D.8 Disconnected Operation
allows you to work offline—this means that you can edit files
without being connected to the server on which the VSS database
resides. This is useful if you regularly work on the move with a
laptop. To work offline, you must disconnect from the database. You
can do this with the File Change Source Control
option, which presents the dialog shown in Figure D-9.
To disconnect, select the projects with which you want to work
offline and then press the Disconnect button at the top of the
dialog. When you are ready to reconnect (e.g., when you get back to
the office), open this dialog again (using File
Source Control Change Source Control). This time,
the Change Source Control dialog will have the Disconnect button
grayed out, but the Connect button will be enabled. Click the Connect
button to reconnect the solution to the VSS database. VS.NET will
keep track of any changes that you made while disconnected and will
attempt to check out the relevant files.