My LORD, after narrow Inquiƒition, hath delivered many true and remarkable obƒerves on this Subject; yet to encourage a further Scrutiny, I crave leave to ƒay,
THAT 1. But a few Women are endued with this Sight in reƒpect of Men, and their Predictions not ƒo certane.
2. This Sight is not criminal, ƒince a Man can come by it unawares, and without his Conƒent; but it is certaine he ƒie more fatall and fearfull Things than he do gladƒome.
3. THE Seers avouch, that ƒeveralls who go
to the Siths, (or People at Reƒt, and, in reƒpect of us, in Peace,) before the natural Period of their Lyfe expyre, do frequently appear to them.
4. A VEHEMENT Deƒyre to attain this Airt is very helpfull to the Inquyrer; and the Species of ane Abƒent Friend, which appears to the Seers, as clearly as if he had ƒent his lively Picture to preƒent it ƒelfe before him, is no phantaƒtick Shaddow of a ƒick Apprehenƒion, but a reality, and a Meƒƒinger, coming for unknown Reaƒons, not from the originall Similitude of it ƒelfe, but from a more ƒwift and pragmantick People, which recreat them ƒelves in offering ƒecret Intelligence to Men, tho generally they are unacquainted with that Kind of Correƒpondence, as if they had lived in a different element from them.
5. THO my Collections were written long before I ƒaw My Lord of Tarbett's, yet I am glad that his deƒcriptions and mine correƒpond ƒo nearly. The Maid my Lord mentions, who ƒaw her Image ƒtill before her, ƒuteth with the CO-WALKER named in my Account; which tho
ƒome, at firƒt Thought, might conjecture to be by the Refraction of a Cloud or Miƒt, as in the Parelij, (the whole Air and every Drop of Water being a Mirrour to returne the Species of Things, were our viƒive Faculty ƒharpe enough to apprehend them,) or a naturall Reflexion, from the ƒame Reaƒons that an Echo can be redoubled by Airt; yet it were more faƒable ((?) fafable in original--JBH) to impute this Second Sight to a Quality infuƒed into the Eye by ane Unction: for Witchies have a ƒleepie Oyntment, that, when applyed, troubles their Fantaƒies, advancing it to have unuƒuall Figures and Shapes repreƒented to it, as if it were a Fit of Fanaticiƒm, Hypocondriack Melancholly, or Poƒƒeƒƒion of ƒome inƒinuating Spirit, raiƒing the Soul beyond its common Strain, if the palpable Inƒtances and Realities ƒeen, and innocently objected to the Senƒes did not diƒprove it, make the Matter a palpable Verity, and no Deception; yet ƒince this Sight can be beƒtowed without Oyntment, or dangerous Compact, the Qualification is not of ƒo bad an Originall. Therefore,
6. By my Lord's good Leave, I preƒume to
ƒay, that this Sight can be no Quality of the Air nor of the Eyes; becaus, 1. such as live in the ƒame Air, and ƒie all other Things as farr off and as clearly, yet have not the SECOND SIGHT. 2. A SEER can give another Perƒon this Sight tranƒiently, by putting his Hand and Foot in the Poƒture he requires of him. 3. The unƒullied Eyes of Infants can naturally perceave no new unaccuƒtomed Objects, but what appear to other Men, unleƒs exalted and clarified ƒome Way, as Ballaam's Aƒs for a Time; tho in a Witches Eye the Beholder cannot ƒie his own Image reflected, as in the Eyes of other People; ƒo that Defect of Objects, as well as Diverƒities of the Subject, may appear differently on ƒeverall Tempers and Ages. 4. Tho alƒo ƒome are of ƒo venemous a Conƒtitution, by being radicated in Envy and Malice, that they pierce and kill (like a Cockatrice) whatever Creature they firƒt ƒet their Eye on in the Morning; ƒo was it with Walter Grahame, ƒome Time living in the Paroch wherein now I am, who killed his own Cow after commending its Fatneƒs, and
ƒhot a Hair with his Eyes, having praiƒed its ƒwiftneƒs, (ƒuch was the Infection of ane evill Eye;) albeit this was unuƒuall, yet he ƒaw no Object but what was obvious to other Men as well as to himƒelfe. 5. If the being tranƒported to live in another Countrey did obƒcure the Second Sight, nather the Parƒon nor the Maid needed be much troubled for her Reflex-ƒelfe; a little Peregrination, and going from her wonted Home, would have ƒalved her Fear. Wherefore,
7. SINCE the Things ƒeen by the Seers are real Entities, the Preƒages and Predictions found true, but a few endued with this Sight, and thoƒe not of bad Lyves, or addicted to Malifices, the true Solution of the Phænomenon ƒeems rather to be, the courteous Endeavours of our fellow Creatures in the Inviƒible World to convince us, (in Oppoƒition to Sadduce's, Socinians, and Atheiƒts,) of a Deity; of Spirits; of a poƒƒible and harmleƒs Method of Correƒpondence betwixt Men and them, even in this Lyfe; of their Operation for our Caution and Warning; of the Orders and Degrees
of Angells, whereof one Order, with Bodies of Air condenƒed and curiouƒly ƒhap't, may be nixt to Man, ƒuperior to him in Underƒtanding, yet unconfirmed; and of their Region, Habitation, and Influences on Man, greater than that of Starrs on inanimat Bodies; a Knowledge (belike) reƒerved for theƒe laƒt atheiƒtick Ages, wherein the Profanity of Mens Lives hath debauched and blinded their Underƒtanding, as to MOSES, JESUS, and the Prophets, (unleƒs they get Convictions from Things formerly known,) as from the Regions of the Dead: nor doth the ceaƒing of the Viƒions, upon the Seers Tranƒmigration into forrein Kingdoms, make his Lordƒhip's Conjecture of the Quality of the Air and Eye a white (while (?)--JBH) the more probable; but, on the Contrary, it confirms greatly my Account of ane Inviƒible People, guardian over and care-full of Men, who have their different Offices and Abilities in diƒtinct Counterey's, as appears in Dan. 10. 13. viz. about Iƒraels, Grecia's, and Perƒia's aƒƒiƒtant Princes, whereof who ƒo prevaileth giveth Dominion and Aƒcendant to his Pupills and Vaƒƒalls over
the oppoƒite Armies and Countreys; ƒo that every Countrey and Kingdom having their topical Spirits, or Powers aƒƒiƒting and governing them, the SCOTTISH SEER baniƒhed to America, being a Stranger there, as well to the inviƒible as to the viƒible Inhabitants, and wanting a Fimiliarity of his former Correƒpondents, he could not have the Favour and Warnings, by the ƒeverall Viƒions and Predictions which were wont to be granted him by theƒe Acquantances and Favourites in his own Countrey. For if what he wont to ƒie were Realities, (as I have made appear,) 'twere too great ane Honour for Scotland to have ƒuch ƒeldom-ƒeen Watchers and predominant Powers over it alone, acting in it ƒo expreƒƒly, and all other Nations wholly deƒtitute of the lyke; tho, without all peradventure, all other People wanted the right Key of their Cabinet, and the exact Method of Correƒpondence with them, except the ƒagacious active Scots, as many of them have retained it of a long Time, and by Surpryƒes and Raptures do often foirtell what in Kyndneƒs is really repreƒented to them at
ƒeverall Occaƒions. To which Purpoƒe the learned lynx-ey'd Mr. Baxter, on Rev. 12. 7. writting of the Fight betwixt Michaell and the Dragon, gives a verie pertinent Note, viz. That he knows not but ere any great Action (eƒpeciall tragicall) is don on Earth, that firƒt the Battell and Victory is acted and atchieved in the Air betwixt the good and evill Spirits: Thus he. It ƒeems theƒe were the mens Guardians; and the lyke Battells are oft tymes perceav'd in a Loaft (sic--JBH) in the Nycht-time; the Event of which myght eaƒily be repreƒented by ƒome one of the Number to a Correƒpondent on Earth, as frequently the Report of great Actions have been more ƒwiftly caried to other Countreys than all the Airt of us Mortals could poƒƒibly diƒpatch it. St. Auƒtine, (Augustine?--JBH) on Mark, 9. 4. giveth no ƒmall Intimation of this Truth, averring that Elias appeared with Jeƒus on the Mount in his proper Bodie, but Moƒes in ane aereall Bodie, aƒƒumed like the Angels who appeared, and had Ability to eat with Abraham, tho no Neceƒƒity on the Account of their Bodies. As lyke wife the late Doctrine of the Pre-exiƒtence
of Souls, living into aereall Vehicles, gives a ƒingular Hint of the Poƒƒibility of the Thing, if not a direct Prooff of the whole Aƒƒertion; which yet moreover may be illuminated by diverƒe other Inƒtances of the lyke Nature, and as wonderfull, beƒides what is above ƒaid. As,
8. THE inviƒible Wights which haunt Houƒes ƒeem rather to be ƒome of our ƒubterranean Inhabitants, (which appear often to Men of the Second Sight,) than evill Spirits or Devills; becauƒe, tho they throw great Stones, Pieces of Earth and Wood, at the Inhabitants, they hurt them not at all, as if they acted not malitiouƒly, like Devills at all, but in Sport, lyke Buffoons and Drolls. All Ages have affoorded ƒome obƒcure Teƒtimonies of it, as Pythagoras his Doctrine of Tranƒmigration; Socrates's Dæmon that gave him [Warning] of future Dangers; Platoe's claƒƒing them into various vehiculated Specieƒes of Spirits; Dioniƒius Areopagita's marƒhalling nyne Orders of Spirits, ƒuperiour and ƒubordinate; the Poets their borrowing of the Philoƒophers, and add-
ing their own Fancies of Fountain, River, and Sea Nymphs, Wood, Hill, and Montain Inhabitants, and that every Place and Thing, in Cities and Countreys, had ƒpeciall inviƒible regular Gods and Governours. Cardan ƒpeaks of his Father his ƒeeing the Species of his Friend, in a moon-ƒhyn Night, riding fiercely by his Window on a white Horƒe, the verie Night his Friend dy'd at a Vaƒt Diƒtance from him; by which he underƒtood that ƒome Alteration would ƒuddenly enƒue. Cornelius Aggrippa, and the learned Dr. Mor, have ƒeverall Paƒƒages tending that Way. The Noctambulo's themƒelves would appear to have ƒome forrein joquing Spirit poƒƒeƒƒing and ƒupporting them, when they walk on deep Waters and Topes of Houƒes without Danger, when aƒleep and in the dark; for it was no way probable that their Apprehenƒion, and ƒtrong Imagination ƒetting the Animal Spirits a work to move the Body, could preƒerve it from ƒinking in the Deepth, or falling down head-long, when aƒleep, any more than when awake, the Body being then as ponderous as before; and it is hard
to attribute it to a Spirit flatelie evill and Enemy to Man, becauƒe the Noctambulo returns to his own Place ƒafe. And the moƒt furious Tribe of the Dæmons are not permitted by Providence to attacke Men ƒo frequently either by Night or by Day: For in our Highlands, as there may be many fair Ladies of this aereal Order, which do often tryƒt with laƒcivious young Men, in the quality of Succubi, or lightƒome Paramours and Strumpets, called Leannain Sith, or familiar Spirits (in Dewter. 18. 11.); ƒo do many of our Hyghlanders, as if a ƒtrangling by the Night MARE, preƒƒed with a fearfull. Dream, or rather poƒƒeƒƒed by one of our aereall Neighbours, riƒe up fierce in the Night, and apprehending the neereƒt Weapons, do puƒh and thruƒt at all Perƒons in the ƒame Room with them, ƒometymes wounding their own Comerades to dead. The lyke whereof fell ƒadly out within a few Miles of me at the writting, hereof I add but one Inƒtance more, of a very young Maid, who lived neir to my laƒt Reƒidence, that in one Night learned a large Peice of Poeƒy, by
the frequent Repetition of it, from one of our nimble and courteous Spirits, whereof a Part was pious, the reƒt ƒuperƒtitious, (for I have a Copy of it,) and no other Perƒon was ever heard to repeat it before, nor was the Maid capable to compoƒe it of herƒelf,
9. He demonƒtrated and made evident to Senƒe this extraordinary Viƒion of our Tramontain Seers, and what is ƒeen by them, by what is ƒaid above, many haveing ƒeen this ƒame Spectres and Apparitions at once, haveing their viƒive Faculties entire; for non eƒt diƒputandum de guƒtu. Itt now remaines to ƒhew that it is not unfutable to Reaƒon nor the Holy Scriptures.
FIRST, That it is not repugnant to Reaƒon, doeth appear from this, that it is no leƒs ƒtrange for Immortal Sparks and Souls to come and be immerƒed into groƒs terreƒtrial elementary Bodies, and be ƒo propagated, ƒo nouriƒhed, ƒo fed, ƒoe cloathed as they are, and breathe in ƒuch ane Air and World prepared for them, then for Hollanders or Hollow-cavern Inhabitants to live and traffick among us, in another
State of Being, without our Knowledge. For Raymond de Subinde, in his 3d Booke, Chap. 12. argues quaintly, that all Sorts of Living Creatures have a happie rational Politie of there own, with great Contentment; which Government and mutual Converƒe of theirs they all pride and pluim themƒelves, becauƒe it is as unknown to Man, as Man is to them. Much more, that the Sone of the HIGHEST SPIRIT ƒhould aƒƒume a Bodie like ours, convinces all the World that no other Thing that is poƒƒible needs be much wondered at.
2. The Manucodiata, or Bird of Paradiƒe, living in the higheƒt Region of the Air; common Birds in the ƒecond Region; Flies and Inƒects in the loweƒt; Men and Beaƒts on the Earth's Surface; Worms, Otters, Badgers, in Waters; lyke wiƒe Hell is inhabited at the Centre, and Heaven in the Circumference: can we then think the middle Cavities of the Earth emptie? I have ƒeen in Weems, (a Place in the Countie of Fyfe, in Scotland,) divers Caves cut out as vaƒt Temples under Ground; the lyke is a Countie of England;
in Malta is a Cave, wherein Stons of a curious Cut are thrown in great Numbers every Day; ƒo I have had barbed Arrow-heads of yellow Flint, that could not be cut ƒo ƒmall and neat, of ƒo brittle a Subƒtance, by all the Airt of Man. It would ƒeem therefoir that theƒe mention'd Works were done by certaine Spirits of pure Organs, and not by Devills, whoƒe continual Torments could not allow them ƒo much Leaƒure. Beƒides theƒe, I have found fyve Curioƒities in Scotland, not much obƒerv'd to be elƒewhere. 1. The Brounies, who in ƒome Families are Drudges, clean the Houƒes and Diƒhes after all go to Bed, taking with him his Portion of Food and removing befor Day-break. 2. The Maƒon Word, which tho ƒome make a Miƒterie of it, I will not conceal a little of what I know. It is lyke a Rabbinical Tradition, in way of Comment on Jachin and Boaz, the two Pillars erected in Solomon's Temple, (1 Kings, 7. 21.) with ane Addition of ƒome ƒecret Signe delyvered from Hand to Hand, by which they know and become familiar one with another. 3. This Second
Sight, ƒo largely treated of before. 4. Charmes, and curing by them very many Diƒeaƒes, ƒometimes by transferring the Sicknes to another. 5. A being Proof of Lead, Iron, and Silver or a Brieve making Men invulnerable. Divers of our Scottiƒh Commanders and Souldiers have been ƒeen with blue Markes only, after they were ƒhot with leaden Balls; which ƒeems to be an Italian Trick, for they ƒeem to be a People too currious and magically inclyned. Finally Iris-men, our Northern-Scotiƒh, and our Athole Men are ƒo much addicted to and delighted with Harps and Muƒick, as if, like King Saul, they were poƒƒeƒƒed with a forrein Spirit, only with this Difference, that Muƒick did put Saul's Pley-fellow a ƒleep, but rouƒed and awaked our Men, vanquiƒhing their own Spirits at Pleaƒure, as if they were impotent of its Powers, and unable to command it; for wee have ƒeen ƒome poor Beggers of them, chattering their Teeth for Cold, that how ƒoon they ƒaw the Fire, and heard the Harp, leapt thorow the Houƒe like Goats and Satyrs. As there paralell Stories in all Countries and Ages
reported of theƒe our obƒcure People, (which are no Dotages,) ƒo is it no more of Neceƒƒitie to us fully to know their Beings and Manner of Life, then to underƒtand diƒtinctly the Politic of the nyne Orders of Angels; or with what Oyl the Lamp of the Sun is maintained ƒo long and regularlie; or why the Moon is called a great Luminary in Scripture, while it only appears to be ƒo; or if the Moon be truly inhabited, becauƒe Teleƒcopes diƒcover Seas and Mountains in it, as well as flaming Furniƒhes in the Sun; or why the Diƒcovery of America was look't on as a Fairie Tale, and the Reporters hooted at as Inventors of ridiculous Utopias, or the firƒt probable Aƒƒerters puniƒhed as Inventures of new Gods and Worlds; or why in England the King cures the Struma by ƒtroaking, and the Seventh Son in Scotland; whither his temperat Complexion conveys a Balƒome, and ƒucks out the corrupting Principles by a frequent warme ƒanative Contact, or whither the Parents of the Seventh Child put furth a more eminent Virtue to his Production than to all the Reƒt, as being the
certain Meridian and hight to which their Vigour aƒcends, and from that furth have a graduall declyning into a feebleneƒs of the Bodie and its Production. And then, 1. Why is not the 7th Son infected himƒelfe by that Contagion he extracts from another? 2. How can continual ƒtroaking with a cold Hand have ƒoe ƒtrong a natural Operation, as to exhale all the Infections warming corroding Vapours. 3. Why may not a 7th Daughter have the ƒame Vertue? So that it appears, albeit, a happie natural Conƒtitution concurre, yet ƒomething in it above Nature. Therefore every Age hath left ƒome ƒecret for its Diƒcoverie; who knows but this Entercourƒe bewixt the two Kinds of rationall Inhabitants of the ƒame Earth may be not only beleived ƒhortly, but as friely entertain'd, and as well known, as now the Airt of Navigation, Printing, Limning, riding on Saddles with Stirrups, and the Diƒcoveries of Microƒcopes, which were ƒometimes a great a Wonder, and as hard to be beleived.
10. THO I will not be ƒo curious nor ƒo peremptorie as he who will prove the Poƒi-
bility of the Philoƒopher's Stone from Scripture, Job, 28. 1. 2. Job, 22. 24. 25.; or the Pluralitie of Worlds, from John, 14. 2. and Hebrews ii. 3.; nor the Circulation of Blood from Eccles. 12. and 6.; nor the Taniƒmanical Airt, from the Blind and Lame mentioned in 2d of Samuel, 5. 6. yet I humblie propoƒe theƒe Paƒƒages which may give ƒome Light to our Subject at leaƒt, and ƒhow that this Polity and Rank of People is not a Thing impoƒƒible, nor the modeƒt and innocent Scrutiny of them impertinent or unƒafe. The Legion or Brigad of Spirits (mentioned Mark, 5. 10.) beƒought our Saviour not to ƒend them away out of the Countrey; which ƒhows they were DÆMONES LOCI, Topical Spirits, and peculiar Superintendents and Superviƒors aƒƒign'd to that Province. And the Power over the Nations granted (Rev. 2. 26.) to the Conquerors of Vice and Infidelitie, Sound ƒomewhat to that Purpoƒe. Tobit had a Dæmon attending Marriage, Chap. 6. Verƒe, 15; and in Matth. 4. and 5. ane evill Spirit came in a Viƒible Shape to tempt our Saviour, who himƒelfe
denyed not the ƒenƒible appearing of Ghoƒts to our Sight, but ƒaid, their Bodies were not compoƒed of Fleƒh and Bones, as ours, Luke, 24- 39. And in Philip. 2. 10. our verie Subterraneans are expreƒƒly ƒaid to bow to the Name of JESUS. Eliƒha, not intellectually only, but ƒenƒibly, ƒaw Gehazi when out of the Reach of ane ordinary View. It wants not good Evidents that there are more managed by God's Spirits, good, evill, and intermediate Spirits, among Men in this World, then we are aware of; the good Spirits ingeƒting fair and heroick Apprehenƒions and Images of Vertue and the divyne Life, thereby animating us to act for a higher Happines, according to our Improvement; and relinquiƒhing us as ƒtrangely upon our Neglect, or our embraceing the deceatfull ƒyrene-like Pictures and Repreƒentations of Pleaƒures and Gain, preƒented to our Imaginations by evill and ƒportfull Angells, to allure to ane unthinking, ungenerous, and ƒenƒual Lyfe; non of them having power to compell us to any Miƒdemeanour without our flat Conƒent. Moreover, this Life
of ours being called a Warfair, and God's ƒaying that at laƒt there will be no Peace to the Wicked, our buƒƒie and ƒilent Companions alƒo being called Siths, or People at Reƒt and Quiet, in reƒpect of us; and withall many Ghoƒts appearing to Men that want this Second Sight, in the very Shapes, and ƒpeaking the ƒame Language, they did when incorporate and alive with us; a Matter that is of ane old impreƒcriptible Tradition, (our Highlanders making ƒtill a Diƒtinction betwixt Sluagh Saoghalta and Sluagh Sith, averring that the Souls goe to the Sith when diƒlodged;) many real Treaƒures and Murders being diƒcovered by Souls that paƒs from among our ƒelves, or by the Kindneƒs of theƒe our airie Neighbours, non of which Spirits can be altogither inorganical. No leƒs than the Conƒeits about Purgatory, or a State of Reƒcue; the Limbus Patrum et Infantum, Inventions, [which] tho miƒapplyed, yet are not Chimæras, and altogither groundleƒs. For ab origine, it is nothing but blanƒh and faint Diƒcoveries of this SECRET REPUBLICK Of ours here treated on, and additional Fictions
of Monks doting and crazied Heads, our Creed ƒaying that our Saviour deƒcended εἰς ᾅδου, to the inviƒible Place and People. And many Divines ƒuppoƒing that the Deity appear'd in a viƒible Shape ƒeen by Adam in the Cooll of the Day, and ƒpeaking to him with ane audible voice. And Jeƒus, probably by the Miniƒtery of inviƒible Attendants, conveying more meat of the ƒame Kind to the fyve Thowƒand that wes fed by him with a very few Loaves and Fiƒhes, (for a new Creation it was not.) The Zijmjiim and Ochim, in Iƒa. 13. 21. 22. Thes Satyres, and doolfull unknown Creatures of Iƒlands and Deƒerts, ƒeem to have a plain Proƒpect that Way. Finally, the eternal Happineƒs enjoyed in the 3d Heavens, being more myƒterious than moƒt of Men take it to be. It is not a ƒenƒe whollie adduced to Scripture to ƒay, that this SIGHT, and the due Objects of it, hath ƒome Veƒtige in holy Write, but rather 'tis modeƒtly deduced from it.
11. It only now remains to anƒear the obvious Objections againƒt the Reality and Lawfullneƒs of this Speculation.
QUESTION 1. How do you ƒalve the Second Sight from Compact and Witchcraft?
ANSWER, Tho this Correƒpondence with the Intermediate Unconfirm'd People (betwixt Man and Angell) be not ordinary to all of us who are Superterraneans, yet this SIGHT falling ƒome Perƒons by Accident, and its being connatural to others from their Birth, the Derivation of it cannot always be wicked. A too great Curioƒitie, indeed, to acquyre any unneceƒƒary Airt, may be blameworthy; but diverƒe of the SECRET COMMONWEALTH may, by Permiƒƒion, diƒcover themƒelves as innocently to us, who are in another State, as ƒome of us Men do to Fiƒhes, which are in another Element, when we plunge and dive into the Bottom of the Seas, their native Region; and in Proceƒs of Time we may come to converƒe as familiarly with theƒe nimble and agile Clans (but with greater Pleaƒure and Profit,) as we do now with the Chino's Antipodes.
QUESTION 2. Are they ƒubject to Vice, Lusts? Paƒƒion, and Injuƒtice, as we who live on the Surface of the Earth?
ANSWER. The Seers tell us that theƒe wandering Aereal People have not ƒuch an Impetus and fatall Tendency to any Vice as Men, as not being drenched into ƒo groƒs and dregy Bodies as we, but yet are in ane imperfect State, and ƒome of them making better Eƒƒays for heroick Actions than others; having the ƒame Meaƒures of Vertue and Vice as wee, and ƒtill expecting advancement to a higher and more ƒplendid State of Lyfe. One of them is ƒtronger than many Men, yet do not incline to hurt Mankind, except by Commiƒƒion for a groƒs Miƒdemeanour, as the deƒtroying Angell of Ægypt, and the Aƒƒyrians, Exod. 12. 29. 2 Kings, 10. 35. They haunt moƒt where is moƒt Barbaritie; and therefoir our ignorant Anceƒtors, to prevent the Inƒults of that ƒtrange People, uƒed as rude and courƒe a Remedie; ƒuch as Exorciƒms, Donations, and Vows: But how ƒoon ever the true Piety prevailed in any Place, it did not put the Inhabitants beyond the Reach and Awthoritie of theƒe ƒubtile inferiour Co-inhabitants and Colleagues of ours: The FATHER OF ALL SPIRITS, and the Perƒon
himƒelfe, having the only Command of his Soul and Actions, a concurrance they may have to what is virtuously done; for upon committing of a foul Deed, one will find a Demure upon his Soul, as if his cheerfull Collegue had deƒerted him.
QUESTION 3. Do theƒe airie Tribes procreate? If ƒo, how are they nouriƒhed, and at what period of Time do they die?
ANSWER. Suppoƒing all Spirits to be created at once in the Beginning, Souls to pre-exist and to circle about into ƒeveral States of Probationƒhip; to make them either totally unexcuƒable, or perfectly happie againƒt the laƒt Day, ƒolves all the Difficulties. But in very Deed, and ƒpeaking ƒuteable to the Nature of Things, there is no more Abƒurditie for a Spirit to inform ane Infant in Bodie of Airs, than a Bodie compoƒed of dull and druƒie Earth; the beƒt of Spirits have alwayes delyghted more to appear into aereal, than into terreƒtrial Bodyes. They feed moƒt what on Quinteƒƒences, and aetheriall Eƒƒences. The Pith and Spirits only of Women's Milk feed their Children, being arti-
ficially conveyed, (as Air and Oyl ƒink into our Bodies,) to make them vigorous and freƒh. And this ƒhorter Way of conveying a pure Aliment, (without the uƒuall Digeƒtions,) by tranƒfuƒing it, and tranƒpyring thorow the Pores into the Veins, Arteries, and Veƒƒells that ƒupplie the Bodie, is nothing more abƒurd, than ane Infant's being fed by the Navel before it is borne, or than a Plant, which groweth by attracting a livelie juice from the Earth thorow many ƒmall Roots and Tendons, whose courƒer Pairts be adapted and made connatural to the Whole, doth quickly coaleƒce by the ambient Cold; and ƒo are condenƒ'd and bak'd up into a confirm'd Wood in the one, and ƒolid Bodie of the Fleƒh and Bone in the other. A Notion which, if intertained and approv'd, may ƒhew that the late Invention of ƒoaking and tranƒfuƒing (not Blood, but) athereal virtuall Spirits, may be uƒefull both for Nouriƒhment and Health, whereof is a Veƒtige in the damnable Practiƒe of evill Angells, their ƒucking of Blood and Spirits out of Witches Bodys (till they drew them into a deform'd and dry Leanneƒs,) to ƒeid their own
[paragraph continues] Vehicles withall, leaving what we call the Witches Mark behind; a Spot that I have ƒeen, as a ƒmall Mole, horny, and brown-coloured; throw which Mark, when a large Braƒs Pin was thruƒt (both in Buttock, Noƒe, and Rooff of the Mouth,) till it bowed and become crooked, the Witches, both Men and Women, nather felt a Pain, nor did bleed, nor knew the preciƒe Time when this was adoing to them, (there Eyes only being covered.) Now the Air being a Body as well as Earth, no Reaƒon can be given why there may not be Particles of more vivific Spirit form'd of it for Procreation, then is poƒƒible to be of Earth, which takes more Time and Pains to rarify and ripen it, ere it can come to have a prolific Virtue. And if our Aping Darlings did not thus procreate, there whole Number would be exhauƒted after a conƒiderable Space of Time. For tho they are of more refyned Bodies and Intellectualls than wee, and of far leƒs heavy and corruptive Humours, (which cauƒe a Diƒƒolution,) yet many of their Lives being diƒƒonant to right Reaƒon and their own Laws,
and their Vehicles not being wholly frie of Luƒt and Paƒƒion, eƒpecially of the more ƒpirituall and hautie Sins they paƒs (after a long healthy Lyfe) into one Orb and Receptacle fitted for their Degree, till they come under the general Cognizance of the laƒt Day.
QUESTION 4. Doth the acquiring of this Second Sight make any Change on the Acquirers Body, Mind, or Actions?
ANSWER. All uncouth SIGHTS enfeebles the SEER. Daniel, tho familiar with divyne Viƒions, yet fell frequently doun without Strength, when dazzled with a Power which had the Aƒcendant of, and paƒƒed on him beyond his Comprehenƒion, Chap. 10. 8. 17. So our SEER is put in a Rapture, Tranƒport, and ƒort of Death, as diveƒted of his Body and all its Senƒes, when he is firƒt made participant of this curious Peice of Knowledge: But it maketh no Wramp or Strain in the Underƒtanding of any; only to the Fancy's of clownish or illiterate Men, it creates ƒome Affrightments and Diƒturbances, becauƒe of the Strongneƒs of the Showes, and their Unacquaintedneƒs with them. And as for their
their Lyfe, the Perƒons endued with this Rarity are, for the moƒt Part, candid, honeƒt, and ƒociable People. If any of them be ƒubject to Immoralities, this obƒtruƒe Skill is not to be blamed for it; for unleƒs themƒelves be the Tempters, the Colonies of the Inviƒible Plantations, with which they intercommune, do provoke them by no Villainy or Malifice, nather at their firƒt Acquaintance nor after a long Familiarity.
QUESTION 5. Doth not Sathan interpoƒe in ƒuch Caƒes by many ƒubtile unthought Inƒinuations, as to him who let the Fly, or Familiar, go out of the Box, and yet found the Fly of his own putting in, as ƒerviceable as the other would have been?
ANSWER. The Goodneƒs of the Lyfe, and Deƒigns of the ancient Prophets and Seers, was one of the beƒt Prooffs of their Miƒƒion. 1
78:1 The original Transcriber has added:
"See the Rest in a little Manuscript belonging to Coline Kirk," probably the author's son of that name.--A. L.