Articles by Mr. X
"Cities in the sky" was first published in the Whig-Standard Magazine (Kingston, Ontario), 12 (no. 14; January 19, 1991): 22.
"Computer Error" was published in the INFO Journal, (no. 78; Autumn 1997): 21-2, 36.
"The Dundas Incident: Charles Fort Investigates a Fish Fall" is first published at this web-site."Heavenly Ghost" was first published in The Whig-Standard Magazine (Kingston, Ontario), 24 (n. 24; March 30, 1991): 26.
"Strangers in a Strange Land" was first published in the Whig-Standard Magazine (Kingston, Ontario), 12 (no. 5; November 17, 1990): 24.
"Unghostly Apparition" was first published in the Whig-Standard Magazine (Kingston, Ontario), 12 (no. 9; December 15, 1990): 6.
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