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Waves originate in the upper layers of the sea. They are caused by the wind; and so the wind can be said to have that power. So too, the mind of the intelligent man is full of thoughts and opinions. When the proper atmosphere is present, these spring up and roll in from all directions. In the same manner, the Lord is manifest in the picture or image which one worships; but is this due to any special excellence of the picture or image? No. The picture, the photo, the image, these are and remain as picture, photo and image. The fact is that on account of the intensity of the devotion of the Bhaktha, the Lord cannot desist from manifesting Himself for him. For that reason, He assumes Form; the Form that Blesses, in stone, wood or paper that the Bhaktha contemplates and meditates upon and worships. He materialised from a pillar for the sake of Prahlada! For Markandeya, He issued from a Linga! In order to fulfil the yearning of the Bhaktha, Hari, the Immanent Basic Being of the Universe, will come, in any Form, in anything, at any place. But you have to pray to the Lord, with one-pointed concentration. This type of single-mindedness comes out of Sathwaguna only; and that again is the product of Dhyanam. Therefore, you must cultivate good qualities and in order that these may develop, you should desire the company of the good, Sathsanga. Your real companions from whom you derive the maximum good are those who talk and discourse about the Lord, about truth, about the Seva of others and about Prema that considers all as equal. Association with such is certainly association with Sadhus, for these are the real Sadhus. Those who never speak of the Lord, or those who are not even aware of Him; who are busy multiplying and strengthening the bonds of Samsara; who preach and practise falsehood, injustice and oppression and who advise you to stray from the path of Dharma; treat these, not as your friends, but as people to be avoided at all cost. Theirs is the company of wicked men, the Dussanga. Associating with such leads to the commissions of wrongs against your will, the utterance of words which should not be uttered, the doing of deeds that should not be done; and consequently, treading the downward road to ruin. Men who have neither the fear of sin nor the fear of God are capable
of venturing into any wickedness; that is no cause for surprise. So, seek
the company of those possessed of these two fears; this is the true Sathsanga.
The company of persons who have not even an iota of these two is the Dussanga
which you should dread. The Sadhaka must always yearn for Sathsanga. In
that company, there is no chance for the growth of greed or for Icchasakthi
to attain anything. Whether easily available or not, seek and join only
Sathsanga. Seek and realise permanent satisfaction and contentment. Do
not distract yourself, pursuing temporary satisfaction. |