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Caveat Hacker

You've not doubt noticed the "Do not open or you will void your warranty" sticker emblazoned across the back of your TiVo box. Well, that is true. If you open your box, you will not be able to send your TiVo into TiVo, Inc. if a problem develops.

If this is of little concern to you, you can stomach the possible consequences, or your TiVo is more than a year old and out of warranty anyway, then open her right up! There is simply no way around it for the lion's share of hacks in this book. If you're going to add a new hard drive, add networking to a Series 1 TiVo, or get a command-line prompt going, you are going to need to pull that box apart and put it back together again.

So, how hard is it really? If you are already pretty comfortable poking around inside a PC, then you should have no problem as a lot of those skills apply to what you will need to do. If not, don't worry, you're probably a quick study.

On the hardware end, about the only oddity is the need for a Torx-10 screwdriver�available at most fully stocked hardware stores�to unscrew those star-patterned screws and pop off the case. On the software end, the only price of admission is a basic working knowledge of, or willingness to learn, a little about the Unix operating system that is TiVo's brain.

All that said, let me add a few caveats before you dive in:

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