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It is profitless for a true Sadhaka to associate with men who spend their time in worldly affairs. If you do not secure friends of the type I mentioned, be solitary, without associates; you do not lose anything thereby. Never even think of the company of the wicked. Do not get entangled in their wiles; if possible, when you get the chance, advise them about the right, but do not yield to their words. In fact, you must not entertain even the desire to be in the place where they are present. If you cultivate these characteristics, then both Japam and Dhyanam will become easy for you and they will yield quick results. The Jivanmukthas, the realised souls, are as the lighthouses that point out the way to ships caught in blinding darkness in mid-ocean. The spiritual lighthouses show the way to those who struggle helplessly in the thick night of ignorance. All are born out of the womb of the One Lord. Just as many varieties of fish and crabs and aquatic creatures move about inside a big tank, multitudes of human beings move about in the sea called the Lord. This is indeed a very awesome scene. Some are undeveloped, some underdeveloped; they swim around, greedy and selfish. In the midst of this crowd of ignorant beings, there are a few highly developed souls, Jnanis and Yogis. Since these latter are mixed up with the ignorant crowd, it becomes difficult to distinguish the Wise from the others. A microscope is necessary to identify the red corpuscles in the blood; similarly, we need a special microscope to find out who are the Jnanis; that microscope is no other than Dhyanam. It is really a source of amazement, this creation and the wonder with which it is filled. But considering present conditions, there are very few who watch for Light and who are guided by the Light. So, instead of following this person and that, and taking devious roads and getting lost, it is best to place full faith in the Lord Himself and rely on Him as the only Mother, Father, Guru and Guide. Then you will never lose the right path. He will never direct you to the wrong path. To have that firm faith and that experience one must take to Dhyana; that is the one and only means. It is enough if the Name and Form of the Lord are meditated upon with Prema and with Faith; and you can choose the Name and the Form which you like most. For this spiritual discipline you must cultivate the quality of being always joyful; with smile on the face; this will give you good distinction. People will also like you more. And so, the Lord too will have joy on seeing you. Therefore, observe Dhyanam with innocence, purity and humility. Then you can attain without fail, whatever you strive for. Do not lose
your temper in any situation; do not lose courage in any contingency.
Respect every one, whatever his status. Then the quality of universal
Prema will develop in you. As a result, Dhyanam will progress without
disturbance. |