Chapter 3. Network Access Control
One of your most vital security tasks is to maintain control over
incoming network connections. As system administrator, you have many
layers of control over these connections. At the lowest
level—hardware—you can unplug network cables, but this is
rarely necessary unless your computer has been badly cracked beyond
all trust. More practically, you have the following levels of control
in software, from general to
- Network interface
The interface can be brought entirely down and up.
- Firewall
By setting firewall rules in the Linux
kernel, you control the handling of incoming (and outgoing and
forwarded) packets. This topic is covered in Chapter 2.
- A superdaemon
or Internet services daemon
A superdaemon controls the invocation (or not) of specific network
services, based on various criteria. Suppose your system receives an
incoming request for a Telnet connection. Your superdaemon could
accept or reject it based on the source address, the time of day, the
count of other Telnet connections open... or it could simply forbid
all Telnet access. Superdaemons typically have a set of configuration
files for controlling your many services conveniently in one place.
- Individual network services
Any network service, such as sshd or
ftpd, may have built-in access control facilities
of its own. For example, sshd has its
AllowUsers configuration keyword,
ftpd has /etc/ftpaccess, and
various services require user authentication.
These levels all play a part when a network service request arrives.
Suppose remote user joeblow tries to FTP into the smith account on, as in
Figure 3-1:
- If is physically connected to the network...
- And its network interface is up . . .
- And its kernel firewall permits FTP packets from Joe's host . . .
- And a superdaemon is running . . .
- And the superdaemon is configured to invoke ftpd . . .
- And the superdaemon accepts FTP connections from Joe's machine . . .
- And ftpd is installed and executable . . .
- And the ftpd configuration in /etc/ftpaccess accepts the connection . . .
- And joeblow authenticates as smith . . .
then the connection succeeds. (Assuming nothing else blocks it, such
as a network outage.)
System administrators must be aware of all these levels of control.
In this chapter we'll discuss:
- ifconfig
A low-level program for controlling network interfaces, bringing them
up and down and setting parameters.
A superdaemon that controls the invocation of other daemons. It is
operated by configuration files, usually in the directory
/etc/xinetd.d, one file per service. For
example, /etc/xinetd.d/finger specifies how the
daemon should be invoked on demand:
service finger
server = /usr/sbin/in.fingerd path to the executable
user = nobody run as user "nobody"
wait = no run multithreaded
socket_type = stream a stream-based service
Red Hat includes xinetd.
Another older superdaemon like xinetd. Its
configuration is found in /etc/inetd.conf, one
service per line. An analogous entry to the previous
xinetd example looks like this:
finger stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/sbin/in.fingerd in.fingerd
SuSE includes inetd.
- TCP-wrappers
A layer that controls incoming access by particular hosts or domains,
as well as other criteria. It is specified in
/etc/hosts.allow (allowed connections) and
(disallowed connections). For example, to forbid all
finger connections:
finger : ALL : DENY
or to permit finger connections only from hosts in
the domain:
finger : *
finger : ALL : DENY
We won't reproduce the full syntax supported by
these files, since it's in the manpage,
hosts.allow(5). But be aware that TCP-wrappers can also do
IDENT checking, invoke arbitrary
external programs, and other important tasks. Both
Red Hat
and SuSE include TCP-wrappers.
All recipes in
this chapter come with a large caveat: they do not actually restrict
access by host, but by IP source address. For example, we can specify
that only host can access a given service on our
system. Source addresses, however, can be
spoofed without much difficulty. A machine that falsely claims to be could potentially bypass such restrictions. If you
truly need to control access by host rather than source address, then
a preferable technique is
cryptographic host authentication
such as SSH server authentication, hostbased client authentication,
or IPSec.