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11.3 The bdb Module

The bdb module provides a framework for debuggers. You can use this to create your own custom debuggers, as Example 11-3 shows.

To implement custom behavior, subclass the Bdb class, and override the user methods (which are called whenever the debugger stops). To control the debugger, use the various set methods.

Example 11-3. Using the bdb Mdule
File: bdb-example-1.py

import bdb
import time

def spam(n):
    j = 0
    for i in range(n):
        j = j + i
    return n

def egg(n):

def test(n):

class myDebugger(bdb.Bdb):

    run = 0

    def user_call(self, frame, args):
        name = frame.f_code.co_name or "<unknown>"
        print "call", name, args
        self.set_continue() # continue

    def user_line(self, frame):
        if self.run:
            self.run = 0
            self.set_trace() # start tracing
            # arrived at breakpoint
            name = frame.f_code.co_name or "<unknown>"
            filename = self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename)
            print "break at", filename, frame.f_lineno, "in", name
        print "continue..."
        self.set_continue() # continue to next breakpoint

    def user_return(self, frame, value):
        name = frame.f_code.co_name or "<unknown>"
        print "return from", name, value
        print "continue..."
        self.set_continue() # continue

    def user_exception(self, frame, exception):
        name = frame.f_code.co_name or "<unknown>"
        print "exception in", name, exception
        print "continue..."
        self.set_continue() # continue

db = myDebugger()
db.run = 1
db.set_break("bdb-example-1.py", 7)
db.runcall(test, 1)

call egg None
call spam None
break at C:\ematter\librarybook\bdb-example-1.py 7 in spam
call spam None
break at C:\ematter\librarybook\bdb-example-1.py 7 in spam
call spam None
break at C:\ematter\librarybook\bdb-example-1.py 7 in spam
call spam None
break at C:\ematter\librarybook\bdb-example-1.py 7 in spam
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