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DocBook: The Definitive GuideBy Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
Content Model
Sect5 ::= (Sect5Info?, (Title,Subtitle?,TitleAbbrev?), (ToC|LoT|Index|Glossary|Bibliography)*, (((CalloutList|GlossList|ItemizedList|OrderedList|SegmentedList| SimpleList|VariableList|Caution|Important|Note|Tip|Warning| LiteralLayout|ProgramListing|ProgramListingCO|Screen|ScreenCO| ScreenShot|Synopsis|CmdSynopsis|FuncSynopsis|FormalPara|Para| SimPara|Address|BlockQuote|Graphic|GraphicCO|MediaObject| MediaObjectCO|InformalEquation|InformalExample|InformalFigure| InformalTable|Equation|Example|Figure|Table|MsgSet|Procedure| Sidebar|QandASet|Anchor|BridgeHead|Comment|Highlights| Abstract|AuthorBlurb|Epigraph|IndexTerm)+, ((RefEntry)*| SimpleSect*))| (RefEntry)+| SimpleSect+), (ToC|LoT|Index|Glossary|Bibliography)*)Attributes
Label CDATA None Status CDATA None Renderas Enumeration:
Sect4None Tag Minimization
The start-tag is required for this element. The end-tag is optional, if your SGML declaration allows minimization.
A Sect5 is a fifth-level section in a document. This is the lowest-level numbered sectioning element. There is no Sect6.
The following elements occur in Sect5: Abstract, Address, Anchor, AuthorBlurb, Bibliography, BlockQuote, BridgeHead, CalloutList, Caution, CmdSynopsis, Comment, Epigraph, Equation, Example, Figure, FormalPara, FuncSynopsis, Glossary, GlossList, Graphic, GraphicCO, Highlights, Important, Index, IndexTerm, InformalEquation, InformalExample, InformalFigure, InformalTable, ItemizedList, LiteralLayout, LoT, MediaObject, MediaObjectCO, MsgSet, Note, OrderedList, Para, Procedure, ProgramListing, ProgramListingCO, QandASet, RefEntry, Screen, ScreenCO, ScreenShot, Sect5Info, SegmentedList, Sidebar, SimPara, SimpleList, SimpleSect, Subtitle, Synopsis, Table, Tip, Title, TitleAbbrev, ToC, VariableList, Warning.
In some contexts, the following elements are allowed anywhere: BeginPage, IndexTerm.
- Label
Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes.
Generally, an explicit Label attribute is used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label automatically. If present, the Label is normative; it will used even if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling.
- Renderas
The RenderAs attribute identifies how the section should be rendered. In this way, a section at one level of the structural hierarchy can be made to appear to be at another level.
- Status
Status identifies the editorial or publication status of the Sect5.
Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, printing a "draft" watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps a document with a status of "final" should not include any components that are not final).
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