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The policy we're talking about here is like a nation's foreign policy. It might be discussed in documents -- of varying amounts of legibility -- but its primary purpose is to establish a direction, a theory of what you're trying to achieve. People sometimes confuse the words "policy", "strategy", and "tactics". A policy is what determines what wars you're going to fight and why. A strategy is the plan for carrying out the war. A tactic is a method for carrying out a strategy. Presidents determine policy; generals determine strategies; and anybody down to a foot soldier might determine a tactic.
ost of this book is about tactics. The tactics involved in building a firewall, the nitty-gritty details of what needs to be done here, are complex and intricate. However, no matter how good your tactics are, if your strategy and policy are bad, you can't succeed. In the 1800s, an American named William Walker set out to conquer Nicaragua for the United States. His strategy and tactics were, if not impeccable, certainly successful: he conquered Nicaragua. Unfortunately, there was a fatal flaw in his plan. The United States did not at the time want Nicaragua, and when he announced that he had conquered it, the U.S. government was completely uninterested in doing anything about it. Walker ended up ruling Nicaragua very briefly before he was killed in a popular uprising. This was the result of getting the strategy and the tactics right but completely botching the policy.
Putting together a security policy undoubtedly is going to be a long, involved process, and it's the exact opposite of the types of tasks most technical people enjoy. If you like to program, you are unlikely to enjoy either the meetings or the bureaucracy involved in policy making. On the other hand, putting together a security policy is a great deal more amusing than dealing with the side effects of not having a policy. In the long run, you'll spend less time in meetings arguing about security if you get it out of the way ahead of time.
Developing a security policy also doesn't need to be as bad as you may be expecting. Many of the problems with security policies are caused by people who are trying to write a security policy that sounds like a security policy, which is to say that it's written in big legal and technical words and says threatening things about how users had better behave themselves. This doesn't work. It's also the most unpleasant way to do things because it involves hostility and incomprehension all around. It's true that your organization may at some point need a security policy that's written in big legal words (to satisfy some big legal requirements). In that case, the security policy you write shouldn't contradict the legalistic document, but the policy you write doesn't need to be that legalistic one.
Another problem people have in trying to write security policies is that they have a strong feeling about what the policy ought to be, and they're uncomfortable that the actual policy they enforce does not meet that standard. A great deal of lip service is paid to the notion that security should be absolute: you should have a site that nobody could ever break into; where every user has exactly one account, and every account has exactly one user; and where all the passwords are excellent, and nobody ever uses anybody else's password for anything.
In the real world, nobody's site is like that, a fact that is well known and well accepted. That doesn't keep people from claiming that they want to make their site like that, sometimes in big words on many pieces of paper that they call a "security policy". Every time, without exception, these policies are not followed by anybody.
It's unlikely that your policy is one that emphasizes security at all costs. Such a policy would be irrational. It is reasonable to value other things highly enough to be willing to compromise security.
ost houses would be more secure with bars over all the windows. Few people are willing to put bars over their windows, despite a desire to protect themselves. People have a number of reasons for compromising their security in this way. To start with, bars are expensive, and they interfere with using the windows for many of their normal purposes (e.g., seeing out of, climbing out of in an emergency). But people are willing to go to equal expense and inconvenience to apply other security solutions, and they may avoid barring windows even when it's the cheapest and most convenient solution, because it looks bad and makes them feel oppressed.
This is entirely reasonable, and it's entirely reasonable to make the same type of decision about your computer security. You may not want the best security money can buy or even the best security you can afford.
What do you want? You want the best security that meets your requirements for:
Sometimes a small concession to insecurity can buy a large payoff in morale. For example, rulemakers reel at the idea of guest accounts, but a guest account for a spouse can make a big difference in how people feel about work. And there are sometimes unexpected results. One university computer center was asked why its student employees were allowed to hang around at all hours, even after the labs were closed, doing random activities of dubious value to the computer center; it seemed insecure at best. The answer was that several years before, an operator who was typing his girlfriend's term paper in a lab after hours had discovered and responded to a critical emergency. Because he had saved the facility from what seemed likely to be a million dollars worth of uninsured damage (insurance companies have a nasty tendency to consider floods in windowless third-floor computer rooms to be acts of God, and thus uninsurable), the computer facility management figured that all the computer time the operators wanted had already been paid for.
On the other hand, if you have too little security, you can lose the organization to lawyers or attackers, and what matters there is what you do, not what you write down. Writing down marvelous policies that don't get enforced certainly won't save you from people who are trying to break into your computer, and it generally won't save you from lawsuits either. The law counts only policies that you make some attempt to enforce. If you don't do anything, that's bad; but if you write it down, and then you don't do it, that's worse. You've proved that you knew you were supposed to do it.
You will not get people to comply unless they understand the document and want to comply with it, and that means they have to at least be willing to read it. If they shut their brains off in paragraph two because the document sounds legal and threatening, you lose. You also lose if they decide that you think they're stupid, or if they decide that you don't care. Don't get so informal that you seem condescending or sloppy. If necessary, get a technical writer to clean up the grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Writing in legalese will not make a document more legally binding, particularly if it's not written by a lawyer. Lawyers write the way they do because they are trying to achieve very precise meanings. Using a legal-sounding term slightly wrong just confuses the situation; it might have its legal meaning, in which case your document very accurately says something you didn't mean, or it might have no meaning, in which case your document is no more accurate than it would be if you just wrote it in casual language.
What information is considered company confidential? How is it going to be protected? Can it be sent outside the site via electronic mail?
For example, consider a policy that includes a requirement that says:
Nonreusable passwords shall be used to authenticate all incoming connections from the outside world, in order to prevent potential attackers from being able to capture reusable passwords by monitoring such connections.
This requirement is much more useful than a policy that says:
OTP[183] will be used for all incoming connections.
[183]OTP is the IETF standard for one-time passwords. It is based upon S/Key.Why? Because the first policy describes what is to be protected and why, and it leaves how open so the technical staff can select the best implementation.
A policy that says the following is better yet:
Regular passwords are often stolen and reused when they pass across networks. We won't use passwords that can be reused across networks our company doesn't control.
This policy communicates the same information without the legal-style language. It also clarifies some other points. For example, in the original language does the "outside world" include companies that have special relationships with yours? It may seem obvious to you that it does, but it probably doesn't seem obvious to the managers who are arranging to work with those companies. The reworded language makes it clear what the criterion is (although you may still end up arguing about what networks meet it).
Policy can guide you in selecting and implementing technology, but it shouldn't be used to specify it. It's often much easier to get management to buy into, and sign off on, an overall policy than on a specific technology.