13.18 The parser Module
(Optional) The parser module provides an interface to Python's
built-in parser and compiler.
Example 13-19 compiles a simple expression into an
abstract syntax tree (AST), turns the AST into a
nested list, dumps the contents of the tree (where each node contains
either a grammar symbol or a token), increments all numbers by one,
and, finally, turns the list back into a code object. At least that's
what I think it does.
Example 13-19. Using the parser Module
File: parser-example-1.py
import parser
import symbol, token
def dump_and_modify(node):
name = symbol.sym_name.get(node[0])
if name is None:
name = token.tok_name.get(node[0])
print name,
for i in range(1, len(node)):
item = node[i]
if type(item) is type([]):
print repr(item)
if name == "NUMBER":
# increment all numbers!
node[i] = repr(int(item)+1)
ast = parser.expr("1 + 3")
list = ast.tolist()
ast = parser.sequence2ast(list)
print eval(parser.compileast(ast))
eval_input testlist test and_test not_test comparison
expr xor_expr and_expr shift_expr arith_expr term factor
power atom NUMBER '1'
PLUS '+'
term factor power atom NUMBER '3'