searches the REBASE database for
information on a specified restriction enzyme.
Here is a sample session with redata:
% redata
Search REBASE for enzyme name, references, suppliers etc.
Restriction enzyme name [BamHI]:
Output file [outfile.redata]:
Mandatory qualifiers:
- [-enzyme] (string)
Enter the name of the restriction enzyme you want to examine. The
names often contain an "I". This is
a capital letter "i", not a numeric
"1" or the letter
"l". The names are case-independent
(AaeI is the same as aaei).
- [-outfile] (outfile)
Output filename.
Advanced qualifiers:
- -[no]isoschizomers (boolean)
Show other enzymes with this specificity (isoschizomers).
- -[no]references (boolean)
Show references.
- -[no]suppliers (boolean)
Show suppliers.