The Correspondence of, and to, Charles Hoy Fort

Fort to Dreiser

06 December 1916

New York, Dec. 6, 1916.

My dear Dreiser:-

I feel that you have done all that can be done in this matter; nevertheless I shall send the lists to Brandt. I may even do some further work on "X" and "Y". This will be only inertia or habituation; I expect nothing from it; also mine is not altogether the book that you think it is in the matter of no longer very much waiting to publish. I'm in a very bad state of dilemma and uncertainty at present. However I'm used to that, it occurs between periods of concentration. I think I'm going to take up a study of ---- occult things you know � things that have been called souls or spirits. Mine is a coarse and more cynical mind than those that have heretofore examined such phenomena, also it has some other qualities and a different attitude toward what is called the scientific method. I may find out something. It will take me ten or fifteen years I suppose. I'll let you know in 1925 or 1930.

C. Fort.

Courtesy of the Theodore Dreiser Papers, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania.

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