Question 1:
This is something basic to be understood. Your love is not love. It is full of hate, anger, jealousy, everything that goes against the qualities of love.
It is very dangerous to allow you to love me, because I am allowing you all other things also. Your love can turn into hate any moment. It is so superficial. It is just a mind game.
You don't know what love is. Please don't call me "Beloved Master." Those words on your lips become poisonous.
What anger are you feeling against me? I have given you my vision, my insight, my compassion, my friendship, everything that I have. And the reward is your anger.
You should be angry towards yourself, but it is very easy to project ugly things upon others.
Whatever happened in these three and a half years while I was silent - almost absent - you cannot make me responsible for it. You are responsible. You behaved like idiots.
Five thousand intelligent people could not see that they were being ordered to do things which were inhuman. They were being ordered to kill people, to poison people; and you could not even think - can I be behind it?
I love life, love, laughter. How many times have I said to you that these three L's are my basic philosophy?
When you were given orders by a fascist group who was dominating you to poison the water system of a whole city, to kill my physician, my caretaker, my dentist....
And just the other night we have discovered suddenly five hundred beautiful fish died in Patanjali Lake. That means that before leaving, that group has dumped poison into Patanjali Lake. It is fortunate that we are not taking Patanjali Lake's water for your use. It is being used for irrigation; otherwise you would be, many of you, with those dead fish.
And you are angry at me.
You must be retarded. Can't you see a simple point? A man who has never been life-negative, who has been changing your lifelong habits of nonvegetarian food into vegetarian food, who is not willing even to kill any animal.... Don't you have even a small, logical understanding? A man who is teaching you to be a vegetarian will help you to destroy a whole innocent city, The Dalles, by poisoning its water system? The thing was so stupid!
And you were doing everything. And if I had not started speaking, you would have been doing all those things even now. Now you don't feel like worshipping. What has happened to your courage?
For three and a half years why were you worshipping? - for the simple reason that you need somebody on top of you to force you, to enslave you, to order you and command you; then you are ready to do anything. Then even killing people becomes worship.
But you cannot go to worship on your own accord. Should you be angry at me or at yourself - at your stupidity, retardedness? You need a fascist type of structure. And you were all perfectly fine doing everything that was illegal!
And I am telling you, "Be responsible, never do anything against the law, never do anything against human values, against the ideals of democracy, freedom."
Now you don't even feel to go to worship. You need somebody with a gun behind you; then only can you worship.
Hasya has removed the bodyguards, and she was thinking slowly to remove the guns from the commune. They don't fit with our approach to life. We don't want to harm anybody. We want to create a loving atmosphere.
But just one day after she had removed the bodyguards, one idiot immediately jumped up. Now she has to put the bodyguards back again. And now the security will be more strict.
And if you are feeling angry with me, what the hell are you doing here? Get lost!
This is not a place for anger and not a place for people who cannot take responsibility, because these are the people who create fascist structures. We don't want these people at all. So simply pack your luggage and go to hell. The county road goes directly to hell.
I have been loving to you, and I started speaking only because of you, because I was being informed that things are going wrong. I was available to my physician, to my dentist, to my caretaker, and when they all felt that now things are going beyond the limits.... Even my room was bugged. Even my milk was being poisoned. That was too much for them, and they said, "Now something has to be done. These people have taken too much advantage."
That's why I started speaking; otherwise I was going to remain silent for my whole life. I have spoken for thirty years - nearabout four hundred books, each book containing at least five hundred pages.
I don't think there is anybody else in the whole history who has four hundred books of that size and that penetration.
There was no need for me.... I have spoken enough. Just for you I am speaking, so that this fascist order can be dissolved and you can live freely as human beings in a democratic way. But it seems you are not capable of living in a democratic way. You always need Adolf Hitlers, Joseph Stalins, Benito Mussolinis. Without your need, these people cannot come to power.
Yesterday I had told you, when anybody is in the office, on a post - for example, the president of the commune or the president of the foundation or the presidents of other corporations - you have to address them either as Ma or as Swami. I withdraw it. You can address people just by their name, anywhere.
I wanted to make it the simplest possible society, where there is no hierarchy. But perhaps you are angry because you cannot function in a democratic world. But this commune is going to become one of the best democracies in the world - a direct democracy. So it is better, those who cannot feel good in a democratic atmosphere, they should leave. They can go to the Soviet Union. This is not their place.
Question 2:
I have told you a thousand and one times that I am not a god. I am not a messiah, or a prophet.
God is omniscient. He knows everything, what is happening anywhere - past, present, future.
The people who have made God omniscient were all fascists, and they created a fascist God - because if God knows about the future, that means the future is determined. Then where is the possibility of freedom? Freedom can exist only if the future is open. But about an open future there is no possibility of prediction. The man who was so beautiful may commit a murder tomorrow.
Tomorrow is open.
The saint can become a murderer.
The murderer can become a saint.
The idea in all the religions of an omniscient God is a fascist idea. It means everything is determined.
Whether you are taking coffee or tea tomorrow morning, is already determined for millennia. And you cannot choose; you will have to take what is your destiny.
Even the religions like Buddhism, Jainism, which do not accept a God, could not resist the temptation of making their religious leaders omniscient. God is not there, but Mahavira is omniscient, Buddha is omniscient; so what is the difference? As far as humanity is concerned, life remains mechanical, robotlike. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen; you cannot do anything about it.
I am not a god, and I am not a prophet, and I am not a messiah. I am a simple human being.
When I had chosen Sheela she was a beautiful woman, immensely capable of doing things, very practical, courageous. I had given the commune into the hands of Sheela, Vidya, Savita, who had never shown any fascist tendency.
And they worked hard. They created this commune. They changed this desert into an oasis under tremendous pressure by the politicians, by the attorney general. And these people were all illegally trying to destroy the commune - they were fighting with them, they were protecting the commune.
Naturally, if you start fighting with politicians you start learning politics; otherwise you cannot fight. If you start opposing dirty cunning minds, by and by, unknowingly, unconsciously, you fall in the same trap. You have to follow the same rules. In fact, if you are opposed to a dirty politician, you have to be dirtier; otherwise, you cannot win.
This gave them the taste of power.
I was in silence and this was my instruction: I don't want to know what is happening in the world.
Sheela, my physician, my dentist, my caretaker, they were all told that nothing has to be brought to my notice unless it is absolutely necessary. I wanted to live in isolation. This is my birthright. Who are you to be angry about it?
And these people, when I had given them the opportunity, were totally different. Perhaps anybody of you, in such circumstances, would have turned out the same, because everybody, deep in the unconscious, carries a lust for power. But it remains unconscious because there is no opportunity for it to become a reality. These people saw that unconscious will to power surfacing because the opportunity was there.There was nobody to prevent them, and they were able to use my name in everything.
And I am not omniscient.
I never knew what they were saying to you. I never knew when they bugged my room. So you can see that I am not omniscient. At least I would have known that my room was being bugged, under the excuse that they were putting a switch so that I could alarm the guards if there was any emergency.
I had never touched that switch, because there was never any emergency. Inside the switch they had put a microphone. And if I cannot see just by the side of my chair that there is a microphone, what do you expect of me?
I am just like you. I don't have any pretensions to be holier than you, higher than you. Just a little difference - that I am awake and you are asleep. But I was also asleep....
In fact, because you are asleep, it makes it clear that any moment you can be awake. Sleep is possible only for a person who can be awake. Rocks don't sleep. Only living beings sleep. They can be awakened. But I don't see that by being awakened you become omniscient, or omnipresent, or omnipotent. These are just egoistic, megalomaniac ideas.
I don't have any ego or any megalomania, I am simply awake. That means I know who I am. That does not include the bugging device. So I was not aware at all what was happening, and whatever Sheela was bringing to me was always the good news, that things are going perfectly well.
But you can see the opportunity. First she had to fight with the dirty politicians, so she had to learn the same tactics, the same strategy. She had to fight in courts against illegal charges, so she had to understand law. And she was continuously creating a commune here, so she had in her hands the immense power of money.
We have put more than two hundred million dollars in the commune. From all over the world, sannyasins have poured whatsoever they could. Just an opportunity.... Who does not want to be rich? There is nothing wrong in being rich, but one should not try to be rich through wrong means.
Create wealth, and be rich! This was simply theft. The money was coming for the commune, and she was slowly taking a few parts and accumulating it.
And this woman who has informed was her secretary five years before. They were intimate friends, so whatever she says seems to be meaningful. She is dying of cancer, and it always happens when you are dying, you want to unburden yourself of any lie that you have been hiding. That's why she has written the letter saying that "I am dying, but I want to relate that Sheela has stolen forty-three million dollars and she has it in a bank account in Switzerland."
So money - it is everybody's desire, and there is no harm in it, but be creative. Stealing, and that too stealing from a commune who loves you, is criminal. She has no money of her own. She was just a waitress in a hotel before she came to me. Waitresses in hotels don't have forty-three million dollars in accounts.
She had the opportunity - that you love me, you trust me. For thirty years thousands of sannyasins have loved me, trusted me, and nobody has been cheated, nobody has been exploited, no fascism has come out of it. But I was in silence, and I was completely in isolation: not talking to anybody, not meeting anybody. This gave her another opportunity: that, in my name, she can manipulate you.
She started slowly, but things have a way of growing. Everything grows. The more she became powerful, the more the lust for power to control. She dropped all those sannyasins who were intelligent enough to see the difference between what she was saying and what I have been teaching - not only different, but just the contrary.
I have been teaching to you: Don't believe - inquire, doubt, search. Unless you know, it is better to remain ignorant. At least you are honest. Belief is self-deception. You don't know, but the belief covers your ignorance.
Ask anybody outside the commune, "Is there a God?" and he will say "Yes," as if he knows. He does not know himself, and he knows God! And just try to argue with him, and soon you will come to know that it is his belief, that from the very beginning he has been conditioned that there is a God.
It will look very strange to you that all the religions have prevented people from discovering the truth of life - because before you discover, inquire, question, they fill your mind with all kinds of beliefs.
Those beliefs give you a deceptive feeling as if you know.
But there is much difference in "as if" to know, and "to know." Knowing transforms you. "As if" to know, you remain the same.
You go to the church, you go to the synagogue, you go to the temple, you read holy scriptures, but no transformation happens.
I have been teaching to you not belief but doubt. Doubt is clean, fresh, young.
Every child is born with doubt, not with a belief. Every child asks thousands of questions. Those questions show that he has doubts, that he is skeptical. He is continuously asking, "Why?"
If you go to the Soviet Union and you ask a child is there a God, he will say no. That, too, is a belief.
He has not inquired. Just in the Soviet Union he has been conditioned that there is no God. What is the difference between a theist and an atheist? between a Catholic and a communist? Both are doing the same thing: destroying your quest, giving you ready-made answers.
Ready-made answers don't help. Unless you discover the answer yourself, unless the truth is your own experience, you are not going to have a transformation.
Information is not transformation. You can become very knowledgeable through information, but your ignorance remains the same. The greatest knowledgeable person is ignorant, is just like any ignorant person who knows nothing.
Perhaps the ignorant person is in a better position than the so-called knowledgeable scholar, professor, theologian, because the ignorant person at least is honest. He says, "I do not know."
From that honest beginning he can start a journey of knowing, because nobody can remain satisfied with ignorance.
So either he will become knowledgeable - which is cheap. All the schools, colleges, universities, churches - they are doing that cheap thing. They give you knowledgeability and you forget that you are ignorant. It is opium. All knowledgeability is a kind of drug so that you can forget your original ignorance. But it remains there.
My teaching is radically different. I want you to drop all knowledgeability.
I am reminded about P.D. Ouspensky. He was one of the greatest mathematicians of this century, and he has written one of the greatest books, TERTIUM ORGANUM.
I have never come across any other book which has such crystal-clear statements. It can deceive anybody. It seems as if the man knows!
In the beginning of the book he writes, "Aristotle wrote one book, ORGANUM. Organum means the first principle of knowledge. Bacon wrote NOVUM ORGANUM, New Principle of Knowledge. Both are very significant steps in the world of knowledge."
And Ouspensky says, "Now I am revealing to the world TERTIUM ORGANUM, the Third Canon of Knowledge. And I want to say that the third existed even before the first - I am simply revealing it.
Otherwise, it is the ancientmost: even before the first, it was in existence."
And reading - I have read all the three - certainly he surpasses Aristotle and Bacon both. They look like pygmies; he is a giant. And the way of his writing is certainly unique. He does not write in paragraphs, because each sentence is so important that he writes only maxims, very logical.
He was world-famous before the Russian revolution. But he was also a very sincere and honest man. He knew that whatever he has written, it is just knowledgeability. He knows nothing. He has not experienced anything.
He wanted to meet someone who has experienced, who has been face to face with reality. And then he heard the name of Gurdjieff.
He went around the world in search of somebody who really knows. He was in India for a long time, searching for some wise man, but could not find. Frustrated, after years when he came back to Moscow.... It is very symbolic that he met George Gurdjieff in the same restaurant where he always used to go. He had seen Gurdjieff before, too, because they were both visitors to the same restaurant. But he had never thought much of it. Gurdjieff did not look like a wise man.
Gurdjieff was a totally different kind of person than you understand a wise man should be - nice, polite, beautiful like Gautam Buddha. He was a Caucasian, very strong. He could kill any man just with his hands.
And Ouspensky could not believe, when he was told by one of his friends, that "This is the man you have been searching for. He knows, but it is difficult to approach him. I will manage, I belong to his inner circle. And very rarely he accepts anybody, but perhaps you may be accepted."
So one night he took Ouspensky to Gurdjieff's place. A dozen people were sitting there around Gurdjieff. These two also sat down. Half an hour passed, nobody spoke. Ouspensky was getting troubled. What is happening? Even the friend who had come was sitting with closed eyes. He nudged him and said, "Do something. This way I will never be introduced."
So the friend told Gurdjieff, "I have brought a new person. He wants to become part of our circle. It is up to you to accept him or not."
Gurdjieff called Ouspensky to come close so he could see into his eyes. And Ouspensky said, "I have never seen such eyes, and I have never felt so nervous - almost on the point of breakdown.
And that man's eyes were penetrating to the very deepest core of my being, like swords."
A few minutes passed. It was a cold night; snow was falling, and Ouspensky was perspiring.
Gurdjieff pulled out a piece of paper, gave it to Ouspensky, and he said, "I know about you. I have seen your book, TERTIUM ORGANUM. You know nothing, but still you have written a very great book. But you cannot deceive anybody who knows.
"You go into the other room and, on this paper, on one side you write what you know, and on the other side you write what you don't know - because whatever you know, we are never going to discuss it. That is finished; you know it. Whatever you don't know, I will teach you."
Ouspensky, for the first time, was faced with the question, "What do you know?" A writer of many books, world-famous, and he could not write a single thing that he knows.
He came back, gave the blank paper back, and he said, "I don't know anything. Forgive me, perhaps I am not qualified to be part of your inner circle."
Gurdjieff laughed. He said, "This is not disqualification; this is qualification. You are honest, you are sincere. Being so famous, writing so many books, still you are capable of accepting the truth that you don't know anything. You are accepted in the group. Your training begins from this point: I do not know. Now there is a clean inquiry possible."
This has been my teaching to you. You are not to surrender. You are not to believe.
But that's what you did. And you are feeling angry at me.
If I had taught you to believe and surrender the way Jesus has done, the way Mohammed has done, the way Moses has done, the way Krishna has done, then of course your anger was right.
If you want to be angry, be angry against Jesus Christ. Be angry against all the founders of religions.
They all say, "Believe and you will be saved."
And I say to you, "Believe and you are drowned."
I say to you, "Doubt, because that is something that you have come with. Nature has provided you a method for inquiry. Doubt is a method of inquiry."
In ten thousand years of religious history, religions have not contributed anything - except AIDS, homosexuality, lesbianism, sadism, masochism, wars, discrimination - all kinds of crimes: killing millions of people, burning living people.
They are all based on belief.
Science - which is based on doubt - has contributed within three hundred years everything from the smallest safety pin to the rocket that reaches to the moon.
If you count the blessings that science has showered on you you will be surprised. Your clothes, your glasses, your watches, your health, your medicine, your food - everything science has improved.
Science has only been unsuccessful in improving you, because all the religions are sitting on your neck.
I want you to get rid of all the religions and become a scientific seeker.
How can you feel anger against me?
I had no idea what was happening. The moment I came to know what was happening, I immediately stopped it. It did not take much time for me to stop it. What Sheela and her gang had managed in three and a half years, I finished within three days. And they were not even able to face me; they all escaped like criminals, cowards.
Criminals cannot be brave.
At least I had expected that Sheela would have to come to say goodbye to me. But no. In fact, she deceived. She informed me that she had a cold, so in two or three days, when her cold was gone, she would see me. But she did not stay here for two or three days, the next day she was gone.
I am getting information every day about where they are, what they are doing. And they are in a tremendous fear, because they have committed every kind of crime. They should be brought back.
They will have to face the courts, and they will have to reap the crop that they have sown. It is poison.
But you are feeling angry at me because I must have known all this all the time. You impose your ideas on me, and you want me to behave accordingly.
I am not a person to accept anybody's projection, even though it is very ego-fulfilling. I don't have any ego, so there is no question. I can say to you I had no knowledge, I was absolutely ignorant of what was happening.
So drop this stupid anger. Go into the hills, shout, scream, freak out till you become calm and quiet.
Then take a good bath and be purified and new. And now start living in the commune with your own responsibility.
I am not responsible for you.
You are not responsible for me.
Everybody has to be responsible for himself. That's the only way to be an individual, the only way to have freedom, integrity.
Question 3:
There are no Rajneeshees, and there is no Rajneeshism. That was also part of this fascist regime.
You cannot be Rajneeshees because there exists nothing like that. Even I am not a Rajneeshee, so how can you be? So, first thing, forget that you are a Rajneeshee.
Second thing, the mala and red clothes are symbolic of the commune. If you don't want to wear the mala and red clothes, then pack your luggage and get lost. This is not your place, and we don't want you to be here.
This only shows how the mind moves to extremes. Either you will be a slave or you will be licentious, but you cannot be a free individual.
Your red clothes are your identification that you have dropped all old conditionings, that you are the sunrise of the new man and of the new humanity.
The mala has one hundred and eight beads. It represents the one hundred and eight methods of meditation. Any method will do. It is just to remind you continuously that one hundred and eight doors are open to bring you into light, and you are unnecessarily groping in darkness. Choose any method. I have spoken extensively on all the methods of meditation.
Dropping the mala simply means forgetting the symbolic meaning of the mala. Dropping the mala means that you don't want to meditate. If you don't want to meditate, then what the hell are you doing here? It is a meditation commune.
And why were you not walking around without the mala and without red clothes before? Cowards!
When everything was being done against humanity and against you and against the law, that was the time to revolt. That time you were just docile. And now, because nobody is forcing you, you are walking around without the mala and without red clothes. You can walk, but that means walk out.
And we don't want anything to do with such people, because these are the people who will again force the same structure.
My picture, and the locket in the mala, is simply symbolic. It is not something sacred. It is symbolic of your freedom from all religions the way I am free! It is symbolic that you are my fellow travelers. It is symbolic of your love.
It is difficult, of course, for me to hang around my neck one million lockets to show my love. It is easier for you.
On the one hand you address me, "Beloved Master" - and you cannot have the mala and the locket.
I know the reason. In the outside world, everywhere you will go you will be condemned, you will not be accepted. You will be misfits. And I want you to face the world, rather than get lost into the crowd.
My picture is enough. You will not be accepted anywhere. So you can decide. If you don't have the courage to be rejected everywhere - in your family, in your friends, in your society - you are free.
Nobody has told you to become sannyasins. You have become sannyasins on your own accord.
Naturally, if you don't want to remain sannyasins, you are perfectly welcome. But not on the streets of Rajneeshpuram.
Question 4:
First, you seem to be understanding more than I understand. In fact, you should be here and I should be sitting there. Come on! I am ready to vacate this place and I will be sitting there, and you do the job. Stand up! Now, don't chicken out!
All kinds of idiots have entered. Do you understand that there is no way to express truth in words?
Not a single enlightened person in the whole history has said that truth can be said. So whatever can be said will be a lie.
Lao Tzu, one of the greatest masters, never wrote any book. He continuously avoided his disciples persuading him, asking him, "Soon you will be gone; you are too old, and you have not given us anything written that we can remember, understand." And one day Lao Tzu left.
Even the emperor of China was a disciple of Lao Tzu. When he heard that Lao Tzu had left towards the Himalayas - that was his long, long dream, to die in the peace, the eternal peace of the Himalayas - he immediately sent messengers to all checkposts on the roads which lead to the Himalayas to say that, wherever Lao Tzu is found, he should be prevented from leaving. Unless he writes his experience he cannot leave China.
And he was caught at one of the posts on the border. The man on the post also happened to be a lover of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was a man worth loving.
He said, "It is difficult for me to prevent you, but these are orders from the emperor. And my own feeling also is that you should write the essential experience of your truth - just a small treatise and you will be allowed to go. So rest in my cottage and start writing, because otherwise you cannot go to the Himalayas."
Under such circumstances, Lao Tzu wrote his only book, TAO TE CHING. The first sentence he wrote is, "The truth cannot be said, cannot be written. Please remember it while you are reading this book.
"This is a reminder that everything that I am going to say is bound to be untrue, for the simple reason that truth is experienced in a state of your mind where no thoughts, no language exists, when there is only space and utter silence."
Now, how to bring that experience of wordlessness into words? The moment you try to bring it into words, something changes.
It is exactly like when you have a staff that is perfectly straight. But put it in water, just halfway, and you will be surprised. It is no longer straight. Pull it out, it is straight. Put it back in water, it is no more straight.
Is water doing something to the straightness of your staff? No. It is still straight, but sun rays reflect differently from water, and that creates the illusion of crookedness.
I am saying the truth, I will be saying the truth, but words have their own associations, their own meanings, their own history.
So, first, when I put my experience into words, something becomes different. Second, then you hear it, and you can hear only according to your conditionings. Then, things become farther away from my experience.
Gautam Buddha was asked one day, "Why do all enlightened people insist that truth cannot be said?
If it can be experienced, then what is the trouble? Why can it not be explained?"
And you all know - you can experience love, but can you explain it, what it is?
You all experience beauty - but can you explain what beauty is?
And these are nothing compared to truth, which is the deepest experience. If even beauty cannot be explained, love cannot be explained - and everybody is experiencing it - truth is absolutely unexplainable. Once in a while a person experiences truth, and nobody who is hearing about it has any idea what is being talked about.
Buddha said, "When I became enlightened, for seven days I did not speak a single word. I had decided not to speak my whole life because I did not want to destroy the truth of my experience. I was being persuaded, and one thing made me start speaking.
"The people who were persuading me, they said, 'You are right. There are people who will not understand; there are people who will misunderstand. But there is a third category also - it may be a very small minority, one in a million - who are just on the borderline. A little push, a little encouragement, and he will enter into the world of light, life, eternity. Won't you speak for that one man?'"
And Buddha agreed. He said, "There is no harm. Those who cannot understand me do not matter. Anyway they don't understand anything. Those who are going to misunderstand me will misunderstand everything in their life.
"I will speak for the one person in one million. Perhaps I can help one person; that is a great reward."
And he spoke for forty-two years.
But whatever he spoke is not truth.
Truth basically cannot be expressed. It is approximately true, but there are no approximately true experiences: either it is true, or it is false. Howsoever close it is to truth, it remains a lie.
So remember, please, when I said enlightened people - all enlightened people - have lied, they have lied for your sake, for that one man in one million.
And that's what I am doing.
If you want to change places, I am ready. You can think it over.
Question 5:
Why my vision? Share your vision! It is your commune. What has it to do with my vision? I am not a member of your commune. I live outside the commune and any day, if you want, I can leave this place.
Share your vision and do whatsoever you want to do. How ego works! How it finds ways!
Behind the curtain of this fascist order, you would like to dissolve the relationship between master and disciple. But I have always been saying I am not your master. So you are responsible if you think you are my disciple. I have already dropped the idea of being anybody's master. I am fed up with such people!
And now you are wanting that this commune should not be called my commune, but your commune.
Agreed. It is your commune. Just one correction.... Why should your commune share my vision?
What right do you have to share my vision? And if you share my vision, it becomes my commune.
So you can choose. Either you share your vision - and you are all blind, there is no vision, so the blind can lead the blind. And you will fall into some ditch, some creek.
But if you are sharing my vision, then this is my commune.
Question 6:
Nobody is standing in your way, but you will be breaking the law. You will have to ask the state government. You have to ask LCDC, LUBA, and if they allow you, you can make cabins anywhere you like. This city cannot give you any permission, because this city is illegal.
And we don't have any bureaucracy here. For bureaucracy you have to go to the capital, Salem. Or, if you want even bigger bureaucracy, you have to go to Washington - the White House, where every black thing is happening. But we cannot give you permission.
The land is ours, it is constitutionally our property, but the government is not functioning according to the Constitution. A strange fate - that we have to fight for the Constitution against Americans! It is their Constitution, and they are prostituting it.
You cannot make cabins; otherwise you will be arrested. So just wait a little. We have no objection.
In fact, we want all these hills to be turned lush green, with beautiful cabins in tune and harmony with nature, so this place can become one of the best resort places.
But you will be surprised, they have declared the city illegal. The city was legal for two years; they had incorporated the city. For two years it was getting support from the state and the federal government, as every city gets. Now a sudden pressure - perhaps from Christians - and they change their mind. A legal city, legally incorporated by themselves, becomes illegal.
In a way, it is good that we are a unique city in the whole world. There is no other illegal city in the world. Either there is a city, or there is no city. An illegal city is a new phenomenon.
We are fighting, but the state government - particularly the attorney general - does not want the case to be decided by federal courts. This is strange. This means the attorney general and the state of Oregon do not believe in the American Constitution and the nation's higher courts. They think those higher courts will not be fair to them. They want it to be decided by a state court, which is simply illogical to anybody.
If the state itself is involved in the case, is a party - one party is the illegal city of Rajneeshpuram, the other party is the state.... Now to decide the case in a state court means the state can pressure those judges. They are their servants. Their promotion depends on them.
This is so simple. And we are saying that because the state itself is involved, then a federal court should decide it. And we are not afraid about it, because whatever is, we are absolutely legal, constitutional. They are afraid that in the federal court they are going to lose the case. But they are in contempt of the federal courts.
They have to remember that we are not going to leave this thing. It will go up to the Supreme Court.
And fortunately the Supreme Court of America is still the most fair court in the whole world. And we are absolutely certain to win. There is no reason why five thousand people living two years, remaining legal... then without any reason suddenly they are declared illegal.
In fact, the attorney general should be responsible. If this city is illegal, then why did you incorporate it in the first place? You should have explored, inquired. You did not do your homework. Secondly, the attorney general seems to be retarded. It took him two years to find out that the city is illegal.
We are going to fight, because we are absolutely certain that the Constitution of America values truth, values freedom, values the individual, respects individual property.
So we are ready to go to the federal court, but they are trying to fight hard that the case should be decided by a state court. A state court is under the state, under the attorney general. That will be something illegal. If it happens, we are not going to participate in the case. We will boycott it. It is illegal. A party in the case is also the judge in the case. This is simply absurd.
But we cannot help you to make cabins. You will have to wait. Let the city be legal, then the city can give you the permission to make cabins. There is no problem.
We will be making them ourselves, so you don't have to put in your expenses. We have enough money.
Question 7:
That's great!