10.4 The shelve Module
The shelve module, shown in Example 10-3, uses the database handlers to implement persistent
dictionaries. A shelve object uses string keys, but the value can be
of any datatype, as long as it can be handled by the pickle module.
Example 10-3. Using the shelve Module
File: shelve-example-1.py
import shelve
db = shelve.open("database", "c")
db["one"] = 1
db["two"] = 2
db["three"] = 3
db = shelve.open("database", "r")
for key in db.keys():
print repr(key), repr(db[key])
'one' 1
'three' 3
'two' 2
Example 10-4 shows how to use the shelve
module with a given database driver.
Example 10-4. Using the shelve Module with a Given Database
File: shelve-example-3.py
import shelve
import gdbm
def gdbm_shelve(filename, flag="c"):
return shelve.Shelf(gdbm.open(filename, flag))
db = gdbm_shelve("dbfile")