Preface A
The Hebrew word for knowledge. It is an
existing/non-existing 11th sephirah on the Tree of Life, the "Gateway to the
Other World" (and to the shadow-side of the tree), thence leading to the 22
qliphotic tunnels and their demonic sentinels. By the same token, it is the same
doorway through which death, non-existence and Hell come into life. Power
brokers who seek knowledge of the left-handed path of darkness must be warned
that ego feeds on ignorance.
Intricate. So-called after Daedalous, the
artist who built the labyrinth of Crete.
The guardian of the 14th tunnel of Set, the equivalent of the
Empress, but here degraded to a prostitute. Her magic is love philtres.
Sicknesses are venereal diseases and nymphomania.
National god of the Phillistines; half fish/half
man. Sometimes confused with DOGON.
Translation of Aurora Favonio,
part of a qabalistic seal. Prophetic of the atomic bomb vs. spiritual awakening.
"Mental materiality". Life becomes more and
more "mental" until death (even as death becomes more and more physical until
We should not dwell on the psychic envelopes
that remain behind for those wraiths, ghosts, apparitions and so on who must
make their way the best they can from the clues of their predecessors. Nor
should we dally with the shells of the qlipoth attending the sephiroth. The
normal soul for whom, from below, the gates appear as the gates of extinction
and from above the gates of birth (or vice-versa) has no time for leisurely
observation. Nor does the yogin, for whom death is merely a higher state of medi
tation, require distraction. But we magicians should stop for a moment at the
pylons themselves, at the door of the Abyss, the pause before lingam joins yoni,
we should linger and observe the transitional threshold.
Death and sex are not merely metaphorically identical, but physically so.
Since death (the second, total death, after the yesodic stage) results in
instant rebirth, it is obvious that birth and death are the entrance and
withdrawal motions of cosmic coit us on a slow-action timescale over successive
The 13th Arcanum, lettered Nun, "The
World of Truth". In esoteric philosophy, Death is considered a gateway between
modes of being. The Abyss, which all magicians must cross unaided, is part of
the path of Death, but not entirely. On the Tree, the gateway to the darkside is
the existent/non-existent portal of Da�th, but the pathway of the Death
Arcanum lies between Tiphareth (rebirth) and Netzach (the individual). Notice
the message, however, which is that the severed heads and limbs ar e the "fruit"
which has ripened and fallen from the Tree of Life.
The Egyptians in their preoccupation with death were not being morbid. It is
difficult for contemporary man to see the importance of keeping a link to the
past. The Egyptian custom of embalming the dead served an existential as well as
a metaphysical purpose. It was an indication of their total commitment to the
past and their veneration of it.
For Crowley, the Atu is the "Death" of The Son, or His sacrifice, which in
our terms is His birth into this life.
Justi.) Death in union with orgasm - since the orgasm is the affirmation of
the body and death is the rejection of the body, exact simultaneity is
difficult. One will generally precede the other.
Austin Osman Spare's
(auto-erotic) trance-state, in the Zos Kia Cultus, for receiving the
divine mudra of Death,
in which, says Grant, "the world of appearance ceases
and its noumenal source is revealed." Normally this can happen only at the point
of physical death itself.
(Sitra Achara as opposed to the
Star of David.) Another term for "Universe B". Dr. Philip S. Berg in The
Power of Aleph Beth informs us that the force of darkness constantly seeks
to destroy Creation. Evil, for the Qabalist, is a necessity without which the
Universe would revert to its former condition "which allowed no relief from the
burden of 'Bread of Shame.'"
A project amongst some hi-IQ groups or bodies
of experts, involving many "consultants" and based on stochastical principles to
obtain a consensual or "average" response to any given question.
The ultimate confusion of
psychedelic psychosis results in extreme terror because one becomes lost in an
abyss of meaningful connections. The conscious mind spends most of its time
keeping the contents of the chaotic cosmos from overwhelming it. In order to do
this it creates a delusional self, an anchor of "pretended" reality with roots
in the past and continuity through the present times. When the delusional self
is dissolved by the mystical experience, or by physical shock (such as imminent
death), the mind explodes into an uncontrollable paroxysm (or orgasm) of
Clockwise, to the right, in the direction of
the sun. This is the direction of God, so deosil operations are positive and
powerful. (See WIDDERSHINS.)
The Land where the Gods are reborn. Life's
threshold, located between the manvataras and between earth-lives. The higher
realm above the astral (Skt. and Tibetan deva, "light" + chan,
"dwelling place"). Madame Blavatsky, in writing of the realm of Devachan and the
"wheatfields of Aanroo", is careful to point out that Manas splits here, after
death, between the higher and lower minds. Only the higher mind remains. The
lower, self-directed mind goes with the kama-rupa to the "Abode of Shells", or
the place of the Hebrew Qlipoth. Our "I" or "atman" (with small a) rejoins that
spiritual part of itself that is not incarnated, and as "Atman (large A), it
proceeds on through the aionic planets. According to HPB, in Devachan we relive
the totality of our past lives and re-experience our "enduring selfhood". We
relive the trans-personal "I" which our labors, filtered through numberless
incarnations, have made of the monadic essence which we originally introduced
into form. The visualized solar system is the materialistic waste of an
as-above-so-below operation. Hence all archetypes and ideas ultimately surface
to the material world. Here we blueprint all the evolutions and involutions
("Not the One in many, but the oneness of the Many"). Rulers of these
archetype-beings along with their human evolution make up the
Dhyan-Choans, gods or "contemplative lords".
There are rare beings who sacrifice their rest, Devachan or Nirvana to remain
earthbound in continual rebirth out of compassion for mankind. Animals, though
their astral bodies possess some temporary survival potential, have no
ego-manas, hence no Devachan. The animal monad can reincarnate only as a higher
species. By the same token, HPB states (Secret Doctrine), "Eastern
philosophy rejects the Western theological dogma of a newly-created soul for
every baby born, as being as unphilosophical as it is impossible in the economy
of nature. There must be a limited number of monads growing..."
Prior to Zoroaster and the Forth, or present, race, there was no Devachan,
but only rebirth, phoenix-like out of the ashes of the previous body. Xtianity
teaches the doctrine of the Old Third Race in which there is no higher Manas and
the human monad does not reincarnate until the Second Coming.
In orthodox Xtianity there is no rebirth - only literal resurrection on the
Day of Judgment with Christ's return (this opening of graves does not accompany
the return of Zoroaster, Kalki or the Maitreya Buddha). Also, unlike the
Theosophical version of the hereafter, there is no comparable split of spirit
from soul in orthodox Xtianity. Reincarnation is a Gnostic or Neoplatonic heresy
(Plato called this the "Realm of Ideas").
The 15th Arcanum, lettered Ayin.
Connects Hod (Knowledge) and Tiphareth (Beauty). It is clearly the pathway of
error. The Devil is always illusion, delusion and disillusion. the material
world is illusion. Only spirit is real and eternal. As we operate best from a
position of confidence, the Devil is the opposite position of doubt. Thus, for
the true initiate, the temptations of the Devil are not difficult to resist. In
divination, the Devil is the actual source of the problem, which may or may not
be hidden from the conscious mind.
15 = 1+5 = 6, hence the Devil is another aspect of Enigma VI, "The Lovers".
Thus, if the Lovers represents a choice, the Devil represents the
negative result of that choice. As the epitome of "Earth" he bears the sign of
Capricorn and holds sway over all the four elements. Esoterically, according to
Crowley, the Devil represents mere physical (or "gross") procreation, strictly
on the physical level.
Gods or "contemplative lords".
All things are one and separation is
an illusion, but we are "separated" from reality for the purpose of maximizing
experience. The nature of the universe is mind. the purpose of mind is to know
itself, and knowing can be done only through particularization.
We must, therefore, respect the differences between one another and honor the
wisdom of the individual. Sameness is not an imitation of divinity; it is dross.
That which in society is undifferentiated is ugly, evil and dangerous.
The only number of value is One, the number of divinity. No common thread
connects things unless it is their complementarity or synergy. Things partake of
divinity in proportion to their uniqueness. All power comes from the One, the
number of the Magician. All great things, all beautiful or important things
reach perfection once and once only. Thus there is no separate "Creator God"
apart from his "Creation". That would mean diversity is a lie. Still, diversity
is the nature of the One and there is only One. Separation is the illusion, not
differentiation. The One mirrors itself, differentiating according to our
attention. In Crowley's words, "Every man and every woman is a star."
An Arcadian initiate or priestess of
Mantinaea, legendary or not, who taught Socrates the "Ladder of Love", which
runs the gamut from physical Eros to the love of the philosophical and
universal. Socrates invoked it as converting him from sodomy and from there went
into a tribute to Philosophy.
A right-wing secret
organization said to control the world, descended from the Bavarian Illuminati.
Now loosely associated with the new Golden Dawn's Neo-Thelemites, who (as far as
we know) are not political and do not derive in an unbroken line from the
Works on the principle that meaningful
coincidence, or synchronicity, is not the exception, but the rule of reality.
All things and events reflect all other things and events in past, present and
future. The trick is merely learning how to read the meaning in the connection.
Thus astrology is the correlation of simultaneously parallel events in heaven
and earth, the patterns in tea leaves indicate comparable patterns in life, and
so on. (See TAROT
Entity of whom Alice Bailey was an
The spinal column of Osiris. It is important
because originally there were arms still attached, still grasping the flail and
crook, thus indicating that Osiris continued to rule, even after death and
Huge prehistoric unworked stone resting atop
two other upright stones. Used as a gateway or entrance to the underworld. To be
distinguished from Cromlech (which is a kind of womb). The Druids
apparently preferred monoliths, although Stonehenge, an ancient Druidic temple,
contained both. The reason for that is that the Druids themselves customarily
practiced on the sites of pervious, prehistoric stone circles of unknown origin.
Dolmen sites were connected to one another by paths aligned in patterns called
"ley lines" to form lattices of occult energy.
Tibetan thunderbolt wand. (See VAJRA.)
The dragon swallows up all souls
that don't have Gnosis, to return them forthwith, via its tail, to begin
a new struggle toward the Gnosis, which will save them from recurrence. In China
the dragon is the Everything, the ruler of the East and of sunrise. It stands
opposite to the Tiger, which is the West and death.
Celtic priest initiate. Based on oral tradition
(dendrological analogs?). the philosophy of the Celts was that neither matter,
energy nor the reincarnating soul can be destroyed. They proposed three circles
of being: the inner (Abred) or central source, the outer circle
(Keugant) of the divine realm and the middle circle (Gwenved)
containing the bliss of ordinary life. Druids still meet annually, it's said (as
of 1980), at Chartres.
New age magus and local
electronic media celebrity of Newsbase BBS, San Francisco during the mid-80's.
The names of the months in
"Newtime", based on ancient Druidic designations:
BIRCH (Dec. 24 to Jan. 20)
ROWAN (Jan.21 to Feb. 17)
ASH (Feb. 18
to Mar. 17)
ALDER (Mar. 18 to Apr. 14)
WILLOW (Apr. 15 to May
HAWTHORN (May 13 to Jun. 9)
OAK (Jun. 10 to Jul. 7)
8 to Aug. 4)
APPLE (Aug. 5 to Sep. 1)
VINE (Sep. 2 to Sep. 29)
(Sep. 30 to Oct. 27)
REED (Oct. 28 to Nov. 24)
MYRTLE (Nov. 25 to Dec.
21) + 2 days
NEW YEAR (Dec. 24)
The "Red Cap" lamas of Tibet, who are the
greatest sorcerers (and hedonists).
Between the Tree of Life and
Death, qlipoth and demons inhabit the paths.
A corruption of Sanskrit Dhyana,
"meditation" > Chinese Ch'an, Japanese Zen. The word, however,
has entirely different meanings in each language. The Book of Dzyan or
Stanzas of Dzyan is one of the 90 treatises of the Buddhist and
Pre-Buddhist "Book of the Golden Precepts" written in Senzar, the ancient,
sacred precursor to Sanskrit, which HPB partially translated in Tibet. The
Book of Klu-Te is apparently another esoteric Tibetan work. These incredibly
ancient books comprise most of HPB's sources for her Secret Doctrine.
Major Keyhoe states that in The Book of Dzyan there is an account of
beings who arrive on earth from the sky in metal ships, build rival cities, then
destroy one another with nuclear missiles.
Preface A