Traveling Beyond The Body w/ Alan Guiden
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From George:
Hi Alan. I really need your help on this one. When the vibrations start, after about seven seconds, my eardrums feel like they are going to explode! Can you tell me if it is possible? The longer I hold onto the vibes, the more it accelerates the pain. Even though the pain is mild at 7 seconds, it feels like the longer the vibes stay, the more 'pressurized' my eardrums get.

Hello George.
Most likely, your eardrums are fine. But I do suggest that you get a physical examination anyway, to check them out. My guess is that the
vibe may be causing you to tense your upper jaw and face. The pain and pressure (usually minimal, but often mentally-accentuated during the separation process) can 'lock' your focus, at that vibe-signal, to the physical (please see sequel).

I suggest you try a few breathing and jaw-
relaxation methods prior to your attempts at traveling. You should relax your focus away from your ears, and target your thoughts beyond the vibe, to the next phase of your traveling plan.

BuggyBumper writes:
"Regarding the cord, can the strands be separated to loosen from the tight structure?"

hello BB. there's no chance of unraveling friend. the cord is like a large number of rubber bands, glued side to side to side to side...(lengthwise), rolled up like a mat, and then twisted from both ends so that they wrap over one another to form a heavy cable. it may help to think of the cord like a
pipeline between the nonphysical and physical environments.

Frankenstein writes:
"Have you, in your long experience, ever noticed a strange sensation on your back; like someone touching you?"

i have noticed that sensation on occasion (rhyming fun), while still synced with the physical. this is caused by duel perception. in other words (as these words would like some time too), i was feeling the front of my physical, still synced with the back of my non as i made my exit.

Toon writes:
I attempted to use your suggestion and, on my first try, possibly succeeded...I attempted to go to see a friend a few miles away, but
only experienced flying through the clouds."

(grin) ONLY? i guess ya just couldn't figure out how to land? that's a good first attempt Toon. it sounds like a success to me. yup, there you were. probably just circling over your friend's home. Hello! I'm up here. Woo Hoo! I'm just gonna float here. Just hanging around. Don't mind me. (A bird flaps by and squawks at you.) Hmm (you ponder), I could go down to visit by THINKING TOWARDS her. That would work. Let me just put all of my desire and effort into this traveling plan...
I'm thinking of YOU my friend and going down. I'm moving very quickly now. Down from the clouds and towards your home. I'm going to blast through your roof and into your toilet any second now if I don't slow down. I'm like a rocket, moving down down down and now, slamming on my brakes! I'm there. Hello friend. You look rather doughy, standing there in your underwear. Why don't you go put on some clothes or work-out or something. Jeepers.

A.G.'s Laws of Traveling, Number 72:
You will always see folks at their very worst.

it was good to read you Toon.


From Nebula:
You mention in one of your books that the interconnecting cord which emanates from a traveler's body (midsection) is composed of multiple sub-cords."

hmm. perhaps this is the mention?...

Take A Travel (STEP SIX)
Sub-section: Physically Attracted

While I've been out, I've reached behind me to verify this chosen word (cord). The cord is usually located near the nonphysical base of the head and neck and upper-back region, assuming that a standard bodily shape is your chosen form of travel. (The actual shape of a traveling body is limited primarily by desire.) It's a cord all right. It feels in actuality like a number of cords that make up the whole. (Think of cables braided together.)

- - -
that would make it upper torso, not midsection Neb.

How did you deduce this? Did you see the separations between the sub-cords?"

no Neb. i couldn't see it because it was behind my back (i'm so amusing).

of course, it is always a simple matter to look at yourself from any angle while nonphysical. but in the first how-to book, i chose to introduce new readers to the cord by use of a tactile example. in this case, feeling-is-believing. i've since had many readers write of successful cord-confirmation by 'reaching-behind'. (Eep, what's that thing on my back?!?)

in addition to writing about the cord in the online book and in many of my articles, i also detail the cord in Book 3. BUT...Book 3 has not been released yet Neb, so there will be nothing new learned here today! NO INDEED! HaHaHaHaHa!! KNOWLEDGE WILL NOT BE DISCOVERED HERE!!!
(Alan flails crazily and falls from the stage. A teaser pops up to take his place.)

Book 3, Section Snippet : "A-Cording To You"...

1.) The cord is a 'bodily-extension' of your nonphysical to physical self.
2.) The cord reacts to your agenda, effort, disposition, and aptitude for traveling in the nonphysical.
3.) The cord makes it hard to go, pulls you back, follows you, leads you, saves you and frustrates you.
4.) The cord's activity and
sensations can reveal what it's trying to do while you're trying to do something else all together.

In this section friends, I'll explain exactly how to improve upon this amazing, connected-relationship to yourself.
--- Copyright 2001 A.Guiden All Rights Reserved ---

From Bike:
Hey there! Thanks for the pep talk. It helped more than I thought it would.
I read that last night before I went to bed and it got me into a positive
thinking mood. Then I went through my routine of relaxation and breathing. Usually this results in my passing out and getting a good night's sleep. Last night, however...I became aware...I had made it! Traveling is by far the most wonderful and rewarding experience of my life. So I thank you for bringing me one step closer to being able to travel (consciously) at will.

hello Bike. i'm glad to be o' service. you can travel beyond your physical body. you will lift-out from your sleeping body tonight and remember the whole event in crystal clarity. you will float around your room. up up up on the ceiling, and then out the window. have a good time. bye bye. off you go. are you still reading this stuff? good. my latest pep-plan is working perfectly. now that you've stored that new bit of'll be thinking those words all day and night! you are forever trapped with out-of-body thoughts!!!! (yeah, i'm easily amused.)

all the best in your traveling.

Aldo writes:

"Whilst traveling, could you spy on somebody? Could you see and maybe hear what they were doing and be able to report back on it if you wanted to?"

hello Aldo. lol! "whilst traveling"? lololol! nary have i heard such verbose banter. forsooth that i might call upon an answer. but the hour is late and yon hen hath yet be cooked. i better get on that. err, i mean...i depart to prepare the feast. pray thy read this offered passage (scrolled on an old piece of parchment, of course)
whilst i tend my tasks.

and i'll have something to say when i get back too, cause it's my bag man. are you hip to that or like what? oops, sorry. more time tripping. that's a side-effect of traveling beyond the body. i'm kidding. that's a joke. there's no such worries. Ugga Do Mongo KaTonga. Mongo Ki Uba Katonga! Katonga Katongo! Katonga Katongo! uh oh. i better go. it seems to be getting worse.

Skip It. I'm too lazy to read that masterpiece again.

Verification Proclamation In 3 Parts
Section: The Last Related Topic (Gum-Shoe Guiden):

A'ways back, there was yet another pointless and cowardly murder of a taxi driver. This type of crime really gets me steamed. I watched the news. The murder had no suspects and robbery was the only motive. I began to draw a mental picture of the killer. It all popped clearly to my mind. It was an urban-dweller-junkie that needed cash for a fix!

I went to bed. I traveled (hey, that's what I do). I was gonna track that murdering so and so right to his home. I already knew all about him because, as I say, it had all popped into my head. So now, it would be a simple matter of focusing on the "feelings" and "connection" of that person, and I'd be there. Sounds great in text, doesn't it?

Let's side-track a second. If I tell you that I have witnessed a crime, while I was nonphysical, would you allow this evidence to be admissible in court? I doubt that you would. How about if I nonphysically track to a criminal, after the crime has been committed, so that police may gather other evidence to seal the case? Would that be considered a lead, or an invasion of privacy? And can we be sure, that I have tracked to the correct solution of the crime? Unlike a psychic, who may rely on a physical piece of already confirmed "hard" evidence to reveal further clues, a traveling-witness would be
relying solely upon nonphysical hunches. Which brings me back to:
I found the murderer! And he was...

NOTHING LIKE I EXPECTED! Yes, I tracked him, but it was not the nut-job that I had envisioned. This was some other nut-job, who was not an urban dweller or junkie. In short (too late), he was not anything like I had created in my mental-image. I did find him despite my preconceived notions due to the nature of traveling (it is not always necessary to know the "where" to get there). But does this really constitute more than a whim of evidence?

More Words O' Wisdom From The Accidental Expert:
Go Back To Read The Article Snippet, Oh Lazy One

i'd like to add this as i've nothing better to do for the next 15 minutes. when I'm out, i spy on everything. i look at my sock in the corner, dragged around by the dog. i look at the dog. i look at the driveway leading from my house and at the window i passed through to get there. i look at the trees and the sky and my good-for-nothing garden on the right that didn't make enough beans for a small side dish. i look at my neighbors if they are out in the yard and at the bunnies hopping by and umm, i mean...i hunt for bears and protect my homestead.

spying is the most fun of traveling; bringing back as much detail as you can from the event. you are an explorer. this is an unknown environment. get out there and explore it. look at everything, remember everything, write down everything. do it do it do it. it's the next frontier.

After all, 'Outside Interrogation' (codename for project: Travel-Spy) provides our best line of defense against the aggressors. Without an adequate psi-force in position during initial points of 'inline attack' (Invasion of high office personnel; documents; buildings, etc., and includes assassination), our future is unclear as a superpower. That is why I and the others have...what? I shouldn't be telling them this? Why not? Oh, that's a pretty good reason. Okay then, let me just delete this section. There we go. That outta do it. Now let me just put in some filler stuff here instead. The readers will never know.

(Directive to Agent Guiden: Insert replacement text here
before uploading to internet. Central Psi-Command Com Ref: 38796.)

hello Coney Island. thank you for writing.

the answers are kinda-sorta, yes, and yes again.

"Is the Astral Plane a "universal" plane or something of your own conjuring?"
kinda-sorta both: you travel to similar places as others who are traveling BUT your perception of the environment while nonphysical is "filtered" by your personal agenda. it's just like the physical plane. we all exist every day in the same place but see it differently.

Is it possible to accidentally meet someone who is also having an OBE?"
yes: you can meet another traveler while nonphysical.

"I would also imagine that if two people are both traveling, they could intentionally meet each other?"
yes: you can plan ahead to travel in tandem. please read further below for my earlier emails to 'Yuga' and 'Frogpad' regarding this topic and visit my
archive section for a bunch more.

alan :^)


hello Zoey. thank you for writing.

Your story fascinates me and I would be most appreciative if you would drop me a line. I am very interested in your thoughts as to whether this kind of travel is for everybody and if it is the kind of literature you should post on the internet?"

no Zoe, traveling is not for everybody. some folks consider the nonphysical to be a bunch of hooey. and to this i say blah. but also i say, that's okeydokey.

from my very first words, written years back, in the
first book, on the first day of january, on my first computer (putting first things first)...

-- Call it "getting out" or delightful dreaming. It's your choice. I'll be speaking specifically about my knowledge of being "out" and address how "nonphysical" feels and behaves, but this doesn't dictate that you must buy into my conclusions. Try some of the methods and formulate an opinion that's correct for you. --

in other words Zoey (as these words needed a bit of exercise), be your own person. each of us can decide for ourselves whether traveling is what it is or isn't.

of course, i suggest that you decide after you dabble with an attempt to travel (that's fun to say out loud). then, if your attempts yield no results, you have your answer. and if your attempts do yield results, you also have your answer. but it's still up to you as to the interpretation of that answer. you could also just blow off the whole notion and use my book as scrap paper.

to your second question:
if it is the kind of literature you should post on the internet?"

yes and you're welcome. (grin) what can i say to that? (too much probably.) the net allows an enormous exchange of ideas, not possible just a few short decades ago. think about it. (Zoey's head starts to smoke.) during almost the entire history of civilization, we've been cut off from one another by borders and distance. and poof, now we're not.

so, for my bit of the net, people want to know and i accidentally have the answers. my information is an uplifting freebie. which reminds me as i derail. speaking as the only "expert" willing to share thirty years of work and not ask for one thin krupec (thinner than a dime), i do feel that my readers are getting their money's worth.



hi FrogPad. thanks for the good read of your email. it was very exciting traveling along with you. and you ask..."Was it a dream or travel?"

surprise (not). it was a travel (in my opinionated opinion).
here's a quick breakdown of your event FrogPad.

Since about 9 years old I have been experiencing the following: just after falling asleep or near dawn I wake up and I hear a buzzing sound.

most likely, this buzzing signals that vibrations are close to either just beginning or just ending.

I look at my feet or arm while in bed, I cannot move them, then I wake up again on my back usually, clutching the sheets in a panic.

(grin.) that's a good reaction FrogPad. that's normal. but try not to over-stress the situation. this temp-paralysis is simply a side-effect of your "intent to move" one body over another. for a bit, you were more inclined to move nonphysically (whether ya wanted to or not:) than physically. and then later, you switched back again.

further on in your tale o' traveling, you wandered near... space to look down at the earth. I was going so fast that I was momentarily frightened. I did not want to loose the Earth!

dang. that's pretty exciting stuff. it sure beats snoozing the night away.

Now tell me... was it real or a dream? Everything sounded perfect except for my hubby showing up for an instant.

it was real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real and real.

hubby could be two things (or more, but i've got a life (sort of) and i can't spend all day typing.)

thing one: hubby was out and traveling nearby, keeping you company.
thing two: hubby was not there but you had a dream of hubby (
in or out of your physical) and tossed it into the mix.
thing three: ('cause i've changed my mind. i don't have a life.) you're traveling along when you meet somebody other than hubby. but you're so confused and bedazzled by the glamour of being nonphysical, that you fluster yourself in thinking that this someone MUST be someone you know. when in fact, you are talking to an unfamilar
blob of protoplasm.


hi Beanie Bear. thank you for writing.

I've been trying to have an OBE for about a year now, but my fears keep holding me back.

eep and yes BB. fear is a biggie. let there be no doubt about it. (and poof...suddenly, there was a complete lack of doubt.)

Recently I read an article speaking of a silver cord that - if broken - will cause death in the projectee. I was wondering if this were true. Is there really a silver cord?

indeed there is. here's a snippet that i've written upon the cord (from ze online book:).

Can you break it in your astral form?

no Bean. unless you're gonna kick anyway (due to poor physical health, etc.) your cord will be fine. it will continue to keep you joined to your body upon the bed (just in case ya wanna get up and have a midnight snack).


hello Yuga. thanks for writing...

When I am out the first few seconds I feel I want somebody to be with me, give me a hand, smile to me. If I'll call :"Alan!" do you think any help will come?

well Yuga, for assistance while traveling out of body, the calling of a helper is not unusual. but it's better to call for a good friend (or your guide or innerself or Domino's Pizza) than for me. this is because the calling of a 'whoever', for help while traveling in the non, should be targeted towards folks very familar to you. that way, you will avoid the difficulty of 'timing' a connection to just any-ol'-me. for (in the first place) although you're out, it doesn't mean that i am. and (in the place after first) even if i was traveling at the same time as you, i still might not be paying any attention in your direction when ya need me most ('cause i'm a jerk).

so try these instant instances instead: (and say that 3 times fast while eating mashed potatoes.)

Calling a guide:
"Oh great Guide-n (grin), help me to make the most of this experience. Take my hand and travel with me. I'm ready to go."

Using a good friend (they wish):
Pre-plan to meet your pal out-of-body at an approximate time by 'calling' to each other. Then, stash your friend in a nearby room or in your bed or on the roof and have at it. When the time arrives, as soon as an exit from the physical occurs, begin mentally shouting their name (and vicey-versy).

To incorporate 'name-calling' even further into your attempt, use it prior to lift-out. Like so: "I am relaxing. My physical is so relaxed. I am going to leave it soon to be with (insert name). I can see her/him calling to me as I call to them. HELLO (name)!"

Keep 'shouting' their name. Make it as loud and focused as you can. See yourself with your friend and bellow your intent. "Hello (name)! I'm calling you!"


hello Tsi tsa-la-gi. thanks for the write. i enjoyed reading of your interesting family. which brings us to your question...

Do you believe traveling is genetic?

my answer is ...
yes, with an if and two but's bringing up the rear (as butts are apt to do).
- - -
YES your 'family tree' has a twig with your name on it. to take this notion a step further, we are all evolving. (although it may not seem like it when you meet some of us on the street. you probably snarled at me the other day.) as a bunch o' humans, we're pushing right along on the evolutionary path. and...

IF you buy that there are certain parts of ourselves that assist in psi-activity (i.e., the pineal gland), then these parts should also advance in perfection, right along with our other parts. so, genetically, it's all passed along, getting better and better all the time, on a world-wide scale.

BUT if you have no inclination to explore this evolving ability, it remains mostly dormant. to put it verbosely ('cause extra words are fun); if your cultural, social, and environmental 'conditions' do not require or trigger the activity, it ain't happening.

BUT one more time (as two but's = one big butt), "it ain't happening" is rare. it is far more likely that you will experience at least one spontaneous psi-event in your life, due to the yatta yatta i just yatted about.

- - -
in your case (as you kindly relate your background), your uncle and family are the cultural influence that directs you to explore the ability. had they not, you still may have found the psi during daily life as part of your society. or your environment may have kicked in to spark your ability. an environmental influence might be a gentle mountain stream that lulls you to reach deep states of relaxation. it might also be a semi-dysfunctional family that makes ya nuts and triggers a strong desire to GET OUT! (as in my case.)

to sum it all up;
we're all getting better at doing everything.
most of us are triggered into at least one psi-event during our lives.
where we are, how we live, and who we know determines our direction into or away from these abilities.


My inquiry is on behalf of my life partner who is in prison right now. He is wishing to begin practicing out of body travel but, of course, he has restrictions (all relating to his environment; noisy, little privacy, etc.) Do you have any suggestions for him?

hello Keylime. thank you for writing. i had your gent's exact situation in mind when i wrote one sentence in particular and then almost wrote another.

(re-run from the first book, capitalized at the relevant part)
Things To Know:
Many traveling incidents have been documented during times of hardship and concern. Any emotion or event coupled with a desire "to be there", has the potential to "pull you out".

Travels may occur while an individual is under stress or in bad health. Travels may happen due to a physical incapacity OR OTHER RESTRICTION UPON AN INDIVIDUAL'S MOVEMENT. The physical incapacity may range from simple fatigue to complete paralysis. * The distance one travels may be near or of great distance. The speed at which one travel exceeds physical limitation.

and the sentence I almost inserted at the * :
"The restriction of movement upon the body could be a tight blanket or prison bars."

- - -

to your question exactly Keylime, answered in two parts:
first part: as to the noise and privacy issue;
depending on the circumstances of his facility, he might try...

...eye shades.
...static (white noise) through a tuned-out a.m. radio.
...attempting the travel during a time when most other inmates are zonked.
...a walkman. (which brings us to...)

second part: i have more to say on pre-recorded 'whatever', that is then played through a walkman. this may be the best bet in a situation such as you describe. the tape should be music, sounds, or instructions that help to block out the disruptions, while focusing on a travel beyond the body. for your purposes, try to use a sound-insulated headset during playback.

if you want to go the instruction route: i can recommend a real gem from the way-back machine; Dick Sutphen's Astral Projection Hypnosis Tapes (or something like that). this two tape set is quite good and features a boost of brainwave sounds following the hypno-session suggestions.

if you want to create your own version of a traveling tape, simply be creative. record your voice (or his, if he has the opportunity) with some sound or music that accentuates the mood for traveling.

you could begin with a relaxation method. a countdown works well.
10. my right leg is relaxing...relaxing..relaxed.
9. my left leg is very relaxed...relaxing now...completely relaxed.
8. my right arm is relaxing...relaxing more now..fully relaxed.
7. my left arm is yatta...more yatta to the max.

next, you could move towards the proper imagery and attitude for a travel of this type, with lots o' lines along this line:
"No bars, no doors. Open spaces, I'm out. I'm above it all."

lastly, you could invoke your specific traveling plan. and (as i have written many places because i'm a yappy guy), an emotional attachment to a travel destination or action can work wonders.

"I'm going to visit Keylime. She's waiting for me to see her. I'm on my way. I'm going to her now."

as you can tell, it's really easy to create-a-tape. and if ya don't get the tape exactly right the first time, you can take just the best parts (that seem to yield results), toss the rest, and mix in other ideas you come up with until it's perfect.

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