The Dundas Incident: Charles Fort Investigates a Fish Fall

by X

Charles Fort was not satisfied to merely collect data of falls of living things. It was his habit to make investigations, which may have been limited to sending letters to the local newspaper or the principle witnesses identified in a newspaper article. While living in London, England, Fort investigated the reported fall of fish in Canada, which was reported in the Toronto Daily Star of February 27, 1926, as follows:

Fish Dropped From Sky?

Dundas Seeks Explanation of Alleged Phenomenon -- Small Boy Prank?

Fort wrote to the Toronto Daily Star and managed to awaken the editor's interest, with the result of the following editorials, respectively published on March 16 and 20, 1926:

The Dundas Minnows

"The Dundas Incident: Charles Fort Investigates a Fish Fall" was first published at this web-site.

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