remap uses REBASE data to find the
recognition sites and/or cut sites of restriction enzymes in a
nucleic acid sequence. It also displays the cut sites on both strands
by default. It will optionally also display the translation of the
Here is a sample session with remap. We only
look at a small section of the sequence to save space:
% remap -notran -sbeg 1 -send 60
Display a sequence with restriction cut sites, translation etc..
Input sequence(s): embl:eclac
Output file [eclac.remap]:
Comma separated enzyme list [all]: taqi,bsu6i,acii,bsski
Minimum recognition site length [4]: Here is an example where all enzymes in the REBASE database are used:
% remap -notran -sbeg 1 -send 60
Display a sequence with restriction cut sites, translation etc..
Input sequence(s): embl:eclac
Output file [eclac.remap]:
Comma separated enzyme list [all]:
Minimum recognition site length [4]:
Mandatory qualifiers:
- [-sequence] (seqall)
Sequence database USA.
- -enzymes (string)
The argument all reads all enzyme names from the
REBASE database. You can specify enzymes by giving their names with
commas between them, such as:
HincII,hinfI,ppiI,hindiii. This command is not
case-sensitive. You may also use the data from file containing enzyme
names by prepending the name of the file you want to use with an
@ character; for example,
@enz.list. Blank lines and lines starting with a
comment tag (# or !) within the
file are ignored; all other lines are concatenated together with a
comma and treated as the list of enzymes to search for. A file
containing enzyme names might look like this:
! my enzymes
HincII, ppiII
! other enzymes
- -sitelen (integer)
Minimum recognition site length.
- [-outfile] (outfile)
If you enter the name of a file here, this program will write the
sequence details into that file.
Optional qualifiers:
- -mincuts (integer)
Minimum cuts per restriction enzyme.
- -maxcuts (integer
Maximum cuts per restriction enzyme.
- -single (boolean)
Force single-site-only cuts.
- -[no]blunt (boolean)
Allow blunt end cutters.
- -[no]sticky (boolean)
Allow sticky end cutters.
- -[no]ambiguity (boolean)
Allow ambiguous matches.
- -plasmid (boolean)
Allow circular DNA.
- -[no]commercial (boolean)
Only enzymes with suppliers.
- -table (menu)
Code to use. See the fuzztran description for
- -[no]cutlist (boolean)
List the enzymes to cut.
- -flatreformat (boolean)
Display restriction enzyme sites in flat format.
- -[no]limit (boolean)
Limits reports to one isoschizomer.
- -preferred (boolean)
Report preferred isoschizomers.
Advanced qualifiers:
- -[no]translation (boolean)
Display translation.
- -[no]reverse (boolean)
Display cut sites and translation of reverse sense.
- -orfminsize (integer)
Minimum size of Open Reading Frames (ORFs) to display in the
- -uppercase (range)
Regions to put in uppercase. If no regions are specified, the
sequence case is left alone. A set of regions is specified by a set
of pairs of positions. The positions are integers. They are separated
by any non-digit, non-alpha character. Examples of region
specification: 24-45, 56-78,
1:45, 67=99;765..888,
- -highlight (range)
Regions to color if formatting in HTML. If no regions are specified,
the sequence is left alone. A set of regions is specified by a set of
pairs of positions. The positions are integers. They are followed by
any valid HTML font color. Examples of region specifications:
24-45 blue 56-78 orange
1-100 green 120-156 red
A file of ranges to color (one range per line) can be specifed as
- -threeletter (boolean)
Display protein sequences in three-letter code.
- -number (boolean)
Number the sequences.
- -width (integer)
Width of sequence to display.
- -length (integer)
Line length of page (0 for indefinite length).
- -margin (integer)
Margin around sequence for numbering.
- -[no]name (boolean)
Set this to false if you do not want to display the ID name of the
- -[no]description (boolean)
Set this to false if you do not want to display the description of
the sequence.
- -offset (integer)
Offset to start numbering the sequence from.
- -html (boolean)
Use HTML formatting.