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5.4 The sgmllib Module

The sgmllib module, shown in Example 5-5, provides a basic SGML parser. It works pretty much the same as the xmllib parser, but is less restrictive (and less complete).

Like in xmllib, this parser calls methods in itself to deal with things like start tags, data sections, end tags, and entities. If you're only interested in a few tags, you can define special start and end methods.

Example 5-5. Using the sgmllib Module to Extract the Title Element
File: sgmllib-example-1.py

import sgmllib
import string

class FoundTitle(Exception):

class ExtractTitle(sgmllib.SGMLParser):

    def _ _init_ _(self, verbose=0):
        sgmllib.SGMLParser._ _init_ _(self, verbose)
        self.title = self.data = None

    def handle_data(self, data):
        if self.data is not None:

    def start_title(self, attrs):
        self.data = []

    def end_title(self):
        self.title = string.join(self.data, "")
        raise FoundTitle # abort parsing!

def extract(file):
    # extract title from an HTML/SGML stream
    p = ExtractTitle()
        while 1:
            # read small chunks
            s = file.read(512)
            if not s:
    except FoundTitle:
        return p.title
    return None

# try it out

print "html", "=>", extract(open("samples/sample.htm"))
print "sgml", "=>", extract(open("samples/sample.sgm"))

html => A Title.
sgml => Quotations

To handle all tags, overload the unknown_starttag and unknown_endtag methods instead, as Example 5-6 demonstrates.

Example 5-6. Using the sgmllib Module to Format an SGML Document
File: sgmllib-example-2.py

import sgmllib
import cgi, sys

class PrettyPrinter(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
    # A simple SGML pretty printer

    def _ _init_ _(self):
        # initialize base class
        sgmllib.SGMLParser._ _init_ _(self)
        self.flag = 0

    def newline(self):
        # force newline, if necessary
        if self.flag:
        self.flag = 0

    def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        # called for each start tag

        # the attrs argument is a list of (attr, value)
        # tuples. convert it to a string.
        text = ""
        for attr, value in attrs:
            text = text + " %s='%s'" % (attr, cgi.escape(value))

        sys.stdout.write("<%s%s>\n" % (tag, text))

    def handle_data(self, text):
        # called for each text section
        self.flag = (text[-1:] != "\n")

    def handle_entityref(self, text):
        # called for each entity
        sys.stdout.write("&%s;" % text)
    def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
        # called for each end tag
        sys.stdout.write("<%s>" % tag)

# try it out

file = open("samples/sample.sgm")

p = PrettyPrinter()

eff-bot, June 1997
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Amongst
our weaponry are such diverse elements as fear, surprise,
ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to
Guido, and nice red uniforms &mdash; oh, damn!

Example 5-7 checks if an SGML document is "well-formed", in the XML sense. In a well-formed document, all elements are properly nested, with one end tag for each start tag.

To check this, we simply keep a list of open tags, and check that each end tag closes a matching start tag and that there are no open tags when we reach the end of the document.

Example 5-7. Using the sgmllib Module to Check Well-Formedness
File: sgmllib-example-3.py

import sgmllib

class WellFormednessChecker(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
    # check that an SGML document is 'well-formed'
    # (in the XML sense).

    def _ _init_ _(self, file=None):
        sgmllib.SGMLParser._ _init_ _(self)
        self.tags = []
        if file:

    def load(self, file):
        while 1:
            s = file.read(8192)
            if not s:

    def close(self):
        if self.tags:
            raise SyntaxError, "start tag %s not closed" % self.tags[-1]

    def unknown_starttag(self, start, attrs):

    def unknown_endtag(self, end):
        start = self.tags.pop()
        if end != start:
            raise SyntaxError, "end tag %s does't match start tag %s" %\
                  (end, start)

    c = WellFormednessChecker()
except SyntaxError:
    raise # report error
    print "document is well-formed"

Traceback (innermost last):
SyntaxError: end tag head does't match start tag meta

Finally, Example 5-8 shows a class that allows you to filter HTML and SGML documents. To use this class, create your own base class, and implement the start and end methods.

Example 5-8. Using the sgmllib Module to Filter SGML Documents
File: sgmllib-example-4.py

import sgmllib
import cgi, string, sys

class SGMLFilter(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
    # sgml filter.  override start/end to manipulate
    # document elements

    def _ _init_ _(self, outfile=None, infile=None):
        sgmllib.SGMLParser._ _init_ _(self)
        if not outfile:
            outfile = sys.stdout
        self.write = outfile.write
        if infile:

    def load(self, file):
        while 1:
            s = file.read(8192)
            if not s:

    def handle_entityref(self, name):
        self.write("&%s;" % name)

    def handle_data(self, data):

    def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        tag, attrs = self.start(tag, attrs)
        if tag:
            if not attrs:
                self.write("<%s>" % tag)
                self.write("<%s" % tag)
                for k, v in attrs:
                    self.write(" %s=%s" % (k, repr(v)))

    def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
        tag = self.end(tag)
        if tag:
            self.write("</%s>" % tag)

    def start(self, tag, attrs):
        return tag, attrs # override

    def end(self, tag):
        return tag # override

class Filter(SGMLFilter):

    def fixtag(self, tag):
        if tag == "em":
            tag = "i"
        if tag == "string":
            tag = "b"
        return string.upper(tag)

    def start(self, tag, attrs):
        return self.fixtag(tag), attrs

    def end(self, tag):
        return self.fixtag(tag)

c = Filter()
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