Struggling for the new man

Fri, 24 September 1985 00:00:00 GMT
Book Title:
The Wild Geese and the Water
Chapter #:
am in Rajneeshmandir
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Question 1:



Man has not evolved as far as consciousness is concerned. Thousands of years have passed; man's stupidity remains the same.

Jesus has promised to come back, but I assure you he will not come. One experience with you was enough. Who wants to be tortured and crucified again? Who wants to be sold by the same people he loved? - the same people for whom he was working his whole life, and he sacrificed himself.

And that, too, for thirty pieces of silver.

There is some flaw in Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. I am not a supporter of it. He thinks apes became men in a long process of evolution. But we have known apes for ten thousand years - not a single one has tried to become man again. And if apes can become men, then men certainly can become supermen, but there seems to be no sign at all. On the contrary, man is continuously degrading himself.

America is one of the most cultured, and the latest country in the world, with a small history of three hundred years. But in three hundred years, twenty percent of America's presidents have been assassinated. Just that fact shows that America is barbarious. And strange to say that the twenty percent who have been assassinated include the best presidents America had - Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy. They do not assassinate phony characters like Jimmy Carter, and they will not assassinate Ronald Reagan. They fit with them. They are as much retarded as the common masses are. Abraham Lincoln does not fit. He is far above the retarded people.

The average mental age of humanity is only thirteen years. This you call evolution? A man is ninety years old, and he has the mind of a thirteen year old. It is because of this retardedness that he believes all kinds of idiotic beliefs, dogmas, religions. He never questions, never inquires, never explores. He does not have consciousness enough to go on a quest for truth.

And of course the politicians don't want him to evolve. The priests don't want him to evolve, because man's evolution is their death. An evolved man, a conscious man, has no need of political leaders to tell him what is right and what is wrong. He does not require any pope, any Mother Teresa, any Ayatollah Khomeini, any Shankaracharya. In fact, these people will seem to him retarded.

So all the religions and all the political parties of the world are conspiring against humanity. To keep man enslaved, the best way is that he remains a helpless child, always in search of a father figure.

In politics he finds father figures.

In religion he finds father figures.

It is not a coincidence that Christian priests are called fathers.

I have heard: two small boys were playing, a Christian and a Jew. The Jewish boy asked - because a Christian minister had passed and the Christian boy had saluted and asked the blessings of the father.... The Jewish boy said, "It is very strange, your religion; your father has no wife, has no children. How does he become a father?"

How do women, nuns, become mother superiors? They are not married; they don't have children.

The reason is psychological: people need father figures.

Even Jesus behaves in a retarded way when he calls God the father. Many things are implied in it. Calling God the father means he cannot remain independent, on his own. He needs a great omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient father.

Jesus died on the cross in immense frustration, because all his hopes were crushed. He shouted at the sky, "Father, have you forsaken me?" But nobody bothers to think that the father has never promised anything. It was all your imagination. You create a father, far above in the sky, then you start praying to the father. And naturally your prayers are mostly not fulfilled. You know - because you are a sinner - your prayer is not authentic. Deep down you doubt, you are skeptical, and prayer is fulfilled only when there is total surrender. And that is impossible.

Doubt is something essential, something you are born with. You can repress it, but you cannot eliminate it. It is repressed, but it is within you and will not allow your surrender and belief to be total.

And naturally all the religions are telling you that you are born in sin, and you are committing sin in everything - by getting married, by having children, by eating this, by drinking that.

If you follow exactly what religions want you to do, suicide is the only virtue. You cannot live, you cannot laugh, you cannot love. Naturally, you know your prayers are not heard, not answered, because you are not worthy.

But you never look at the problem: is there anyone to listen to your prayers, or is it only your projection? Out of helplessness and fear, you create the father. And then out of misery and suffering, you pray.

Once in a while a prayer is fulfilled. That is simply coincidence. That does not prove the reality of God or the reality of prayer.

It happened, once a man used to meet me when I used to go for a morning walk. He was the only other man up that early in the morning. We became sort of friends. He told me, "I am a great believer in the monkey god Hanuman."

Indians have strange gods. It is good that Darwin never came to India; otherwise he would have used this monkey god as one of the proofs that man has come from the monkeys. Man is still worshipping his forefathers - and it looks logical.

But Indians worship trees; Indians worship rivers. Indians worship phallic symbols - absolutely pornographic. India is really a museum of all the bizarre and berserk. It is one of the oldest countries; it has collected really antique stupidities, and continues.

The man said to me, "I am a worshipper of Hanuman, the monkey god. Hanuman is a true god."

I said, "You are the first man.... Just tell me a little more. How did you manage to find out that he is a true god?"

He said, "My son was out of service, without employment. I prayed to Hanuman and gave him an ultimatum, 'If within a month my son does not get employment, I will stop worshipping you.' And my son got the employment within the month. I have absolute proof that Hanuman is a real god."

I said, "You keep your proof and remain happy, but never try it again. Coincidences do not happen every day."

He said, "What do you mean?"

I said, "Your wife is sick, suffering from cancer. Give it a try again. Threaten your monkey god, 'If within one month the cancer does not disappear, I am going to stop worshipping you.'"

He said, "That is a good idea, because I never thought about it." But rather than the cancer disappearing, his wife died. He was very angry at Hanuman.

I said, "It is all you. There is no monkey god; it is your projection. Sometimes as a coincidence your prayer is fulfilled. Sometimes, most of the times, it is not fulfilled."

But he said, "This is too much. I had asked him to remove the cancer, and he has removed my wife!"

Still he is thinking that the monkey god exists.

People need some protection from above, particularly retarded people. They have created God.

They have created mediators - the popes, shankaracharyas, Khomeinis. There are millions of these mediators around the world. They are parasites, and their whole business depends on one thing: that God should continue to exist. And I say to you, there is no God.

You are here. If you want to live a life enriched with love, music, poetry - if you want your life not to be something like a burden that you carry from the cradle to the grave, but a dance - then you have to evolve your intelligence, your awareness, your consciousness. Nobody is going to help you, and nobody is going to save you. All saviors are false - exploiters. All prophets are taking advantage of your stupidity.

The new man will not have any messiahs, prophets, saviors, god-men. There is no need. These are the needs of those who have remained stuck in their mental growth.

I want to emphasize the point that if a man can have ninety years of physical age and thirteen years of mental age, the vice versa is also possible, and should be made possible.

A thirteen-year-old boy can have the mind and mental age of a ninety-year-old man. And that will be the day of rejoicing, when your mental age is ahead of your physical age. That is the beginning of a superman, the beginning of the new man, a new humanity.

Then no cowboy film actors can become your presidents. Then millions of idiots cannot gather to see a football match. Then there will be a totally different perceptivity about things.

A California university has been surveying for one year and has come to the conclusion that every time there is a boxing match, violence in California increases immediately - thirteen percent more than the normal. The people who enjoy seeing boxing are really satisfying their own violence, getting excited.

Why does the violence rate all over the state increase? And they have been studying only violence.

They should study rape and other crimes too, and they will find an increase in every crime. Knowing this, why is boxing not made a crime?

It is a crime - a thirteen percent increase in the rate of violence for the following whole week. How many murders will happen? And who is responsible for it? And what do your politicians go on doing?

It is a simple understanding, that boxing should be banned. Can't you find something, some entertainment that helps to make you more human, rather than making you more animal?

Boxing is dragging you backwards; but Muhammad Ali, and people like that, are your heroes. If Muhammad Ali and people like him remain your heroes, you are going to crucify Jesus. It does not matter whether two thousand years have passed or not.

Evolution needs a certain structure. It needs a certain education. It needs a certain sensitivity.

Entertainments should be a raising of your consciousness.

Mikhail Naimy's book, THE BOOK OF MIRDAD, should be filmed, should be shown to people. Just seeing that film you will feel a great upliftment. The book should be made available to every library, to every university, but most of the people have not even heard the name of Mikhail Naimy. His book - one of the greatest masterpieces of art, beauty, meditation, consciousness - remains unknown to the major part of humanity.

What do the universities go on doing? They are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. They are not creating the universal consciousness in man.

Even universities go on teaching you, "You are American, you are Russian, you are Indian." At least universities should stop this nonsense. Universities should teach you that you are human. Color makes no difference, and there are no boundaries on the earth. The whole earth is ours.

If all the universities of the world start teaching you to be human - not Christian, not Mohammedan, not Hindu, not Buddhist - there will be a possibility of evolution. But, on the contrary, there are Catholic universities. How is it possible? It is a contradiction in terms. A university has to be universal; it cannot be Catholic. There are Hindu universities, there are Mohammedan universities.

Even education is contaminated, polluted.

Ronald Reagan was proposing that, in every educational institution, prayer should become compulsory. In the first place, prayer can never be compulsory. Anything compulsory is hated.

Secondly, which prayer are you going to make - Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu?

Who is going to decide?

The proposal was absolutely absurd. And it is good that the Supreme Court of America refused it.

It is a pressuring of educational systems by the government.

But I would like the Supreme Court to consider again - not prayer, but meditation.

Meditation does not belong to any religion. In fact, meditation makes you capable of dropping your Christianity, your Judaism, your Hinduism, because now you know the real truth of your being, which is not in your holy scriptures, which cannot be in anything given to you from outside. It has to be discovered by yourself. It is your freedom to discover it or not.

Meditation is not religious. Meditation is a scientific method. Atheists can practice this; no God is needed. Prayer needs a God. For meditation no belief is needed, no requisite. Meditation is simply a method to enter into your innermost being and to become more conscious.

Right now, man's consciousness is very superficial. One-tenth of your being is conscious. Your unconscious is nine times more than your consciousness. It is as if just on your porch you have a little candle, and the whole house which has many rooms is in utter darkness. Your whole house has to be lighted. In that light is transformation.

If a man becomes fully conscious there is no corner of darkness in his being which is unconscious.

He cannot commit a crime. He cannot do anything wrong - not because you have told him, not because the BIBLE says so, not because the ten commandments are there, no. Now he has his own insight.

Now he can see himself what is right and what is wrong. And seeing, nobody falls in a well. In darkness it is possible to fall in a well. Seeing, nobody can do anything wrong. But seeing is possible only when there is no darkness within you.

A fully conscious human being is the new man. We are struggling for the new man.

That's why I go on destroying your conditionings. My whole effort is to deprogram you and make you clean - as clean, as pure, as innocent as you were when you were born.

You were not born a Christian, you were not born Jewish; you were born just an innocent potentiality of growth which has been stopped by the vested interests. And those vested interests are still in power. They are doing their best to destroy any possibility for human evolution.

My people have to fight for their own sake and for the sake of humanity. First, become enlightened, and then spread your light to anybody who is interested.

Everybody is interested. Who would not like to become more conscious, more alive, more loving, more compassionate? Just models are needed. People are needed who can create a tremendous urge in others that they can also have the same joy, the same dance, the same song and the same fragrance.

The politicians and the priests are still not on their deathbed. We will have to put them on their deathbed. They will resist, but what to do? Either they have to become part of an evolutionary process or they have to disappear from the earth.

No more crucifixion can be allowed. We have done enough crime against the potential growth of humanity. It is time that it should be stopped. But the only way to stop is: begin with yourself. You should become an example - that you are neither Hindu, nor Mohammedan, nor Christian, that you don't believe in God, heaven and hell; that you don't believe that you are American, Russian, Indian, that you claim the whole earth to be yours, that you claim the universe to be yours.

It is our home. There is no need to divide it. Division brings war, bloodshed. Politicians want it to remain divided.

In an undivided humanity, politicians will be out of employment. An undivided humanity - then what does the Polack pope have to do? Go to Poland and become really what he is, just a Polack.

Humanity is the greatest flowering of existence. And existence has given you a responsibility; it has trusted you that now you will carry evolution further. But for ten thousand years or more there has not been any change at all.

It is very shameful. It is ugly, disgusting.

My people have to free themselves from all conditions. Meditate deeply. Move beyond your thoughts, emotions, and search for the center of the cyclone. There is a center in each of you - the very source of your life. It has to be found.

It should be the goal of your life to find it. Once you are there, everything will go through a revolution.

All the revolutions that have happened before - French revolution, Russian revolution, Chinese revolution - are not revolutions, just changes of power gangs, changes from one mafia to another mafia.

The real revolution is only one, and that happens within you, within each individual. And it has to be done really fast, because the idiotic politicians of the world are preparing for a global suicide by nuclear weapons.

Now there are two dangers for the destruction of humanity. One comes from politicians - the nuclear weapons. The other comes from religions - the disease called AIDS.

Religions have contributed nothing except this great thing, AIDS. AIDS is born out of homosexuality.

Religions - all the religions of the world - have been teaching celibacy, which is unnatural, unscientific. And I am amazed, not a single scientist, not a single medical expert will say the truth:

that celibacy is impossible.

It is programmed in your biology. Just as a woman has to go through her monthly period - she cannot do anything about it, it is part of her biology - in the same way, man, by his food, by his exercise, by his work, goes on creating male sperms.

And he has only a small space for them. When the space is full, they want to get out. And it seems to be logical, because they are alive and they want to get out into the world and grow and become beings. If you don't give them a natural outlet, then they will find some unnatural outlet.

If monasteries keep only men, and nunneries keep only women, then naturally men will become homosexuals. Homosexuality is a by-product of the religious stupidity of insisting on celibacy. Unless you prevent celibacy being preached from all the platforms in churches, in temples, in mosques, you cannot get rid of homosexuality. And homosexuality has come to a climax in the disease AIDS, which has no cure. AIDS is simply slow suicide.

So politicians have created death for you, and your religious leaders have created death for you.

And it is time to revolt against both. But you can revolt against both only if you go through an inner revolution which will give you strength, stamina, courage, guts and insight.

Question 2:




Yes, maturation is an ongoing process. There is no limit to it - not even the sky is the limit. Your consciousness is far bigger than the whole universe. It is infinitely infinite. You cannot come to a point where you can say, "Enough." There is always more and more. There is always a possibility to go on growing. And growing, maturing is such a beautiful experience, that who wants to stop it?

We are stopped in every way. Even a great scientist like Albert Einstein has used only fifteen percent of his intelligence. What to say about ordinary people? - they never use more than five percent.

Just think, if Einstein was capable of using one hundred percent of his intelligence he would have given the world unimaginable richness.

And if everybody is using his consciousness one hundred percent, then who would like to go to heaven and live with those dead saints, dodos, masochists, whose only qualification was self- torture? - which is simply a psychological disease.

If everybody uses one hundred percent intelligence, we can create paradise here. There is no need to go anywhere. We can give man as long a life as he wants, as healthy a life as he wants. We can create so much wealth that it becomes just like air - nobody needs to hoard it.

Using your intelligence totally, means the beginning of maturity.

Awareness is only a methodology. First, become aware of how much intelligence you are using, or are you using it at all? Belief, faith, are not intelligent. It is taking a decision against your intelligence.

Awareness is a methodology to watch how much intelligence you are using. And just in that watching you will see that you are not using much. There are many ways awareness will make you alert. You can use it.

Awareness will bring you to your one hundred percent intelligence, will make you almost divine. And awareness does not stop there. Awareness helps you to use your intelligence fully.

Intelligence is your outgoing road, connecting you to the world, to the objects. Intelligence will give you more science, more technology. In fact, there is no need for man to work anymore, if we can use our intelligence. Machines can do almost everything. And you need not go on carrying, according to Jesus, the cross on your shoulders. That is stupid.

Machines can do everything, and you are freed for the first time from slavery; otherwise, it is only in name that you feel you are free. But you have to earn the bread, you have to earn some money to make a shelter, a house, money for medicine, money for other things.

So it seems you are independent, but you are not. The old slavery is no more there; now you are not chained, but there are invisible chains - your children, your old parents, your sick wife, your job.

Man is not yet free. He is working eight hours, and still carrying files home. Working late in the night at home, working on Sundays. Still the files go on growing on his table, and there seems to be no end to it. Enter any office and you will see these people, see these people's tables. Can you call them free? Just think about yourself: are you really free?

There is only one possibility: supertechnology, which can do all the work and man will be completely free to be creative. You can play your guitar, sing your song. You can paint, you can make sculptures.

You can do thousands of things to beautify this earth. You can make beautiful gardens, ponds.

There is so much to be done to make this earth beautiful. Even if there is a God he may start feeling jealous, thinking that it was wrong to drive Adam and Eve out of heaven; those people are doing far better. And there will be no surprise - if there is a God, one day he will knock on your doors and will say, "May I come in?"

Awareness will release your intelligence, will make you mature. And then maturity goes on growing.

Ordinarily you simply grow old, you don't grow up. Growing old is one thing, growing up is totally different. All animals grow old: no animal, except man, can grow up. Growing old simply means you are coming closer to your death - not much of an achievement. Growing up means you are coming to realize the deathless, the eternal which has no beginning and no end. All fear disappears. All paranoia disappears. You are not mortals.

Growing old, you are mortals. Growing up, you become immortals. You know you will be changing many houses. You will be changing many forms, but each form will be better than the past one, because you are growing, you are maturing. You deserve better forms, better bodies. And, finally, there comes a moment when you don't need any body. You can remain just pure consciousness spread all over existence. It is not a loss, it is a gain.

A dewdrop slipping from the lotus leaf into the ocean.... You can think the poor drop is lost, has lost its identity. But just look from a different dimension: the drop has become the ocean. He has not lost anything, he has become vast. He has become oceanic.

Awareness is the method to first wake up your intelligence, then to wake up your being, then to help you become mature, give you the realization of immortality, and ultimately to make you one with the whole.

Question 3:





That sentence is not mine. I have quoted Lord Acton, so a few things have to be clarified.

I agree with him to a certain extent, but basically I disagree with him. His quotation is, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

This is a factual experience of the whole history of man. Whoever comes to power, goes through a great change. A man you have never thought would do such criminal acts starts doing them on a large scale.

When Adolf Hitler was chosen by Germany to be the chancellor - and remember, Germany is one of the most intelligent countries in the world, seriously intelligent. They are so serious that they cannot understand any jokes. But there are no two opinions about their intellectuality. They have given to the world the best philosophers like Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, Freud, Marx, Albert Einstein. In every field they have contributed. In music, in poetry, in literature. Just one problem with them: they don't have a sense of humor.

I have heard that if you tell a joke to an Englishman he laughs two times: first, just to be polite to you - it is expected, you are telling a joke; not to laugh is ungentlemanly. He does not understand what is the matter, but just to look nice he follows etiquette. He is a gentleman, he laughs. And the second time, he laughs in the middle of the night when he gets the joke.

The German laughs only once - that too, when he sees that others are laughing, so there must be something in it. Next time never comes.

But if you tell a joke to a Jew he does not laugh at all. On the contrary, he says, "Stop all this nonsense. The joke is very old, stale. Secondly, you are telling it all wrong!"

Such a serious country, and they fell into the hands of an idiot. Even Charlie Chaplin would have been better. If they wanted the same type of mustache, Charlie Chaplin was capable of doing it.

What happened? Adolf Hitler was not a bad man in the beginning. In fact, the whole country felt that he was capable of bringing the chaos in the country to an end, he could make the country strong.

And he did that, but once he was in power then his own personality started going into a change.

Now it was not a question of making Germany strong, financially rich. Now it became a question of conquering the whole world. What happened? - and this has been happening always.

So, factually, Lord Acton is right, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But Lord Acton himself was a politician. He cannot go very deep into the psychology of the matter.

Power does not corrupt; it simply gives you an opportunity to bring all your unconscious into the conscious. You always wanted to do these things, but there was no opportunity. So you had repressed all those desires, because they were making you miserable. But any desire repressed remains alive and, whenever there is an opportunity, the desire rises to the conscious mind.

Power does not corrupt you; you are already corrupted. Power gives you an opportunity to realize whatever your desires are. In fact, the people who have been in power are themselves amazed.

They had never consciously thought about it. It was all in the dark corners of their minds, hiding. But now there is opportunity; there is no need to keep those desires repressed. They start surfacing.

So to me, basically, psychologically, power simply gives you an opportunity to show your real face; otherwise, you are wearing a mask, a nice, smiling Jimmy Carter smile.

Power gives you the chance not to wear the mask. You can show your real intentions and nobody can prevent you. And if it is absolute power, then certainly you are going to do every animal act that is part of your collective unconscious.

I have to remind you there are three layers of your consciousness: the conscious - the first, very thin layer. You can scratch just a little bit and the unconscious will erupt. Then there is this unconscious - nine times bigger than your conscious.

And the latest, and the greatest contribution of Carl Gustav Jung, is that beyond the unconscious there is still a tremendous darkness which is the collective unconscious. You have been carrying all that you have been for millions of years. You have changed your forms, but your unconscious goes on carrying all those memories.

Scientists say man was born in the ocean, so the first form must have been a fish. And the child in the mother's womb in nine months passes through the whole evolution of man. And it is strange: if you take a picture every day for nine months you will discover the whole long history of each human being.

First the child is a fish, and at the last, before he becomes a human child, he is a monkey - even with a tail! And before he completes the circle in nine months and becomes a human child, the tail drops. But the place where the tail was connected to you, the bones which were holding the tail, remain with you all your life.

That was the greatest argument of Charles Darwin, that man has come from monkeys. He has just lost his tail and has stood on two feet. And because he has stood on two feet, he has grown a certain intelligence.

And he is right about it, because all animals are horizontal to the earth, so the blood circulates to the head, to the tail, in the same proportion. Their heads cannot grow the very subtle nervous system which is needed for intelligence.

In your small skull you have millions of small nerves. They are so thin you cannot see them with your eyes. They are so thin that if you put one nerve cell on top of another, then one hundred nerve cells will be as thick as your hair. They are really delicate. Because man stood on two feet, blood could not reach to the head in the same proportion - it was against gravitation. Small quantities reach.

That allowed the whole structure of the mind to develop.

You may not have observed that you feel so relaxed after sleep; all worries, all tensions are gone. In the morning you feel so fresh. The reason is you fall down from humanity into a horizontal position; you become an animal. And an animal has no tensions, no worries. The blood circulation becomes equal to your mind and feet: that's why in the morning you feel so fresh.

Seeing this freshness, this morning aliveness, yoga got into a trap. They thought that if horizontal blood flow can give you so much mental relaxation, then standing on your head will be really great, because all the blood will be flowing like a flood, because now it will be in tune with the gravitation.

Your feet will not be getting enough blood, and your head will be flooded. But their logic was not right. That much of a flood destroys your mind tissues; they are too delicate for that much blood.

In India, I have never seen a single intelligent Hindu sannyasin who has been practicing the headstand. They are just super-idiots, for the simple reason that they have destroyed....

Yes, you will see them very calm and quiet - just like buffalos munching grass, so calm and quiet.

Have you seen any buffalo bored? any buffalo worried? in anxiety? in tension? asking about the meaning of life? thinking, "What is anguish?"

No, for a buffalo all these problems don't exist. She does not have that delicacy. And the people who have been standing on their head for hours become buffalos. Yes, you will see them very calm and quiet, but don't be deceived by their calmness and quietness. They have paid for it; they have lost their intelligence.

The human child passes through all the stages humanity has passed, and your collective unconscious has all the memories. You may have been a lion, you may have been a tiger, you may have been a fox. In your past lives you may have taken all these forms. That means, if you get absolute power, all these forms will start arising.

If you have power - not absolute power - then only your unconsciousness will affect your actions.

But if you have absolute power, then your collective unconscious will start affecting your actions.

So it is not power that corrupts; it is that power simply reveals your reality.

You are asking me, what can be done to prevent it? The only way to prevent it is that you should enter as a witness, first of your conscious mind, thoughts, imaginations, etcetera - just be a witness to them without any judgment.

And you will be surprised. As your witnessing becomes more and more crystallized, thoughts start disappearing. When you are one hundred percent crystallized, all thoughts disappear.

Consciousness becomes just a pure silence.

Now you can move deeper. Now you can turn your witness and enter into the darkness of the unconscious, where you will find all that you have been told to repress.

Telling to a fourteen or fifteen-year-young boy that celibacy is a virtue, that he has to remain celibate until he has come from the university and he gets married, you are simply asking the impossible.

At the age of eighteen man has the most sexual power. After eighteen he starts declining. It is at the age of eighteen that he comes to the peak of his sexual energy, and he can have tremendously significant orgasms. And he is capable of having three, four, five orgasms in one night. When he was able to have orgasms, he was told to remain celibate. He repressed his energy, or he became a pervert. He became a homosexual or he started masturbating.

But in all the countries even doctors go on telling people that masturbation will make you crazy, will make you mad. This is sheer nonsense. In fact, to get rid of sexual energy which is too much, masturbation is the most hygienic method. And at the age of eighteen, if you can be taught masturbation with meditation, your whole life will be a totally different life. Not a life of misery, suffering, sadness, frustration, but a life of sheer dance and song.

That's what I will teach people. When they are at the peak of their sexual energy, that is the moment when they can have orgasm very easily. And now the Pill is available, so there is no problem. Boys and girls should be living in the same hostels. They should be making love. The fear of getting pregnant is no more there. Now love is, for the first time, pure fun. And joined with meditation it becomes sacred fun.

No prayer, no church-going can help you to understand what I am saying. No HOLY BIBLE can give you the insight.

But if the girl is not available, then help people with masturbation. Teach them how you have to be meditative. And when you come to a peak and you explode into an orgasmic joy, watch. Be alert.

This is absolutely medical, scientific, and to me, spiritual. But this is not being done. They are being told lies: that you will go crazy if you masturbate. Then you are driving them towards homosexuality.

Girls you keep in separate hostels. Boys you keep in separate hostels. Masturbation will lead them to madness - nobody wants to be mad. So what alternative have you left for them? All these imbeciles who have been teaching these things drive people towards homosexuality. And a man becoming homosexual is in a great danger. Now we know that he can have AIDS, which will not have any cure.

Between the age of fourteen and twenty-five, while he will be in the university, he is in every way repressed. In the unconscious he will find all these repressions. But if he remains just a witness, those repressions will surface to the conscious and disappear. That is the miracle of witnessing.

When the whole unconscious is empty, then ordinary power cannot corrupt you.

The third step has to be taken now: to enter into the collective unconscious. And you are capable of it. The same method: witness. You may witness yourself as a tiger, as a fox, as a dog, as a wolf - all are the possibilities. Different people will come to realize different forms, because different people have come from different sources.

Just witness. Those forms will start surfacing; they will move into the conscious and disappear.

Anything that you can bring to the consciousness with witnessing, disappears. And if you can clean, give a spring-cleaning to your whole consciousness, to the very bottom, then no power can corrupt you - not even absolute power can corrupt you. In fact, on the contrary, power will make you more humble, more creative. Absolute power will make you a great servant of humanity, a great blessing to existence.

This is the only way. You cannot prevent others, but you can transform yourself.

And the new humanity will choose such people to be the presidents, to be the prime ministers, to be vice-chancellors, chancellors - people who have a completely pure consciousness.

I call it enlightenment. All darkness has disappeared and everything has become light.

The enlightened person will have power, but his power will be used for sharing love, for creating more opportunities for love. His absolute power will make him absolutely humble.

Sannyasins have to cleanse themselves. We have one million sannyasins around the world at least.

If we can cleanse just a few thousand sannyasins, then those will be the people who will be holding power in the coming days. And they will transform the whole humanity and its course.


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"We are disturbed about the effect of the Jewish influence on our press,
radio, and motion pictures. It may become very serious. (Fulton)

Lewis told us of one instance where the Jewish advertising firms
threatened to remove all their advertising from the Mutual System
if a certain feature was permitted to go on the air.

The threat was powerful enough to have the feature removed."

-- Charles A. Lindberg, Wartime Journals, May 1, 1941.

[Zionism, chabad, Nazi, ZioNazi, Judeo-Nazi, racism, fascism,
Illuminati, Freemason, NWO, lucifer, satan]