ---------- ---- ---- ------- ------------------------ ------ Bananas 100 E Jenny 2000-06-27 22:44:13.060 4 Bananas 200 N Jenny 2000-06-27 22:44:13.060 5 With updates, two log entries are generated for one event. Special attention needs to be given to be sure that you can come back later and link up the two rows in question for any given update operation. In this recipe, we use the EventId column to record a unique identifier for each event. The EventId column was declared with the UNIQUEIDENTIFIER type — a special type reserved by SQL Server for system-generated unique identifiers. Each log trigger makes a call to the NEWID( ) function to retrieve a unique identifier for each event. This identifier is stored in the EventId column in all log records generated as a result of the event.
The update trigger joins are inserted and deleted on their respective ProductId values. The deleted table holds the before versions of all rows being updated, while the inserted table holds the after versions of those same rows. The join on ProductId serves to match each before row with its corresponding after row. This approach, while efficient, requires that updates to a row's primary key values (ProductId in this case) never occur. In SQL Server, triggers are executed just once in response to a triggering statement. SQL, however, allows you to modify many rows with one statement. To generate a unique event ID for each row being updated by an UPDATE statement, the UpdateStock trigger uses a cursor to iterate through each of the affected rows. A new event ID is generated each time through the loop, and this event ID is recorded in the log entries for the row being processed. With a log such as the StockLog table, it is possible to play back events in the order in which they occur. The table is essentially a journal of events created sequentially and classified by type. Thus, it is possible to restore the table to the way it was at any point in time, and it is also possible to track the activity of each individual user. |
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