The Correspondence of, and to, Charles Hoy Fort

Fort to Dreiser

29 June 1917

New York. June 29, 17

My dear Dreiser:-

My library card runs out next week. I was going to let it run out and be damned to it, but this morning I started to write something. First time in months. It may be that I'll start it again.

Carl Brandt still has "X" and "Y." Nothing doing.

I don't know that I'll ever read again, or ever write again, but it's now a tradition with me that you subscribe to my library application when the card runs out. So if you'll oblige.

What would you do if you had the kind of brains I have? I suspect that strange orthogenetic gods are mixed up in all this.

Come up and see me next February.

C. Fort

Courtesy of the Theodore Dreiser Papers, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania.

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