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    defining type traits with 
    expansion phase of compilation 
    main drawback of 
    portability and 
    redefining keywords with 
main function 
make_heap function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
make_pair function template (<utility> header) 
malloc function (<cstdlib> header) 
Managed C++ extensions 
map class template (<map> header)  2nd 
mask_array class template (<valarray> header) 
matrices, working with 
max function
    (numeric_limits class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
max function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
max_element function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
max_exponent member (numeric_limits class template) 
max_exponent10 member (numeric_limits class template) 
max_length function (codecvt class template) 
max_size function 
    (allocator class template) 
    (basic_string class template) 
    (deque class template) 
    (list class template) 
    (map class template) 
    (multimap class template) 
    (multiset class template) 
    (set class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
MB_CUR_MAX function (<cstdlib> header) 
MB_LEN_MAX macro (<climits> header) 
mblen function (<cstdlib> header) 
mbrlen function (<cwchar> header) 
mbrtowc function (<cwchar> header) 
mbsinit function (<cwchar> header) 
mbsrtowcs function (<cwchar> header) 
mbstate_t type (<cwchar> header)  2nd 
mbstowcs function (<cstdlib> header) 
mbtowc function (<cstdlib> header) 
mem_fun function template (<functional> header) 
mem_fun_ref function template (<functional> header) 
mem_fun_ref_t class template (<functional> header) 
mem_fun_t class template (<functional> header) 
mem_fun1_ref_t class template (<functional> header) 
mem_fun1_t class template (<functional> header) 
member functions  2nd  3rd  [See also constructors; destructors]
    calls to 
    containers and 
    declaring and defining 
    implicit  [See implicit member functions]
member pointers 
member templates 
    testing in a container  [See find functionfind function template]
    testing in a type list 
memchr function (<cstring> header) 
memcmp function (<cstring> header) 
memcpy function (<cstring> header) 
memmove function (<cstring> header) 
memset function (<cstring> header) 
merge function (list class template) 
merge function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
messages class template (<locale> header) 
messages_base class (<locale> header) 
messages_byname class template (<locale> header) 
methods  [See member functions]
min function
    (numeric_limits class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
min function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
min_element function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
min_exponent member (numeric_limits class template) 
min_exponent10 member (numeric_limits class template) 
minimum and maximum operators (GNU compiler) 
minus class template (<functional> header) 
mismatch function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
mktime function (<ctime> header) 
modf function (<cmath> header) 
modulus class template (<functional> header) 
mon_decimal_point (lconv member) 
mon_grouping (lconv member) 
mon_thousands_sep (lconv member) 
money_base class (<locale> header) 
money_get class template (<locale> header) 
money_put class template (<locale> header) 
moneypunct class template (<locale> header) 
moneypunct_byname class template (<locale> header) 
move function (char_traits<char> class) 
multibyte characters 
    converting to wide characters 
multibyte strings, comparing 
multidimensional arrays 
    gslice class (<valarray> header) 
multimap class template (<map> header)  2nd 
multiple inheritance 
    vtables and 
multiplicative expressions 
multiplies class template (<functional> header) 
multiset class template (<set> header)  2nd 
mutable data members 
mutable specifier  2nd 

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