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Name Switch Service  [See NSS]
naming conventions  2nd 
NAND flash
    DOC and 
    JFFS2 and  2nd 
    MTD support  2nd 
NAND Flash Translation Layer  [See NFTL]
nanddump utility (MTD) 
nandtest utility (MTD) 
nandwrite utility (MTD) 
Net-SNMP package 
netkit package  2nd 
netkit-base package 
netkit-rsh package 
netkit-telnet package 
network adapters 
network boot  2nd  3rd 
Network Interface Card (NIC) 
network login  2nd 
    debugging using 
    dynamic configuration 
    embedded systems and  2nd  3rd 
    hardware support 
    industrial grade 
    internet super-servers 
    kernel functions and protocols 
    remote administration 
    secure communication 
    web content and HTTP 
    booting with 
    debugging recommendations 
    mounting root filesystem 
    network boot  2nd 
    writing to flash 
NFTL (NAND Flash Translation Layer)
    disk filesystem  2nd  3rd 
    DOC devices  2nd  3rd 
    journalling filesystems 
    MTD support  2nd  3rd 
nftl_format command  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
nftldump utility (MTD) 
NIC (Network Interface Card) 
nm utility (binutils)  2nd 
NOR flash devices 
notifier_chain_register function 
notifier_chain_unregister function 
NSS (Name Service Switch)
    glibc  2nd  3rd 

Team LiB   Previous Section