Pahlavi Texts, Part III (SBE24), E.W. West, tr. [1885], at
1. The eighty-fifth subject is this, that, in every matter that comes forward, it is necessary to enquire of the wise and relations, so as to have their advice, and not to transact any business according to one's own idea and opinion.
2. For it is declared in revelation, that the sacred being, the good and propitious, spoke to Zaratust thus: 'As to every business that thou wishest to transact, do thou receive wisdom and knowledge at one place with the wise who reply, and cast away what is unconsidered, so that Aharman may not reach it midway, and injury (‘halal) may not occur to that business.'
3. In like manner the archangel Spendârmad 1, at the time when her gaze passed on to Minôkihar 2, issued to him this admonition and precept (vaʓîyat), and said: 'O Minôkihar! although there be deliberation in an affair, this may be no reason for it as regards the spirits 3; although a horse may be good, there may be no resource except a whip for it; and although one may be a wise man, there should be no retreat on his part from having advice, so that his business may become complete.'
350:1 See Chap. XXXIII, 2 n.
350:2 Pahl. Mânûskîhar (see Mkh. XXVII, 41 n). It appears from Sls. X, 28, where a portion of this tale is quoted, that it comes originally from the Kîdrast Nask.
350:3 B29 has 'although a knife be sharp, there may be no resource except a whetstone for it,' which follows the next clause in Sls. X, 28. In the original text this change of meaning is produced by a difference in only four words, and the author of the Sad Dar has probably misunderstood the Pahlavi original when translating it.