Sacred Texts
Tractate Berakoth, by , by A. Lukyn Williams, [1921], at sacred-texts.com
The Prayer not to be Mechanical: Prayer when in Danger.
4. R. Eliezer used to say: He that maketh his prayer a fixed portion 3—his prayer is not true supplication. R. Joshua used to say: He that travelleth in a dangerous place prays the Prayer in a shortened form, the abstract of the Eighteen, and says: Save, O LORD, Thy people, the remnant of Israel; 4 and at every branch-road of their journey let their needs be before Thee. Blessed art Thou, O LORD, that hearest prayer.
T. III. 7. If one is walking in a place of danger and of robbers he prays the Prayer in a shortened form. What is the Prayer in a shortened form? R. Eliezer says: "Do Thy will in heaven above, and give quietness of spirit to them that fear Thee in the earth, and do that which is good in Thine eyes, blessed art Thou that hearest prayer." R. Jose says: "Hear the voice of the prayer of Thy people Israel, and perform their request quickly, blessed art Thou that hearest prayer." R. Eleazar bar Zadoq says: "Hear the voice of the cry of Thy
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people Israel, and perform their request quickly, blessed art Thou that hearest prayer." Others say: "The needs of Thy people are many and their intelligence is short, let it be acceptable before Thee, O LORD our God, that Thou shouldest give to each one all his needs, and (to) every creature sufficient for its wants, blessed art Thou that hearest prayer." R. Eleazar bar Zadoq said, My father used to pray the Prayer in a shortened form on sabbath eves: "Of Thy love, O LORD our God, with which Thou hast loved Israel Thy people, and of Thy compassion, O our King, with which Thou hast had compassion on the sons of Thy covenant, Thou hast given to us, O LORD our God, this great and holy seventh day in love." And over the cup 1 he used to say: "Who did sanctify the sabbath day"; and he did not add the "seal."
31:3 a fixed portion. i.e. with a limit of time and matter not to be exceeded.
31:4 Jer. 317.
32:1 the cup. Drunk on Sabbath eve before the meal (Laible).
Next: M. IV. 5; T. III. 18. Prayer when riding on an Ass