9.1 Command-Line Options
ClustalW options are summarized in Tables Table 9-1 through Table 9-10.
Table 9-1. ClustalW verb options
Do full multiple alignment.
Bootstrap a NJ tree (n= number of bootstraps; def. = 1000).
Output the input sequences in a different file format.
-help or -check
Outline the command-line parameters
List the command-line parameters.
Calculate NJ tree.
Table 9-2. ClustalW data options
Input sequences.
Profiles (old alignment).
Table 9-3. ClustalW parameters�general settings
LOWER or UPPER (for GDE output only).
Read command line, then enter normal interactive menus.
Protein alignment with negative values in matrix.
Sequence alignment file name.
Use FAST algorithm for the alignment guide tree.
OFF or ON (for ClustalW output only).
Table 9-4. ClustalW parameters�fast pairwise alignments
Word size.
Gap penalty.
Number of best diags.
Window around best diags.
Table 9-5. ClustalW parameters�slow pairwise alignments
DNA weight matrix=IUB, ClustalW, or filename.
Gap opening penalty.
Gap extension penalty.
Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename.
Table 9-6. ClustalW parameters�multiple alignments
DNA weight matrix=IUB, ClustalW, or filename.
No end gap separation penalty.
Gap separation penalty range.
Gap extension penalty.
Gap opening penalty.
List hydrophilic residue.
Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID, or filename.
Percentage identity for delay.
File for new guide tree.
Hydrophilic gaps off.
Residue-specific gaps off.
Transitions weighted.
File for old guide tree.
Table 9-7. ClustalW parameters�profile alignments
File for new guide tree for profile1.
File for new guide tree for profile2.
Merge two alignments by profile alignment.
File for old guide tree for profile1.
File for old guide tree for profile2.
Table 9-8. ClustalW parameters�sequence to profile alignments
File for new guide tree.
Sequentially add profile2 sequences to profile1 alignment.
File for old guide tree.
Table 9-9. ClustalW parameters�structure alignments
Number of residues inside helix to be treated as terminal.
Gap penalty for helix core residues.
Number of residues outside helix to be treated as terminal.
Gap penalty for loop regions.
Do not use secondary structure-gap penalty mask for profile 1.
Do not use secondary structure-gap penalty mask for profile 2.
STRUCTURE or MASK or BOTH or NONE output in alignment file.
Gap penalty for strand core residues.
Number of residues inside strand to be treated as terminal.
Number of residues outside strand to be treated as terminal.
Gap penalty for structure termini.
Table 9-10. ClustalW parameters�trees
Use Kimura's correction.
nj OR phylip OR dist.
Seed number for bootstraps.
Ignore positions with gaps