Traveling Beyond The Body w/ Alan Guiden


STILL TRAVELING: An Accidental Expert's How-To Leave Your Body Sequel


Hello my past and new friends. This sequel merges my first book, "Traveling", with new text and my article archive (previously available only via the internet) to create "Still Traveling".

In this humorous (here's hoping) accidental expert's how-to, you'll find that all passages of the new text are marked: - - -   and may be easily "jumped" to without reading the first book (please see Read-Me files). But you may find that you enjoy reading the new words, in a context of the original concept. Especially, since the first book  has been completely re-vamped, but I didn't mark it like I did with the sequel text. Ain't I a stinker?

It's my latest trivia game. Remember, in that first book (previously un-vamped), I had you guess how many exclamation points I had used? No, huh? You say ya don't remember anything since the incident last night in the garden? You can only recall tiny faces buzzing up towards you from the clovers.  They were so cute and smart, flying about in their miniature air-ships.  And then you were taken.  I see.  My, how interesting. Now, where did I put my coat?

Back to where we were before your odd tale.  I replaced that cool trivia game from the first book with this one. In this game, your task is to re-read the first book to spot the changes and new additions. Then you count them. Then you file them alpha-numerically. And by that time, you should have realized that all I really wanted you to do was get a refresher on Traveling Beyond Your Body. But by then it will be too late. You will have already succumb to my evil trivia plot!!! Hahahaha! (You can see what fun you're in for.)

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STILL TRAVELING: An Accidental Expert's How-To Leave Your Body Sequel
TRAVELING: An Accidental Expert's How-To Leave Your Body Handbook
Traveling Beyond Your Body w/ Alan Guiden, WebSite
©copyright 2001 A. Guiden All Rights Reserved


TABLE OF CONTENTS (Sequel contents are marked with - )


















































Includes: Thought Equals Action, Seeing Is Believing, Tell Me How You Feel, No Tongue/Nose Knows, Seven Quick Facts That You May Find Strange But Useful, Physically Attracted, Travel Connection













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It has been twenty-eight years since my first conscious "out-of-body travel." During that time, I've sought to fit the pieces of my perplexing talent. It was by necessity that I discovered the out-of-body answers while living the questions. To date, my "travels" total more than fifteen hundred.

It is my responsibility to share what I've learned and "go public" because ironically, through my trial and error years of experience, I've become an expert.

My informal, how-to-travel book will provide you with the previously scattered and absent answers. No gadgets or gizmos are required. You'll find everything you need, and some laughs along the way, in this singular source. I'll help you to fit the pieces, just as I've learned to do.

Call it "getting out" or delightful dreaming. It's your choice. I'll be speaking specifically about my knowledge of being "out" and address how "nonphysical" feels and behaves, but this doesn't dictate that you must buy into my conclusions. Try some of the methods and formulate an opinion that's correct for you. Enjoy the scenery. Interesting discoveries are bound to be yours, regardless of your direction.

I'm sure you've heard about OOBEs (Out Of Body Experiences) before. You may have heard a slanted, angled, lopsided, kinda believe it this way or that explanation. Well, we'll have none of that here. Sit back and get comfortable. I'll fill you in on my story and, if you feel like it, you'll soon have one of your own to tell.

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This sequel is dedicated to YOU.

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It has been many years since I went public with my nonphysical travels. During this time, I've continued to obsessively ponder this experience beyond the physical body. Many of these thoughts above the norm have found an outlet on the internet. This wonderful technology has literally changed my life. For although I discovered early on that I was an expert at traveling, my nonphysical escapades were then held in secrecy.

Today, due to the net-release of "Traveling", I've become a loud-mouth of the nonphysical. I'm yatta this and yatta that. And with good reason. Yes, the information age is upon us, with more knowledge available now than ever before. But, as always, some of this knowledge is good and some is not-so-good. The good knowledge is accessible, intelligible and purposeful. The not-so-good knowledge is pricey, wordy, and slanted.

In "Traveling", I finished with some words to you, my gracious readers. It was your overwhelming response to those final words, that created this sequel. Thank you for writing, my friends. Once again, it's my sincere hope to replace the jargony sales pitch of not-so-good knowledge, with the simple how-to's of traveling beyond your body (and some laughs).

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Where should a sequel begin? After the first book is written, right? Well, in my case, the sequel was writing itself (I wish) way before the first book was finished.

Let's get off our horses here. Yes, horses. Right now, we're in front of a saloon. I can put you anywhere I want. So there. (Hint: In most browsers, you can hold your cursor over any link to view the name of the file before clicking. WAV files play sounds.)

Let's amble on in, partner. I'll tell you about my work over a sarsaparilla. Then, you can tell me about your good-for-nothing (insert something that irks you). It'll be a love fest.


My latest travels, since I first went online, have been completely unlike the previous thirteen hundred. And not for any reason you might think my friend. Go ahead and guess. I'll wait.

(humm. humm. hummm, humm humm. Alan waiting.)

DING DING!!! Please put down your number-two pencil. Let's see what you wrote. And it better not be just some ol' doodles. Hmm. That's not the reason smarty pants. Why would I wear a gorilla suit to bed? That's strictly beach attire.

The reason my travels today are completely unlike before is: (dramatic pause) Now I'm traveling more for you than for myself.

In a bizarre twist of irony, my desire to teach traveling has changed my once delightful excursions into a task. For, as you may agree, "I loved what I did before it became just like work". Still, I feel it's my responsibility to bring you jargon-free knowledge upon traveling beyond your body. Having said that, I must suppress my frivolous traveling whims and truly concentrate on bringing you back information of the nonphysical. Having said that, I must remove the me-me of my traveling and focus on the you-you of your traveling. Having said that (and not yet tired of saying, "having said that"), HOW CAN I HAVE ANY FUN AT ALL? I'm locked into my job!!!! AAAAHHHHHhhhhhhh!

(Alan takes a deep breath.)

Having said all of that and that too, I'd like to make this contradictory statement: I love my job. I get to take my WONDERFUL travels and "break-em-on-down" (a traveling rap tune I'll sing for ya later) to a piece of YOUR traveling puzzle that you may have overlooked. What's not to love about a job like that?

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I was an average child living an average life until sometime during my eighth year. After that point, I was an average child living two lives. The second life was beyond my comprehension or ability to control. Waking up in that life was a terrifying attraction.

If you've read my preface above, you know a little of my past, but if you've bypassed my preface, go back and read it now or you'll fall behind. Meanwhile, I'll tell of my typical night's adventure as a child. You can read it when you get back.

-age eight-
It was predawn when I awoke to find myself on the floor of my pitch-darkened room. I was concerned that I couldn't recall the apparent fall from my bed and began to flail at the dark for signs of the familiar. The short, unsuccessful search elevated my childish concern to panic. In desperation, I screamed for my mother. Immediately, I was shot back into my bed like a rocket. I was still screaming, but there wasn't any voice. My fear was locked behind frozen lips. My body beneath the covers was paralyzed. An electric roar rumbled though my head and torso. It shook me with a violent grip. And then it subsided. The roar and my catatonic state simply eased off. Movement returned to my body. I was back.

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As children, we accept that things exist, simply because they seem to. This creates a perpetual motion of belief and a fulfillment of that belief. It was this fulfillment of belief that led me forward to where I am today (in the living room presently, in an uncomfortable chair, typing of my obsession).

As a child, I quickly accepted that I could get out of my physical body. There were no good explanations offered, to disprove my first few odd events, so I went with the 'obvious' reality. And, when I accepted the nonphysical without question, there was nothing to stop me from experiencing it.

A Note for YOU (jot it on your bathroom mirror):
Belief ---> Awareness ---> Acceptance ---> Traveling

I didn't invent the event. I had simply discovered it. A few nonphysical trips to my friend's basement at three a.m. convinced me. Some late night flights across my school playground convinced me. A sunny morning spent floating in the front yard convinced me. I was out-of-body. I was not in my bed while my family slept.

A Note for Me and YOU (I did jot this on my bathroom mirror):
Traveling is similar to seeing a shadow that's reflected onto a wall in very dim light. The shadow is there although it's hard to see at first. Slowly it's revealed as your eyes adjust, separating the image and perception.

What do you mean, huh? Hey smarty, I wrote that prose late night by candlelight. I had to write it on the mirror using a lipstick marker or whatever women call those things. No, it was not my lipstick. It wasn't. Shut up you. It was not mine. Although I did like the color. Hmm, maybe a little blush too and...umm...nevermind.

The shadow is there (the ability to be nonphysical), although it's hard to see (believe) at first. Slowly, it's revealed (awareness) as your eyes adjust (accept), separating the image and perception (being awake and out-of-body!).

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The only long-term side effect I've been affected with as a result of my "out-of- body travels" is an obsession to understand this strange occurrence. It appears to me, after research conducted upon the main subject, me again, that there are seven steps that make up a "travel." Other "travelers" may choose to divide this process in any manner they desire, but, since this is my book and because I've an abundance of experience and knowledge on which to speak, I'm therefore correct, in this instance. So there.

More soapbox. I hate jargon. I'm referring to numerous catchwords and phrases that can clutter an otherwise understandable conversation. For example: OOBE, OBE, astral- projection, soul-flight, and surfing. Jargon-junk makes it that much more difficult to grasp the concepts presented. During this book, I'll be fixing the dictionary. I'll only use everyday words that fit the concept. Realizing that this book is about "traveling", you can then apply these everyday words to: "Things You Do To Get Out Of Your Body" (credit to the 10,000 Dollar Pyramid and Dick Clark). A good example of this is the word "traveling". That's mine. (Eep. Where are my royalties?) Traveling is a jargon-free word I chose to name this event. I chose it because it describes exactly what ya do when you're doin' it. You're travelin' baby! WHOOSH!

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THE BRING 'EM ON TRAV-LINGO RAP TUNE (I told you I'd get to it.)
(Yo. Please insert nonphysical hip-hop music. And if your rappin', try to keep up.)

Let me hear you say: TRAV!
Bring-'em vibe now!
Bring 'em your ground!

Bring 'em on now: TRAV!
Breaking out! You are free...Free to be!

Rolling out now: TRAV!
All you need is your...Origi-nality!

Give it up now: TRAV!
Flying farther than you ever thought you'd be!

Bring it home now: TRAV!
You are sailing on a funky travelin' sea!!!

©copyright ChillinAG All Rights Reserved

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I'm just some guy with an odd talent. In the beginning, I didn't think to myself, "Hmm, I believe that I'll jump out of my body today." It just happened. After many years of "traveling," however, I've figured out how it works and sometimes doesn't. It shouldn't be such a big mystery, and it doesn't require a scientific, religious, idealistic skeptic to analyze. In other words, you don't need a slant to see what works most of the time. You simply find the combination that most often produces results for you, the individual.

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1. Ignore the following and also the previous.
2. Answer the phone whether it is ringing or not.
3. Write your own book.
4. Read your own book.
5. Make pfffftttt noises with your tongue and go back to the soaps.
6. Play with your kids or duck or dog or fish or lizard.
7. Go dance a jig.
8. Read along and shake your head in vigorous disagreement.
9. Pick and choose what fits with your opinions.
10. Keep an open mind and see where it leads you.

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There are sooooo many folks willing to sell you a travel beyond your physical body.  It's almost like buying a plane ticket.  If you plunk down this much money, you can expect to have this type of flight.  Or can you?

Step up to the ticket counter please (the clerk is speaking to you).  Yes you, next please.  Hurry it along.  (You move forward and request information on traveling beyond your body.) Well, as you can see, we offer many different options for your traveling, dependent on your cash flow.  What's that?  You can only afford business class traveling?  Hmm.  In that case, Travel Airlines will accept your token of monetary interest now. And later, when you have more money, we will upgrade your ticket.

You pay an abundance of money to the clerk and receive your ticket.  You read the fine print on the back:  "All tickets and upgrades are non-refundable.  If you can't make the flight beyond your body, you may re-schedule for an additional fee.  Those fees are also non-refundable, regardless of whether you can make the flight."

You sigh and tear up the worthless ticket.  You then realize that you have imagined the whole incident and that I am yapping on about something.  You must have zoned out.

My friends, there is only one way to travel beyond your body.  You must want to travel.  Everything past that, the gizmos and tapes and seminars and classes and pamphlets and hype, are all distraction once you know the basics.  And I include myself in this list of add-ons.

The ability to travel is always in you and requires no outside influence of any kind.  The simple truth is:YOUR DECISION TO TRAVEL is the catalyst that makes any of it work.  All the words and gizmos in the world won't get you out without that focus.

The rest of it, including me, are simply things that might work some of the time.  We are just plane tickets, to get to where you can already go.  Most tickets (except mine:) are overhyped and overpriced, but just 'cause the plane looks new and fancy doesn't mean it flies.

My advice is:
Adapt anything that you learn about traveling beyond your body to fit your way of thinking.  Use any information to enhance your traveling, rather than allowing that outside influence to become the center of your traveling. You can already travel beyond your body! And watch your wallet. 

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Following my initially terrifying introduction to "traveling" were more events of a similar nature. It became a routine of the unknown. I was never sure where I'd "wake up" while "out-of-body." I "woke up" in the basement. I woke up in the neighbor's house. I woke up at my elementary school. I woke up everywhere a child's world consists of. Going to bed became a contradiction in terms. During the travels, my "return" to bed was especially frightening. The roar in my head coupled with complete paralysis isolated my mind and body from any outside perceptions. If the phone rang or lightning rocked the house, I'd have never known nor been capable of reacting. It took some effort to cope with this paralyzing return. After having experienced the stifling wave of "electricity" many times, I knew that it eventually slacked off. I knew that I'd be all right when it left. I became determined to discover what I could while the electricity was present. It was a matter of forcing myself to remain as calm as possible. It was happening whether I wanted it to or not, so really, my only choice was an inquisitive attitude. The two years from eight to ten were packed with travels. Although I didn't yet grasp what they were, I quickly learned what to expect.

I rarely spoke of what was happening to me. On the few times I'd mentioned it to my mother and my friends, I felt disappointed by their responses. I was hoping for answers or similar stories, but there weren't any. I was alone with my odd behavior. (From ten to eleven, I was so frightened, that I didn't travel at all. I'll explain later.)

At around the age of eleven, I stumbled upon a few books at the library. I remember my excitement. I actually grabbed a chair for support. I couldn't believe what I was reading. There were others like myself. They described the event just as I'd encountered it. I was not alone. For one full year, I immersed myself in their words. I searched every book and article even remotely related to the experience. And then something happened. I was reading my umpteenth book when it occurred to me that I already knew what I was reading. It was all reruns. In fact, I knew more than I was reading. I knew things about "traveling" that I'd never seen written. It was the impact of this realization that inspired my silent study beyond curious fascination. The answers had become my responsibility. During the years since I accepted my responsibility, I've watched for a book that went beyond reruns of jargon, sales-pitch and attitude. Since no one seems willing to write this book, I've taken on the task.

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Did you know that you could have a travel for any number of reasons and that you may experience all kinds of signals before you get out that are telling you that you are about to get out? And did you know that of all these reasons and signals, it isn't actually a reason or signal that catapults you out from your physical body? And did you know that run on sentences such as these are both compelling and annoying all at once? Good. Then, I've made my point.

You may travel from your body for any reason and experience all kinds o' signals that you are about to do so. But look under the hood. Something else pushes your go-button that triggers your travel. Do ya wanna know what that something is? No, hmm? Dang. After that big build up and everything too. Well, I'm just gonna tell you anyway.

It's desire. Without desire, there is no out-of-body. You can think about traveling all day and night. You can harp over it and fret over it and wonder over it. But without the desire to get out of your body, the event will escape you.

But if you DO have desire, you may initiate your intent to get beyond your body. Therefore, Desire is your buddy. So say, "Hey thar' Desire. What ya knowing?" And Desire will say, "Stop talking to me, I'm only a concept you rube."

Desire is easy to work with. Use it to think outward into the next step of your traveling. Because that is what desire is. It is the next thing that you want.

Desire is not like a reason or a signal. Those are just passing how-do-ya-dos. They are just there to say, "Hi, you're day-dreaming again. We can't actually talk, as we are concepts."

The signals you perceive before your lift-out from the physical should be noted and then you should move on. The reasons for your traveling are important enough to spark your interest, so that's fine and GET TO IT!

Don't think in the here-now of reasons to travel or in waiting for signals. Note them and move on. Think forward. Desire is the next thing that you want. (Yes, you just read that line a second ago. Ya gots yourself a dang good memory, Gerty.)

Desire Is Your Pal:
Step beyond your initial reason to travel.
Note the signals and push to the next action.

You wanted to visit Aunt Polly. Now, your body is waving with vibe, so...
desire You are now thinking of that chair in the den. You're there. desire You're off to the garden. You're out in the yard. desire You're up over your home. desire You're pointed towards your kin. desire You're there in a blink.

Traveling is many desired actions, one to the next.
That is how you get out-of-body.
And that is how you stay out-of-body.

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You've been very patient while I've elaborated on my early years (Correct?), and here's your reward. (Hooray.) The seven steps to traveling beyond your physical body are (cymbals crash!):

1. Desire
2. Controlled Relaxation
3. Visualization and Destination
4. Direct Lift-out
5. Awareness
6. Travel
7. Return and Memory

Each step is part of the whole traveling attempt, and may be affected by the method chosen for achieving the travel. Other influences include subconscious programming and varied physical factors. (We'll get to that stuff soon.)

It's a bit like putting the cart before the horse, but I'd like to give an example of how my seven steps fit together. It should assist you in your understanding as we go along.

I use the following method to assist me in analyzing my travels. I suggest that you find a comfortable method for analyzing your travels as well.

BEFORE THE TRAVEL (Steps 1,2 and 3):
Each step is evaluated on a scale of:
High Influence (primary catalyst)
Moderate Influence (sub-primary catalyst)
Low Influence (secondary catalyst)
Not An Influence

DURING THE TRAVEL AND RETURN (Steps 4, 5, 6 and 7):
Each step is evaluated on a scale of:
Above average for me (you would use YOU, of course)
Average for me
Below average for me

A quick, random event (Okay, not so random but it's quick.): At about the age of ten, I was fond of gymnastics. My favorite activity was tumbling end over end down a long mat. My craving for tumbling would also manifest itself during my restful hours. In my focused thoughts, I'd envision the rolling and leaping. It was quite by accident of my mental-tumbling that I discovered an ability for pushing my nonphysical out of the top of my head. I've since discovered many other "lift-out" techniques that are less abrupt.

The travel event analyzed:

BEFORE THE TRAVEL (Steps 1,2 and 3)

Step 1. DESIRE was of high influence. This was the primary catalyst for the travel.
Step 2. CONTROLLED RELAXATION was of low influence. This is a secondary catalyst.
STEP 3. VISUALIZATION was utilized (albeit unintended) to satisfy my desire. The DESTINATION in this case was the action of tumbling. Both would be moderate influence, sub-primary catalysts.

DURING THE TRAVEL AND RETURN (Steps 4, 5, 6 and 7):

Step 4. LIFT-OUT was an uncontrolled response to desire. This places it as below average for me.
Step 5. My AWARENESS while out was excellent but only mildly directed. I'll round these two factors off and call it average for me.
Step 6. The TRAVEL was a nonphysical, head-first, roll-out from the physical and a tumble across the room.
Step 7. The short travel was followed by an immediate RETURN.

Although the event was brief, it should be gauged by the nonphysical activity that occurred. The travel (6) and return (7) were average for me.

MEMORY (the 2nd part of Step 7) is very important when analyzing your travels. A clean memory of the nonphysical event requires that it be imprinted upon the physical brain.

A simple, conscious effort by the individual to recall the nonphysical event after returning to the physical is enough to imprint the travel. If the return to physical is immediately followed by falling directly to sleep, without committing the event from nonphysical knowledge to physical knowledge, there's a good chance of a muddled memory later or none at all of the event.

From the above example o' me: Due to my dazed but conscious desire, the recall of this event was an above average imprint upon the physical following my return, and I carry a vivid memory to this day. But I don't know where I have left my car keys.

Okay, enough of that. Put that in the back of your mind, and I'll clear it all up soon.

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Dear Mr. Guiden,
(Oh please, call me Albert. No, that's not right. Umm...Alvin? Alda? Alto? Allspice? Alpo?)

After reading your book, I managed to have two travels last week but I have had nothing since. I'm doing all the right things but it's not working. I feel frustrated. Does this ever happen to you?

I answer...
Dear Who Ever You Are, Thank you for writing. Please include your name next time. Since you have not, I will call you BoBo. Your family history is a long line of teddy-bears.

That's a great question you ask BoBo. Does a lack of traveling success ever happen to me, THE GREAT ALAN GUIDEN? (wacky banjo music begins to play as paraphrasing gets out of hand.)

You think that I might have suffered the same recent fate as yourself? That I, the expert's expert, might have gone for periods in which I did not travel at all, despite my very best efforts? That I (stop throwing tomatoes, I'm making a point), the oh so awesome, super-talented and multimedia star of traveling might travel a whole bunch in one week and none the next??? Are you kidding me? Of course I've been struck by this phenomenon! I call it the Lull-Factor. The lull factor is the time between the last really cool thing that happened to you nonphysically, and the next really cool thing.

The lull could be a few days, a few weeks, or longer. You try this, you try that and nothing happens. Well, ya want my advice BoBo? (Nod your teddy head, yes.) My advice is: Don't let the lulls get to you. Before long, you'll have another travel to call your last travel before the last lull which had three travels before that lull and those really nifty travels before that previous lull. It's the ups and downs of the sport.

Thank you for writing BoBo. As teddy-bears go, you take the stuffing! Huh? What do you mean that's an insult? How could anything be politically incorrect to a fabric-head like you? What? I should call you what? Look, I was only mocking an ego-trip earlier to make a point. Don't get all high and mighty with me, you button butt. There is no way I'm calling you, "The All Powerful BoBo". I don't care if you do run your side of the bedroom.

Yours Sincerely, Allon Glideins

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No one ever writes about the following, so I'm gonna do it: If you want to travel beyond your physical body, you must have the proper attitude. Please repeat after me (out loud, so as to instruct the neighbors):

"My attempts at traveling will have ups and downs, highs and lows, out-of-body and not success. This is what traveling is. Sometimes I will, sometimes I won't, sometimes I'll surprise myself. I can only get better, no matter how long it takes."

So there. Now you know.

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Most first-time travels are not experienced by choice. For instance, my first few travels as a child were subconsciously motivated and pretty much the norm for an experience at that age. I was following the basic principle that drives both the subconsciously-induced, spontaneous travel and the consciously-induced travel. On a small scale of this principle, we have my nonphysical, unsuccessful search for my bed. This travel and other similar travels were subconsciously triggered by my constant longing-to-shorten my bedtime. On a larger scale of this principle, I present you with a diary entry (below).

I've been saving my travels in one form or another since I was about twelve years old. Included in this book are a few of my more relevant diary ditties. They provide examples of some different types of travel and the catalysts that may initiate a lift-out (roll-out, slide-out, jump-out, spin-out; all names to describe the separation from the physical).

My diaries provide me with motivation. During times that I can't manage a travel, even under the best of circumstances, I read my diaries and remember not to get discouraged. It's just one of those things. (No, that thing. That thing over there. No, just to the left. Yeah, that's the thing.) Reading my diaries reminds me of what I've learned and suggest. Keep adapting and stay positive. When you successfully travel, it makes up for the other times that you don't.

Things To Know:

Many traveling incidents have been documented during times of hardship and concern. Any emotion or event coupled with a desire "to be there", has the potential to "pull you out".

Travels may occur while an individual is under stress or in bad health. Travels may happen due to a physical incapacity (or other restriction upon an individual's movement). The physical incapacity may range from simple fatigue to complete paralysis. The distance one travels may be near or of great distance. The speed at which one travel exceeds physical limitation.

I apologize but the following entry is kind of a downer.

August 28, 1992 I was thinking in the early morning hours, before rising for the day, about the recent hurricane. As I carried these thoughts deeper, I found myself zipping up and out of my body. I traveled in a blur and then slowed. I was sitting upright and flying over a town. I viewed below a woman warming food for some children. She was on a front lawn cooking on what appeared to be a round grill of either propane or charcoal. The homes in this stretch of neighborhood were now skeletons of former security. They were void of electricity, dead and empty. Tents had been set up on some lawns. No doubt, in fear of the weakened structures. -end entry-

This travel is fairly typical of an emotionally-induced, desire driven out-of-body travel. I'd heard some news on Hurricane Andrew. I'd concern for those that were in the path of the storm. I was focused on these thoughts during a physically relaxed state, and zip, I was there.

STEP ONE is desire. You may use step one to attempt a travel without any of the other steps because it's the step that runs the whole show. Try my what-the-heck-give-it-a-try method. Perhaps you're a pro, and you don't know it.

Pick an "attachment" that holds a special meaning for you (person, place, thing or action), and go to it or do it. Like so:

Focus exclusively upon your desired attachment and relax. Maintain your awareness. Hold back from drifting to sleep. No pressure, but a strong desire nonetheless. Stay focused to your attachment and avoid falling towards sleep. When you feel yourself moving there, pull yourself back.

For some folks (hopefully you), this is all it takes. It's PING, and you're out. You simply hold off sleepy unconsciousness for awhile and your desire kicks in to send you traveling. But whether you get out this easily or not, this method is a good jumping off point that will help to bolster the next six steps of the controlled travel.

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(Dragnet music begins to play.)
The following is an actual dramatization based on complete fact. Only the words have been changed (from the original dull diary entry) to protect the reader from falling asleep.

I was a bit concerned about my Mars flyby, more for the sheer distance in physical terms than for the extreme physical conditions of space. Of course, I had no need to fear either as I would be nonphysical at the time, but some habits are hard to shake. Soon however, I pushed my misplaced apprehension aside. A travel such as this requires focus and worries just get in the way.

As night began to fall, I prepared my bed, my thoughts and my intentions for the travel. All were cooperating nicely.

As the hour struck three, I touched off for the red planet. The trip was quick but not so quick as a spin around the block. Still, I flew through the system in a matter of minutes and there I was, soaring very high above the planet. I began to move in a slow roll across its surface.

I wasn't really sure what this "face" looked like, as I had heard only a snippet about it, on radio. But I figured I could spot it, if there were such a thing. And I was right.

I was into about eight minutes of my leisurely roll across Mars, when suddenly, I saw the face. It slowly slid into my view, from the edge of the planet as I moved forward. There it was. A face. A face on Mars. No doubt about it. I needed a closer look.

Down down down I went, which took all of seven seconds. The face began to lose definition. Down and down. The face began to look more like rocks and more rocks. Down down down down. Hmm. Now the face was gone. So up up up up I went and then up-up and up-up-up (I counted). And the face was back. Once again, down-times-nine I go and there's no face. So uppity-up I go and there it is again. And ya know what I think about the face on Mars?

BIG PAUSE (Tie your shoelaces or something.)

It's my conclusion that someone has placed, re-arranged, set-up, manipulated, maneuvered (pick any word) that section of Mars terrain to make it look like a face. It may look like a bunch o' rocks at ground level, but that's just some mighty fine handy work and a good dose of environmental chaos. So there. The recent photos of Mars haven't convinced me any differently from when I first wrote my diary entry. The face still looks 'intentional'. That's my five trillion cents. (Space flight is expensive work.)

Noted while enroute to the red planet:
Space is so vast, you can only grasp a piece of what you see.
Space moves incredibly fast, but not so fast as thought.

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Plan your travel. Plan your travel. I can't say it enough. Have a plan of what you are going to do when you're nonphysical. Have a plan that puts you where you want to be. Any small plan is better than none to maintain your control and awareness while traveling.

For instance (of an example explaining an instance to be examined): Let's head out for some California waves, shall we? (Nod your dude/ette, platinum-blond head of hair, yes.)

Let's say you live in New Orleans, as do I (say it). You might PLAN to lift-out and go through your roof. Then, you'd zip on up about 5000 feet to get your bearings on heading west. Next, you'd hold your arms out in front (because it's a SuperSightGag) and off you'd fly, to the next part of your plans at the beach.

It's easy to make a plan for your traveling. It starts with your desire to be someplace or do something. Keep your plan in your thoughts for a few days and LOOK for the experience to happen. Watch for events that seem similar to your desire.

1. A snippet of your plan might occur in a dream.
2. You might not trigger a travel but experience signals that you are close to lift-out.
3. You might get out of your physical and go visiting to a place you hadn't planned.
4. You might actually go or do exactly what you wanted to do! (Surfin' those California waves.)

All of these wonderfully interesting events may occur if you make a small plan of what you hope to do or where you want to go while out. Be creative and be adaptive. Rotate your plans. Try one plan a few nights and then try a different one. Create new plans based on what you've learned from past plans. Take notes.

A Memory O' Me (Weep weep weep. Kinda gets you right there, don't it?)...
I'm nine. I'm lying on my bed. I'm on my back. My arms and legs are stiff. My eyelids are shut tight. Nothing moves. I was moving just a moment ago in that other body. It keeps happening. And when I come back, there's the electricity. It doesn't hurt. It's just shaking me. I'll let it go a little longer. If I don't force myself to move, I'll learn what it is. I can't hear anything but the sound in my head. I want to get out, but I'm afraid to give up my body. I want to understand how it works.

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The years from twelve to seventeen were challenging. Of course, I was of going through the usual demands that most teens encounter. There was school and summer and work and libido. I did okay. I handled the pressures. I wasn't the most popular teen nor the least. I was just an average guy. You would never have known to look at me that I hid anything more than average secrets.

My traveling secrets were a tough lot to keep silent about. I really wanted to talk it out. But instead (while waiting for technology to catch up with my big mouth), I kept all the research to myself. And there was plenty of it. As a teenager, I hadn't yet grasped the control level I was striving for. I traveled occasionally by choice and constantly by whim on an average of at least once a day. When I did control my travels, it seemed a cursed blessing. I couldn't understand why it was that my same controlled agenda wouldn't work the next time around. (If you can't stand the suspense, jump down to Piecing The Puzzle, you cheat.)

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Ah, relaxation. Who am I kidding? I'll never relax. Okay, I'm relaxing now. Here I go. Relaxing. Relaxing. I'm not relaxed. All right, I'm really trying now. I'm finally relaxing now, and I just have to...ZZZzzzzzzzz.

During my quest for the mechanisms of traveling, I've fallen asleep a lot. It's not that I was tired mind you. I was simply going a little too far into my work. I would get into bed and get comfy. I would relax my body and calm my thoughts. I would move towards an "awake/asleep line" and plan my travel. Then, just as the promise of success tapped me on the shoulder, I'd pass out. ZZZzzzzzzzz.

The awake/asleep line, that I was trying to reach, is a key element of traveling and is often called the hypnagogic state. Throw that phrase out. Too jargony. Let's replace that phrase with a brief description at this time and detail the details later.

The awake/asleep line shouldn't be confused with the relaxation of your body and an alert mind. No, that's just called relaxed-but-alert (duh). The awake/asleep line is a point between falling to sleep and remaining awake, alert and in control of your consciousness. To reach the line, you must regulate your movement towards sleep.

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Happy circus music begins to play. Do Doo Do Doo Do Do Do Doo Do Do. Some joyful clowns tumble out of a small car, toss a few pies and then assemble a see-saw in the center ring.

I step out, full of bravado in my dark blue tux, and begin waving my arms wildly with a microphone, shouting this and that. But you can't hear me. Perhaps, this is because an elephant has trampled the sound booth. I pick up a megaphone instead. "NOW, presenting in the center ring...One of my favorite ways to reach the awake/asleep line!"

The crowd gets all excited and spills their popcorn. The front row is buried in the avalanche. (Don't stress. They ate their way out and the concession stands made a big score in sodapop sales.)

You look to the center ring and spy the see-saw built by clowns:
Think of the awake/asleep line like a see-saw. One side is the awake side and one side is the asleep side. The see-saw is balanced so that both sides remain off the ground at once. But it is a precarious balance. (It's tough to build when you're wearing floppy gloves.)

Now, the see-saw moves slightly down on one end and up on the other. You must quickly balance it back by pushing down on that other side. But not too much or you will need to recorrect it. You must shift the balance gently and watch for changes as one side or the other may begin to move off balance.

Congratulations. You and the clowns have just managed an imagery. And if you can maintain this imagery for awhile, you should find that you reach the actual awake/asleep line without any direct concentration upon doing so.

The image and symbolism of the see-saw (or any similar concept that pleases you) impresses itself upon your subconscious as a desire to remain in control (balanced). This allows your physical to go one way in its need for down-time while you go another in your need for traveling.

Like the see-saw, you will find that your balance at the awake/asleep line is a matter of a few degrees this way or that. You need to be alert but not anxious and impatient. You need to relax but not to the point of sleep. You need to reach the line but not slip off the side.

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The state that precedes the awake/asleep line is "relaxed-but-alert". This is basically, relaxation as it pertains to "controlled dreaming" and traveling.

The ideas presented in this chapter (in my usual wacky fashion), may be familiar to you. I've chopped out the mumbo and jumbo so that you won't fall into the same pits that I've encountered over the years.

After you've read a few relaxation notions that I feel are worth blabbing about, I'm sending you to the library. For, as relaxation is a personal preference, you'll need to scan some books and choose methods that work for your way of thinking. Your methods should cover both the physical and mental aspects of relaxation. Your methods should help you to relax your body, stay alert and maintain your control.

Method One: Tape Me, Baby
I can almost guarantee that you'll feel foolish prepping this one, but it's effective for relaxation.

Take a piece of paper and write a script of you telling yourself to relax. I'm becoming relaxed. I feel myself drifting into relaxation. I'm so comfortable. Blah blah blah. I'm now relaxed. I'm very relaxed. I'm alert and aware while my physical body is sleeping. My body and mind are relaxed. I'm alert and aware. It becomes easier and easier to relax. Blah and more blah. My body and mind are relaxed. I'm alert and aware while my physical body is sleeping. I remember my dreams. I control my dreams (and if you want, I'm alert and aware when I travel). I'm relaxed and comfortable. I'm at ease and in control.

Some folks start with a countdown to help relax the physical.
Ten, my fingers are relaxing, relaxing, relaxed. Nine, my hands are relaxing, getting light, relaxing, relaxed. Eight, my wrists are loose and relaxed, relaxing deeply, relaxed. Move over your various body parts and use as many numbers as you need to do so. (Twenty-five is usually enough unless you're a centipede.)

Following this, you might slide into some out-of-body action plans as I've already mentioned and will mention again (because I'm a loud-mouth). Then you might finish with, "I will not quack like a duck when I hear the word spatula" or "I'm happy and healthy and in control of me."

Okay, read your script over and over about two zillion times until you've memorized all the words exactly. Just kidding. Find your tape recorder in that heap you're calling a closet. I assume that, like myself, most folks have owned a recorder at one time or another. Any recorder will do. A mini-disk recorder by Sony would be excellent. (My clear attempt at kissing up to Sony in hopes they'll give me one. I apologize and that won't happen again. Besides, it's been two years since I first wrote that line and Sony continues not to send me anything, dagnabit.) The first tape I made was on a cheap cassette recorder. I spoke into the claptrap contraption reading a script not much different from what I've just described (except that part about the duck). And ya know what? It worked. Not all at once and not all the time, but well enough to push me along until I found other tricks to supplement my chances of success.

Pick a quiet time to record your script and then, when you're ready, stretch out and listen through a headset. Anytime is fine, even before bedtime, if you can handle it without relaxing right off to sleep. Relax, but stay alert and gently focus on your words.

Use your recording over the course of a few days with a positive attitude. Allow your relaxed control to emerge. Sleep is important, and we all know when we need it, so use your best judgement. Also, if you're too hopped-up to relax, give it a try another time.

The tape you record will provide the dual benefits of relaxing you as you listen and of storing the information in your conscious and subconscious memory. This information may then be used later with just a bit of coaxing directly or indirectly from you.

For those of you that may be hearing impaired and bypassing the recording of these instructions, it's not necessary to rigidly memorize the relaxation and countdown format. Just grasp the basics and run with it.

Another Memory O' Me...
I took my first tape to Florida during my young (14 or so) solo visit to my grandparents. After about five plays (once every afternoon at the same time, while they napped) and three travels, I became humorously aware of my odd behavior. Thinking from the grandparent's perspective, how many grandkids do you know that jump out of their body while you nap?

Method Two: Down You Go
Visualization works especially well with individuals that do not respond to instructions from a recording they've made of their voice that's played back over and over and over and over and over and let me know when you get bored of this and over and over and over and you should be getting close now and over and over and over and over and come on already and over and over and over and over and I'm getting pooped form typing and over and over and over and over and anytime you wanna stop reading this junk and over and over and over it will probably stop and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. See, you visualized an ending and there was one.

You see, there are four types of thinking (simplified). Some of us think primarily like text on a page. Some of us think in pictures. Some of us hit a happy combo. And some of us don't give a rip, so please leave the room. It's a lot like your internet browser. You are offered the options (of your options:) via tool-bars (which are pictures) or menus (which are scroll down text-commands). You could use either one, both, or none. None of course, would make your browser virtually useless as well as this screw up this perfectly good analogy.

You're bound to use visualization in your search for a relaxation method, so even if you're the text-type person, follow along. Don't fret; it's simply a matter of focusing your imagination. It's as easy as ABC. Here's an example.

A. You're at the top of a ladder. Stop reading, I don't want you to fall. Bad joke. Anyway, you're at the top of a long ladder. (Or on the top floor of an elevator or at the top of a huge staircase or on top of a tremendous tree or on top of sixty milk cartons placed just so or on top of ol' smokey.)

B. Step down the ladder. (Or push the down button in the elevator or walk down the staircase or climb down the tree or fall off the milk cartons or look for the meatball.)

C. As you venture down an imagery that suits you, think about how relaxed and aware you're becoming. So relaxed, moving down and down. Relaxing deeply as you move further and further. You're in control and relaxing. When you reach the bottom, you know that you'll be completely relaxed and aware. Down and down you go. It's your choice how far down you need to go. Poink, you're at the bottom. Ah, you're comfortably relaxed and aware.

Method Three: Mental Vacation
This method uses visualization in a way similar to what I'll be barking about shortly (ruff, bow wow, yip-yap, grrr).

You're on a raft in the middle of a soothing lake or perhaps camping under the stars (or any place you choose). An ant swims or walks by. He tells you to relax and stop thinking about ants. Think about how relaxing your special place is. Think about all the small details that make your place perfect for you and absorb yourself into the place. How wonderful and relaxing. The remarkable ant swims or walks off. You take the ant's advice and visualize your special place. It's so relaxing. You go into your special place, maintaining control of the vision, relaxing and focusing. And when you get back from your special place, you should go to the library like I told you to earlier.

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Regardless of your relaxation choice du jour, you're occasionally going to encounter the following stumbling block. You get into bed. Ready to relax. Here it comes. Waiting, waiting. Nope, no good. You're just too jumpy. So get up. Why frustrate yourself? You could always...exercise (AAAaaahhh!). Sorry folks, I had to use that dirty word. So don't call it exercise. Throw that word out with the others I've been deleting. We'll call it "doing that thing that tuckers out the good ol' physical." Get up, move around, hop on one foot, dance the mambo, lift weights, do aerobics or twiddle your thumbs. Do whatever relaxes your body in an all natural way. I suggest that you ignore any thoughts about alcohol or pills, etcetera, as calmer-downers. They do not allow for an alert and controlled you.

Once your body is pooped, get back into bed (Whew, take a shower first.) and focus on your relaxation method. Keep in mind that all methods of relaxation do not work all the time. You should learn to be flexible with your methods of choice and adapt as necessary to fit the occasion.

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Hello. We here at the Council would just like you to know that we appreciate you using our fine products. We hope that you enjoy our coffee and tea and sodapop and chocolate and sugary snacks and all of our other fine uppers...err, products. We sincerely believe our products enhance your life, making you and all of society just a little bit happier.

That's why we're proud sponsors of the "Stay Awake All-Night Club." Yes, SAANC. The only club in town where you may indulge happily, at any hour. So please, remember the club motto:

Feeling low?
Grab a cup o' joe.
Feeling delay?
Try chocolate parfait.
Feeling unzipped?
Have icecream on a stick.

As you can see, SAANC represents the down-to-earth "Physical Values" that we admire here at the Council. We praise SAANC for keeping you in your physical body, where you belong! For as we say:

If you enjoy our products late in the day...
A travel's less likely, so HIP HIP HOORAY.

We thank you for supporting so many of life's little uppers, err...pleasures too close to bedtime. We're pleased to make your traveling a real pain in the physical.

We at the Council do recognize that there are rare events of a sleepy consumer being stimulated into a non-physical travel by one of our products (the speaker shudders), BUT we look to the odds against that, and to the future to dominate... err, support our position against such nonphysical-activities.

We continue to grow in caffinated sugary chocolatety delight. And for the good of physicals everywhere, we will not fail to overstimulate. So, stand tall consumers! Stand tall in your Physical Values! (The speaker flails his arms and falls from the stage.)

This has been a public service announcement sponsored by someone with money.

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I love coffee. I love tea. I love the java jive and it loves me. Coffee and tea. The java and me. A cup. A cup. A cup. A cup. A cup. I love that ol' tune. I love a good piece of chocolate something. I love sugary snacks. BUT, I know that these delights will more than likely get in the way of my relaxation. So I avoid them when I want to travel in the next couple o' hours.

In my opinion...
The only good upper for traveling is honey.
The only good downer for traveling is melatonin.
(I wish it was BEER...ahh, cool refreshing beer, but it ain't.)
Please consult your doctor regarding your use of melatonin (and beer).

B, C and E vitamins are good for alertness and energy while physical (and hoping to be nonphysical).

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Hi again. Back from the library already? That was quick. Did the librarian scan your card? Do you have your relaxation methods all picked out? Do they relax your body, while helping you to stay alert and maintain your control? Good. (As if I can hear you. Please stop talking to yourself.)

I'd now like to point out the obvious for those of you who don't require the prep work it took me twenty-eight years to figure out.

You may be one of those blessed individuals with a natural ability for relaxed control. You may have no problem reaching the awake/asleep line. You may have a highly focused command of your thoughts and control your dreams and travel with ease. If this is you, you're truly gifted. And please knock it off. You're making the rest of us look bad. And I think I speak for us all when I say, so there. Our average motto is, "Practice makes experts."

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My approximate total number of travels is over 1800 based upon the following information. Eight to ten, I traveled every few days. Then, as I'll soon reveal (another teaser), I had one year absent of traveling. Eleven through eighteen, I traveled almost everyday. As an adult, most weeks I travel once. Countless weeks, I travel two or three times. Occasionally, I hit lulls of two weeks where despite my best effort, I just can't pull it off. I then take all of this information and trash it. (You didn't actually think I was going somewhere with these calculations, did you?)

All things considered because I know me, I've averaged at least one travel a week for thirty-three years. If I did only travel once a week, that total would be 1716. But, since averages are pointless, I'm just gonna call it 1800. That's the very least I've had. The very most I've had would be bragging.

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Some folks can go from awake to asleep in a blink but not me. It has always taken me awhile to get to sleep. I stay awake and think of this and that. Some people don't care to remember their dreams nor desire to have any (which of course, they do). It should come as no great shock that I've always been interested in my dreams.

It's important for you to consider your sleep pattern and your dreams if you're planning to control your dreams or travel. Are you awake and then instantly asleep on the pillow? Do you remember your dreams or want to? Are you like me? Are you somewhere in between? If you're any of these types (and we know you are), keep a dream diary.

Place a piece o' paper, a small flashlight (for late night entries) and a pen next to your bed. Write the date on your paper, go to sleep and dream. When you awaken (whether it's the middle of the night or morning for heavy sleepers), and before you do something else that requires your brain (which is everything), write down the time and anything at all you recall from your dreams. The information may seem insignificant or hazy, but write it down.

It will become easier to recall your dreams as you continue keeping the diary. The writing may eventually take more than a page a night, and your hand may cramp up. You'll probably need to refill your pen and recharge the battery in your flashlight, but keep writing.

I won't be mentioning the dream diary again because I figure you're either gonna do it because of my sage advice, or you're not. But (I repeat because it works), a diary is the most effective tool for recalling and interpreting your dream and/or travel experiences.

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It's two years later and I've thought of more I want to bark about with regard to the dream diary. As you know, a dream diary captures your quickly fleeing dream memories. This helps you to more easily remember and understand what's what while you are asleep. Now, you tell me something interesting. (Alan listens intently.) Really? My my, how fascinating that is. I enjoyed hearing that piece of information. Thank you for sharing.

So then, are you keeping a dream diary yet? Are you writing your dreams down as soon as you recall them? Or are you taping your recollections for playback? What the heck are you doing with that dream diary?

Well, here's a spin you might not expect from me. It's okay if your answer is: "I am not even keeping a dream diary." Keeping a diary is only one method of bringing your nighty-time recollections into your waking state. A dream diary is not for everyone (and it really ticks those diaries off too). But there's good news for those of you avoiding a pen, keyboard, tape-recorder, laundry, and grocery shopping.

You can place the dream diary method in your thoughts too. It is similar to actually writing down or taping the vivid details of your dreams but here, you simply WANT to remember your dreams. That is often enough to perpetuate your ability to recall and study your beddy-bye events.

It is your attitude, focused upon the desire to recall your dreams, that helps you to do so. It is your unbridled wish to ponder this previously unpondered state that allows you to see it clearly. It is your intentional intensity of attention that enhances your ability to grasp what you were up to while your physical sleeps!

It is YOU telling YOU to remember that YOU dream every night and that YOU want YOU to remember what YOU have dreamt about.

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Until I reached the age of eighteen-ish, my success with consciously-induced traveling was sporadic. I was averaging about one I-meant-to-do-that travel to three oops-I'm-out-again travels. It was years of what the heck, it worked before, mind-wrenching frustration. For although the unintended travels were welcome, my goal was control.

I began to figure it out around 1978. Previously to that time, I'd been thinking of a controlled travel as a puzzle with one solution. My puzzle was comprised of puzzle-pieces (methods and ideas that had worked in the past), that I thought I could use all the time, in exactly the same way, to bring on my travel. This turned out not to be true.

"Hmm", I reckoned (after knocking my head against this wall for so many years), there must be an element to the equation that I'm missing. And there was. The puzzle was constantly changing. There were variables that I had overlooked that changed from day to day.

A variable may be anything that throws a wrench in the works of your traveling intent. It may be a distracting noise (quiet it or buy some ear plugs), or you're too cold (put on some pajamas or crank up the heat), or the dog is sleeping on your head (buy him his own bed or bribe him with kibble). A puzzle-piece on the other paw, is a method, thought, concept, comfort-factor, or anything...that corrects the variable(s) you are experiencing.

You need to choose the pieces that overcome the variables. This allows you to complete the traveling puzzle you are working with in that particular instance.

For example:
I'm really jumpy. That's a variable in this puzzle at this particular time. I get into bed anyway and take a shot at traveling. I try and try, but I can't relax. I force myself to lie there. An hour passes. Nothing. No relaxation and, of course, no traveling. While waiting for my physical to relax, my brain just conks out and I fall asleep. ZZZZZzzzz.

Here, I failed to complete the puzzle because I left out the piece that tuckers out the good ol' physical before I attempted to travel. If I'd applied the piece that counteracts the variable of a jumpy me, I would have increased my chances for a successful travel. The puzzle-piece in this instance, that corrects this variable (as it applies to me), should have been some running-in-place or jumping-jacks or air-guitaring or anything-that-moves-me-around-to-calm-me-down.

It may help with your travels to make a list of variables as you encounter them. You may then apply the proper pieces the next time around and increase your chances at success.

The following entry is not Pulitzer by any stretch of imagination, but it illustrates the concept of the changing puzzle. In this entry, the variable was just a lousy bed, and the puzzle-piece was a comfortable change of position.

November 9, 1980
After waking at about 8:30am, I tried to stay relaxed and focus on traveling. While on my back, I felt myself to be slightly lifted from the bed. I realized that I was close to getting out. I thought about vibration, and it was just starting when I felt some lower back pain, and the vibe faded. So next, I tried my right side which eased my discomfort. After about fifteen minutes, I began to feel somewhat disoriented. I opened my eyes and discovered that I was over the side of the bed looking at the floor. Thinking nothing of this, I tried to sit up and back onto the bed. I then felt vibration and realized I was out of sync. It was my nonphysical that was sitting up and away from my physical. I looked me over and saw both my bodies quite clearly. I was feeling strong but irregular vibe, probably since the event was close to ending. I was soon back in my physical on my right side. -end entry-

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THE AWAKE/ASLEEP LINE (The Ultimate Controlled Relaxation)

Let's review, shall we? Well, we're gonna whether you want to or not, smarty pants. You understand the principle of desire as a catalyst to getting out of your body (fine-tuned soon). You've picked up some hints on relaxation and visualization. You've chosen some methods from the library that relax your physical body and thoughts, without sending you to slumber city. You've fed the dog a steak, and the kids got kibble. Gee, you're absent-minded. Please try to pay attention.

Whatever your fall-to-sleep habit (slow, medium or fast), there is a constant that runs us all. We must consciously or subconsciously allow ourselves to seek sleep. Aside from pure exhaustion and sedatives of all type that may knock you out (and defeat controlled relaxation), you make that decision. You let your relaxation relax further and cross the line from awake to asleep.

Once you cross the line, the asleep-you (that had been suppressed while the awake-you was awake) presents a jolly show of subconsciously pent-up thoughts and desires. After awhile, the awake-you says it's time to start your day again and crosses back over the line. This suppresses the asleep-you, so that you may then drag yourselves out of bed and off the two of yous' go to meet your new day.

But now it's night time again (time just flew by). You went to sleep earlier tonight and it's five hours later and you're awake. You're plenty relaxed and it's too early to get up. Suddenly, the awake-you looks at the asleep-you with passion. (Violin music begins to play.) Perhaps yous' two could get together. Sure, you're on different sides of the line, and each side follows its own agenda, but what about meeting on the line? You both agree.

You very slowly step towards the asleep-you. You get accustomed to maintaining your control. When your control wavers as you move closer, you pull back a step and regain your focus. You take one careful step and another and you're soon on the line with the asleep-you. Please hold hands and tip the violinist.

You may notice your slide towards the line, as your physical senses shut down one by one. This occurs typically, but not always, in this order: Touch, sight, hearing and smell. Taste doesn't do much of anything different unless you're saving food in your mouth like a pelican (or whatever sea-faring, feathered fowl it is that does that).

That's really the whole enchilada. Take teensy-weensy steps towards the line and stay in control while you're doing it. You'll feel a deepening beyond your relaxation method, as you move closer to awake/asleep. A positive sign of your attempt to reach the line may be noted when you fall over to the asleep side for a moment and pull yourself back. This occurs because you have instructed yourself to recognize a new boundary of control. Your subconscious recalls this and wakes you up again, which kicks you back to the other side of the line.

Focus your desire on remaining in control, as close to sleep as possible. Even a partial success increases your chances for the next time. If you can mostly but not always, on occasion and sometimes reach the awake/asleep line, you'll be traveling before you know it.

Keep this in mind. Those times that you don't go careening into sleep are very useful. And the more times you control your descent to sleep, the easier it becomes to do it again. And it soon becomes part of your relaxation method. And that's the way it is. And aren't you tired of the word "and" yet? And why aren't you? And let's move on. And away we go. And stop it already. And...okay, I'll stop.

Yet Another Memory O' Me...
I'm twelve. I'm not in my bed. I'm right here. I'm outside my window. I'm floating above the ground. This is wild.

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You're on the awake/asleep line. You're tapping your foot in impatience. You want me to tell you what the heck happens next. I tell you to please cool your jets; I'm typing as fast as I can. We hug and make up (which crushes my box of raisinets). I type a little faster.

There are four different directions that you might take from the awake/asleep line.

1. General Controlled Dream In The Physical:
You dictate a generalized idea for your dream and then allow it to proceed based upon your intention.

2. Specific Controlled Dream In The Physical:
You dictate more specific elements of your dream. You may also continually mold your dream while you're dreaming.

3. Dream-Travel Outside The Physical:
Your nonphysical travels from your physical in a dream-state. You may "awaken" at any point while out-of-body.

And the biggie...
4. Non-Dream-Travel Outside The Physical:
You bypass any dreaming at all and lift-out from the physical under conscious or subconscious control.

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I've been logging my out-of-body travels for 33 years. In the beginning, I wrote in a small blue diary. Next, it was composition books. Then, a cassette recorder. After that, a micro-cassette recorder, a typewriter, a Smith Corona word processor, a Commodore 64, a Packard Bell desktop, a Samsung Laptop, and now a Hewlett Packard Palmtop pc. I have written and recorded my traveling thoughts all over the place. But I almost never show them to you. And there is a reason for this. I feel that my travels are of most value when taken as a whole to explain the process. In that way, YOU learn to travel.

My actual events are not as important as the basic how-to's. Nonetheless (a word that always amazes me), many of you have written (thank you) asking to read more of my diary ditties. So, I will now share with you seven entries spanning a brief period of time.

In these entries, I travel to ancient Babalonia and rescue the queen. That's a joke. Dang, you are gullible. The queen was quite capable of rescuing herself. Actually, I chose these entries because they are not astounding. These are just chock full of average events (as if being nonphysical is average) that you may experience in your attempts to travel. That's what makes these entries better than any tale I could tell you on meeting the Zeptars, down deep in the earth's core. That's another joke. Zeptars don't care much for hot spots. Truly, I do have some great adventures (factual ones, unrelated to Babalonia and Zeptars) to relate to you (which I do in book 3). For now though, I just want to show you some typical (and more sedate) traveling that you might encounter, by letting you into my private thoughts for a peek.

Let's all hop in our way-back machines and dial the start date to:

October 28, 1994
Last night was mostly sleepless except for a few busy dreams which contained part thoughts about writing and part junk from earlier in the evening. At 4:30am, on my right side and with thoughts of traveling prevalent, I had a right to left slide-out from physical to the edge of the bed and a brief trip to the door of the bedroom. It was smooth and I didn't feel vibrations. I don't recall any other details but with my lack of sleep, that was probably it anyhow.

November 1, 1994
I awoke last night about 2:30 and after tending for a few moments to some cat shenanigans in the kitchen, I returned to bed with a desire to get out. I tried my right side for about 40 minutes and then switched to my left side. (3:11am) After about ten minutes, I was out. I moved to the front of the bed and floated about, attempting to awaken (I'll call her) "Gecko". But she continued to sleep. I then went out the bedroom screen-window and after visiting the gazebo, per my earlier instructions, took off in a west (slightly north) direction.

I remember noticing a deep blue-green tinge to the night sky as I traveled. As this flight continued, I observed to my right, a small, steep mountain area with flat cliffs jutting out. There was grass growing on the cliffs and scattered about on the mountain. I had been experiencing duality during the majority of the trip and eventually allowed myself to pull back to physical. The arm I was laying on was suffering some discomfort, which may have been the reason for my call to return. (3:37am) I noted a slight charge and minor vibrations upon return.

November 8, 1994
I woke at about 3:30am and was intent upon getting out. I lay on my right side and waited to relax again. After about a half hour, I had a tad of trouble breathing through my nose but rather than rouse myself, I breathed through my mouth. I eventually slid out right to left and went through my bedroom door and moved near to the other bedroom's door. I thought of my physical (probably due to breathing difficulty) and returned. There was no pressing problem, so I went back through the door and went out the window in the living room. I landed gently among the square-trimmed bushes which were just below the window and then meandered around the stream and gazebo area for a few minutes. I remember too, looking up to admire the dark sky. My return to physical was sooner than I would have liked but again, I must blame my slight breathing difficulty for the urge to pull back. Also, I've had three other travels in the past two days. However, as I was too lazy to type them at the time, and too busy now, I think I'll just note that they occurred.

November 16, 1994
I woke at 3:00am approx. and was as usual ready to travel. After about twenty minutes on my back, I had a dream which went on for awhile. At some point I realized I was dreaming (hey, this is a dream) and immediately regained full consciousness. I was already out but initially at a loss as to my location. I floated past a hedge of some kind, went through and entered a garden behind a home. Then, I knew I was in the french quarter. These hidden gardens, off the street from view, are popular as tours but I have never taken one. The garden was beautiful and lush with flowers everywhere (whose scents, I was able to discern) and two cats laying about. A sprinkler popped on. It felt delightful, floating there as the water fell. I was able to also discern the coolness of the air. I remember thinking to myself how great the whole experience was. The travel lasted about fifteen minutes and then I returned to physical, in apparently the same manner as I left, which was instantaneous destination. Time check was 3:57am.

November 19, 1994
After a few hours sleep from 10pm to 2am approx., I stayed awake in bed thinking this and that. Eventually, I was relaxed enough to concentrate on traveling. I planned a route and lay on my right side. The night was quite a bit warmer than it should be for this time of year and I had trouble getting comfortable in the heavy blanket which was so useful just a few nights prior. At about 4:00am I experienced strong but annoyingly irregular vibe and although I attempted to calm the vibe, my effort was not adequate. I let the vibe fade, content to have experienced it as a reward of my efforts.

December 2, 1994
I've been disgusted with myself for not getting out lately. It's actually only been a couple of weeks, according to my entries, but I still get upset. I suppose I've been preoccupied by the efforts of writing the book (the first one). However, last night I did have some traveling success that helped to calm me down.

I was laying on my left side and finally relaxed enough to touch the awake/asleep line. I felt a surge signal, which triggered my recognition of being close to travel and I immediately attempted lift-out. I had a mild pseudo-interruption just prior to actually lifting-out and recognizing it as such, pushed it away from my thoughts as unreal.

I went out the bedroom window, taking time to observe the venetian blind which was halfway drawn over the screen, as I passed through. Then I landed gently amid some sparse shrubbery which was surprisingly below my window. The gardener must have just planted them, as these shrubs were not there last time I looked (verified).

My vision was clear and I was quite happy just to be out but it was a short trip. I was back in my bed very quickly. I hadn't really planned ahead so this is understandable. Upon return, I had a brief psi-headache (centered in the pineal gland region) which usually means I forced a lift-out too quickly rather than wait for the conditions to reach optimum. Time check was 3:07am.

Dec 19, 1994
I've been remiss in writing my entries the past two weeks, but not from lack of traveling. I guess I'm too busy writing the book. That takes most of my energy at the moment. But I want to remember this small event so...A travel took place just this morning that reminded me it's always the little things that make traveling so much fun. I'd not pre-planned an agenda prior to my lift-out, so I ran a route that I often do while physical; I visited the balcony to check out the ducks.

What I find interesting is that, at the time, I thought my travel was similar to how I normally spy those quackers. There they were, a flock of feathered friends as seen from my balcony. But what I realize now, is that my vantage was different from when I visit the balcony physically, for I had a completely unobstructed view during the travel.

It seems so natural to be above the ground while nonphysical that I didn't pay homage to the fact, that I was perched on top of the balcony railing. That's about a five foot difference in view. I would never have considered physically standing on top of the railing to see how it looked, but I did check it out after this travel. It's wild to experience something physically when the only time you've done it and seen it, was nonphysically.

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In addition to being a good relaxation-method, "visualization" allows you to control your dreams. During a controlled dream, you might resolve a difficulty in your life or discover an idea that never occurred to you before. You might relive happy memories or blaze new trails beyond the limitations of everyday life. You might also, travel from your physical body.

Controlled dreaming requires nothing more nor less than visualization on the awake/asleep line. Normally, if you were to fall over that line to sleep, you'd dream anyway (not controlled) after a bit of time. Your dream might contain your last thoughts before succumbing to sleep and a hodgepodge of goodies from your subconscious.

But your presence on the awake/asleep line, is the catalyst that deepens your visualization into a dream of your choosing. You may either allow the visualization you've created to run free (general controlled dream) or improvise as your desire dictates (specific controlled dream).

You have a choice of being in the dream as yourself or someone else. You can be anything that you want. You might not be in the dream at all but simply observe. The options are unlimited.

Allow me to put you in a dream that's controlled from the basic idea to specific elements. The other dream type (as I've mentioned) is similar but you don't dictate where the dream goes after you create the basic idea. As you'll see below, some visualizations and controlled dreams are better suited than others for initiating a travel.

You're on a trampoline. You bounce once, then twice, then up you go. Ten feet up. Now a hundred. Further up and into the sky. Visualize a wind that swirls around you as you climb. You top out at 30,000 feet and watch as some rain clouds hover in the distance, being stirred by the wind. The clouds slide slowly towards you, and the air becomes heavy. A raindrop falls to the ground far below you. And then another drop. And then a cloudburst. After a while, the rain clouds move off. The sun returns to brighten your flight. Etcetera. (How do you visualize "etcetera" would look?)

As long as you remain in conscious control on the awake/asleep line, you can dictate your visualization into a dream. It's a process that works its own magic with just a little coaxing from you.

You may slip into the asleep side and carry the majority of your visualization with you. You may also regain the line after you've slipped over to sleep and redirect your dream from the course it began to follow.

(Happy foot stompin' music begins to play.)
And now, for your entertainment value, I present...
How-To Recognize A Dream While It's Happening:

Trick one:
Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming? Think about it. During your day, think about whether you're dreaming. How did you get to work? Did you drive? Did you take the bus? Did you fly? How long did it take to get there? An hour? Two point three light years? A minute? What did you see on the way? Your neighbors? Irate passengers? Some birds gliding just ahead? Can you recall where you were before you arrived at work? In your bed sleeping? At the bar ordering beer? In the park feeding squirrels?

Ask yourself whether you're dreaming during your day, and it will carry over to your night.

Trick two:
Instruct yourself (over and over a few times and then a bit more) to be aware in your dream at a certain point. Using my previous dream example as yet another example, you might tell yourself to recognize the dream when the rain cloud moves in.

When you create your own dreams, simply pick any point that you feel would be a good clue for triggering your awareness. This awareness trigger might be a person, place, thing, action, or situation. The awareness occurs at an exact point in your dream that shouts, WAKE UP!

Like so:
You are sitting in a chair in the dark by the fish bowl on the table. Your little fishy is in there, and flipping fins at you. Flip fishy flip (try saying it). You are going to wake up when you spot her in the glow of the heater. Click. The heater just popped on. There she is. All full of fishy fervor. She seems to be saying something in the bubbles. You can almost make it out. And then you do. The message says: WAKE UP! Hmm. It also says: Feed me a snack you silly land-rover.

Lastly, if you have a recurring dream, you might instruct yourself to become aware, the very next time that dream occurs.

Trick three:
Be on the prowl for any unintended event as a key to your dreaming status. Using my example one last time, you might be flying amongst the clouds when a mystery jet flies by, and the pilot winks at you. You then wink back and before you know it, the two of you are married.

The key, as I keep harping upon, is desire. You must want to stay on that line, and you must want to control your dreams. As always, the more you practice, the better your chances will be for success.

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Please play both sides of a coin with me for just a second:
What do you suppose is the connection between controlled dreaming and traveling?

On one possible side, is the notion that traveling beyond your body is just an exceptional dream. After all, the brain can pull some amazing stunts. A dream is a dream is a dream. Perception is in the eye of the beholder and I can't SEE you do it, so it ain't happening. It's not possible to be elsewhere while your body is here. Jack Sprat could eat no fat, and his wife could eat no lean. I do go on, don't I?

Now, let's look at the other side of the coin. Let's first assume for a moment that all of that other side is correct but that we don't care if it's made up or not because it feels real. (Except that part about Jack, who actually preferred fat to lean but was trying to make the marriage work). Does the premise that the event is only a dream change the experience? And if we go a step further and state that nonphysical traveling is not a dream but actual fact, how does that change the experience?

Speaking for myself (as I'm a ventriloquist), it sure seems like I'm traveling. It feels like I'm somewhere else, out of my physical body. So, if one side of the coin is correct, then I'm simply experiencing an incredible mind game and I should knock it off. And if the other side is correct, I'm experiencing the real deal, or I'm not but I don't care.

I flipped myself on both sides of the coin for years. And I put off writing this book (the first one, Traveling) while I flipped. I felt that it was one thing to question my own validity of the event, but it was quite another thing to give others the impression that it's either this way or that unless I was sure. And I wasn't. For although I'd been able to verify the event and note a great difference between dreaming and traveling, this was still just my observation. Perhaps I was wrong.

I flipped my coin back and forth. I even considered submitting myself for lab analysis to assist in my coin toss. I'd be hooked up to measuring equipment while I slept, dreamt and traveled. They would break me down to all the tiny components of what I'm experiencing and place me on charts and graphs. Oh my, that sure sounds tempting. Squeak squeak, I'm a rat in a maze. Or now I'm Skinner's kid. Or woof, I'm Pavlov's puppy. No, I finally came up with a better solution to my flipping. And my solution is (drum roll): I don't care if my side of the coin is right or wrong.

To me, my side of the coin seems correct. Traveling is enough just to do it, whatever it is. Let other folks believe what they want to believe. That's their choice. Individual opinion is what makes us all so interesting.

I state that after twenty-eight years of doing whatever it is that I'm doing, I think it's really happening. It is my opinion that I get out of my physical body, and I have a wonderful time. I no longer question the experience. And you are encouraged to pick either side of the coin as well.

So, harking back to my original question from my side of the coin, what's the connection between controlled dreaming and traveling? (There's no flip here.) Both involve desire and visualization.

A controlled dream occurs because you want it to occur. It then continues as you focus your attention on directing the changing visualization. This same concept also applies to becoming nonphysical. You travel because you want to travel. Then, your visualized control of each action into the next (thought equals action) dictates your direction in a nonphysical environment.

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Let's take a moment and recap (otherwise, I will forget where I am). You relax your body and mind with your chosen method. You reach the awake/asleep line. You desire to remain in control of your dreams and you know how to visualize. What's next, you may ask. Well, go ahead and ask. Hmm, what's that? Oh, good question. Move to the head of the class. No, hang on. That's my desk smarty-pants. And get your feet off my doughnuts. Jeepers. Well, ya may as well keep 'em now. Here, take my coffee too. I'll go sit at your ol' desk.

(Alan shouting from the back of the room):
Now that you're versed in creating a dream through the concept of visualization, let's focus on visualizing a destination (the other part of step three, for those of you playing along at home).

Your visual of a destination may result in either a dream within the physical (the physical REM state of dreaming) or an actual travel. If your control is less than adequate prior or during the travel, your visualization may result in a dream-travel (nonphysical dreaming while traveling). If this occurs, you may "awaken" (regain conscious control) while traveling and find yourself "acting out" your nonphysical dream.

A "visual-destination", step three, allows you to accomplish the directly-induced travel of step four, which uses a bunch of step six. See how everything fits together? (Nod your agreeable head, yes.) A visual-destination may also be used to achieve a "quick-travel" to this place or that (mostly that).

THE WAY I SEE IT: (Wasn't that an Edward R. Murrow program?)
You are both physical and nonphysical.
Your physical sleeps while you maintain your control on the awake/asleep line.
You can take this control of your thoughts and direct your nonphysical to travel.
It's easier than you might think.
It starts with believing that you can.

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My Statement On The Dearly Departed (from the first book):
"I would say that traveling has influenced my belief of life after death. I don't think that it's the same thing, but it does point to its existence. A travel goes beyond a psi-related incident. The consciousness exists beyond the flesh. Therefore, the question regarding death is where does the consciousness go?"

Now that you've re-read that statement, I'm gonna tell you a cool story of my encounter with a ghost. (Scary music begins to play and bats fly around because that's what bats do.)

A Ghostly Tale O' Traveling
For a time, when I was a teen, I became interested in thoughts of assisting others while I was nonphysical. My desire was to be useful with my odd ability. This interest appeared to pan out, in that I did indeed visit those who seemed in need of some council.

My helpful visits ran the full spectrum. They included a travel to a downtrodden gent whose small novelty store was going under, a travel to a woman whose biggest concern was her fancy-shmancy dinner party, and the following travel that really surprised me.

It was late afternoon when I was drawn out-of-body to the young woman's home. She sat on a couch by the window. She sat very quietly, wringing her hands. She was also nonphysical. (You may visit someone who is awake or asleep. They may be in or out of their physical.) After a bit, she looked up at me as if I had been there all along and she spoke.

She asked if I would speak with her brother in the next room. She said that she needed him to leave her house. She said that she loved him but that he had been there for such a long time, and she couldn't bring herself to tell him. So, I agreed to speak with him.

I entered the next room and saw the brother upon his bed. He was sitting up, his back to a pillow. He looked as if he would have been uncomfortable in any position. He was asleep and physical, yet I spoke to him anyway.

"Your sister would like you to leave now. She loves you but she says it's time to go." I could see the sleeping brother slide just a bit out of physical, still looking drawn and tired. I continued. "Your sister wants her home back. She can't bring herself to ask you, but she wants you to please leave now." With those words, the brother slowly poured out onto the floor. I watched as his nonphysical collected itself. He then headed for the far wall and went through, exiting the house. I followed, leaving his physical behind.

We soon reached an area of trampled pasture. He stopped and turned to say four words. "I love my sister." Then, he vibed right past my perception. A quick shimmer and he was gone.

I returned to the home of the sister following the brother's quick departure, as I really had no idea what the heck I had just done or witnessed. It seemed to me that the brother had simply traveled off to somewhere else for a while, but would be returning eventually.

She was still nonphysical upon the couch and nonphysical tears fell from her face. She said that she could feel that her brother was gone. Again, I didn't understand, for he was still in the next room, physically upon the bed.

She sensed my confusion and tried to explain. She told me that she felt so awful for her brother and that she felt guilty. After all, her brother was dying. (Oh, now I get it!) He needed her care. But the burden of caring for him was too great. It had gone on for so many years. She felt her life was slipping away with his. But at last, through me, she had saved them both. Without understanding the nature the situation, I had convinced him to take a nonphysical travel, permanently. I had convinced him to die.

The End.

Okay, so that's not really a ghost tale, as that would involve hauntings and ectoplasmic fun. But at least the brother had the potential of ghosting. I think his name was Casper. (I'm kidding. I have no idea what his name was.)

It's my opinion that he went on to where the consciousness goes when the physical gives out. It's just time to get a new car. And I'll be sure to write more on that in book 4. That is, unless my car gives out. But gee, I'm a young man. (Alan tempting fate further.)

(Alan clutches his wrists.)
Severe Carpel Tunnel Syndrome!!!
Physical body overloading!
(Alan collapses in an undignified heap.)
The examiners come.
They laugh a bit at my undignified heap and tow my old car away.
(Alan gets a new car off the showroom floor.)

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When you desire to quick-travel, the trick is to pepper a visual-destination with as much detail and attachment as possible while remaining focused and in control on the awake/asleep line. You then allow yourself to be where you wanna be by simply releasing yourself to "I'm there."

For your early attempts at quick-travels, choose a destination that holds pleasant memories or a special attachment and is close to where you are. Think of the destination in as much detail and with as much attraction of emotion as possible. It's important to get past the "I'm stuck in bed" mentality, so toss off that ridiculous notion that you're bed-bound and allow yourself to visit your destination!

Give yourself permission to go. Place yourself completely into the detail and attraction of your destination and stay focused on the awake/asleep line. If your mind wanders from thoughts of your destination, gently guide your thoughts back to your concentrated desire. It really is that simple. Focus and let yourself go.

A destination desire will also work when quick-traveling to a person but requires less detail of the person and more "feeling" or "reaching" for that person. Also, an object of attachment (like a cherished family portrait that sits on the dresser) or an action (such as my beloved tumbling) can initiate a travel if a strong desire is present.

Lastly, instruct yourself to know when you've reached your destination and to be aware and in control when you arrive. A mild, "I'm aware when I'm there" (or some such phrase that grabs you) is sufficient. This is especially important for quick and long distance travels, as it helps to avoid the potential for a dream-travel that only "acts out" your desire.

A wake-up call upon arrival also assists against the occasional "blackout" or "fuzz" that you may experience enroute to your destination. A blackout (or degree thereof) depends partially upon your INSTRUCTIONS for reaching your destination, and partially upon your DESIRE of immediacy to reach it. Blackout occurs most often with travels of great distance and quick-travels, because of the speed required to reach the location in a timely fashion, as you desire.

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It may seem to you that my above explanation of a quick-travel is concise. You're correct. (Tell them what they've won, Jacko. IT'S A WASHER AND DRYER!!! Applause sign lights up. Clap clap.) I have indeed, made those instructions brief and to the point.

I could go on and on relating the fine details of visual-destinations. Why this or that happens. Why it works one way this way and this way that way and why this is like this and that like that. Don't get me started.

Traveling is a bit like riding a bike (to borrow an old and overused metaphor). You learn the basic mechanics of foot to pedal. You are shown how to balance and watch as others successfully ride down the street. You put this modicum of information together with a set of training wheels, and it still comes down to falling on your butt a few times, dusting yourself off and getting back on until you get it right.

In fact, even if I were to end this book right here, you'd already have more than enough to go on. You actually have more knowledge at this point, about getting out of your body, than I could accumulate during many years of trying this and that. Pathetic, I know. But there was very little practical information available back when a was a lad.

But if I did stop here, I'd be leaving out the most important parts of traveling (steps 4 through 7, to be precise). I'd be giving you a bike metaphor without training wheels or proper tire inflation. The gears would be stuck and the brakes missing. In short, you'd have scads of fixin' before the ride or you'd fall on your butt non-stop. It's the same with traveling. There are certain checks and balances that dictate a good ride. Movement and direction are dictated by the "mechanisms" that come into play when you're nonphysical.

More Memory O' Me...
I'm eleven. I'm falling slowly down the stairs again. No, I'm floating. It won't hurt when I reach the last step. Don't be afraid.

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I really enjoy being out. I love the short trip across my bedroom and back in a flash. I love the travel around my neighborhood. I love the rush of flying straight up from the ground and looking back to admire the view. I love the "vibration" I feel sometimes just before lift-out and the "charge" that stays awhile after my return. I love everything about the experience. But this wasn't always the case. It took awhile to become accustomed to traveling. And during one year in particular, before I knew very much about traveling, I was simply too afraid to explore.

On one particular morning, around the time of my tumbling travels, I'd awoke around six before the household was kick-started. I was anxious to get outside and enjoy my summer vacation. Due to the early hour however, I lay in bed awhile and concentrated on the play I would later enjoy. On the whim of this focused effort of thought, I jumped out twice that one day and reluctantly once the following day.

I didn't travel too far, just to the steps of my home's front door and then down the steps and then the driveway. Familiar places. Just floating about enjoying the early summer sun, la la la. Not really understanding how I'm doing what I'm doing. Savoring the freedom. And then some son of a bungee-cord came sliding up the driveway and grabbed me. I kid you not.

I'd seen it near the edge of the driveway, but I hadn't paid it much attention. I couldn't grasp my own floating form, let alone concern myself with every squishy entity that might be in my vicinity.

I struggled against the mushy beast. I tugged and pushed and pulled against its stretchy appendages. And still, this whatever it was just hung in there. Finally, in exhaustive surrender, I screamed (nonverbally) for Mom and blasted back through the house, into me and my bed. (Note my early theme of screaming for Mom. I had to go with what worked at the time.)

Following my return, I mellowed out for a minute or two and pondered. I figured the travel as nothing more than a "real-dream" unlikely to occur twice. But I was wrong three times. The second time was about ten minutes after that first return.

I went out the same way I managed on that first jump and ta da, after a few moments, guess who came creeping up the driveway in my direction? It got within inches of me before I screamed back to the physical. (I'll explain later why this happens, if you don't mind hanging around.)

I'd had enough of this game. Unfortunately, on the following day and without my conscious effort of choice to go play, I found myself out on the front steps again, and that mindless vine was right there too. Didn't this blob have some other kid to torment?

Now, as an adult, I can analyze this annoying, clinging parasite as just being annoyingly clingy. I can attempt to make light of the event. But as a child, I was really frightened. It was a year before I ventured back to my curiosity of the "real-dream" that I now know as traveling. I didn't make any attempts to play the game. I put up such a strong mental block, due to my fear, that it suppressed even my subconscious, uncontrolled travels. I couldn't face the possibility of encountering that bothersome mass of whatever it was.

I'm not the first to write about intruders that might be met while you're out. I've actually read some fairly similar accounts. This makes sense, if you buy into the whole thing anyway. There has to be more than one of these "driveway jumpers," and I was one of the unlucky few to make an acquaintance.

Of course, there has to be some good news, and here it is. When I did eventually return to traveling, the menace (such as it was to a child) never returned. And I offer the following pieces of nonphysical explanation. A travel is dictated primarily by desire. (Trivial Pursuit doesn't have that one, I bet.) An unexperienced traveler does not need to understand how a travel works to have one. As a child, it was this desire factor that sent me traveling. But I was unfamiliar with the nonphysical environment. This is likely a perfect bait for such clinging entities. It took me the span of a year to "grow up" beyond its grasp.

While you're out, there are others that you might run into. It happens. If you're out and your neighbor is out, and you're both on a similar travel, you might meet. It's quite a bit more difficult than a physical encounter, but it does happen. You might also run into entities you're unfamiliar with, like my good pal, Mr. Huggy Stuff. (It deserves a cute name, don't ya think?)

I know that intruding entities may be tough to believe, but follow along. If you're out, why shouldn't someone or thing be out too? Perhaps it's the natural state of "being" for that someone/thing. But don't worry yourself. It was a big deal to me as a child, but encounters are almost always innocent. Besides, the whole process of getting back to your physical is virtually foolproof (perfect for me). You won't be forever trapped out-of-body by someone you meet or someplace you go (as explained in the section titled Travel Connection). And with the right attitude you'll always rise above any less than pleasant travels.

Don't fret too much about mildly annoying entities. They're there, but very rarely where you are. Just remember when you meet a traveler, it might be someone like yourself or perhaps not. So follow this simple advice. If you run into someone/thing, make an intuitive determination before approaching or allowing the traveler access to you. If it feels wrong, back off, think stay-away thoughts and go about your business. Whatever it is will likely do the same.

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I've explained how visualization can be used to choose a destination and that your visual-destination may be to a person, place or thing, or it may be an action. I feel confident that you understand how a visual-destination may result in a travel. I also believe you have the basics for "awakening" while out, should the chosen destination result in a dream-travel.

The next goal in a consciously controlled, start to finish travel is a direct lift-out. A lift-out is any method utilized for the nonphysical body to separate from the physical. A direct lift-out is a method that you would consciously choose and control to separate from the physical.

You might be wondering why a direct lift-out is preferred by this author. At least I hope you're wondering. Aww come on, you must be wondering just a little, hmm? Well no wonder. I brought it to your attention. Isn't that wonderful? Now, no many time did I just say "wonder" in this paragraph?

A direct lift-out offers benefits not afforded an uncontrolled lift-out:
1. You consciously experience the separation of nonphysical from physical. It's an incredible feeling. One moment you're in bed and the next, you're out beside your own body. This is a very positive example of your success and challenges the purely physical perspective of your daily life.

2. It allows you to maintain a more continuous level of conscious control and recall more details of the travel upon return to the physical.

3. You may dictate a destination or goal you wish to experience while traveling that's defined but not stringent. By utilizing the more graceful direct lift-out, rather than a cannonball-type exit from the physical, you may be adaptive with your actions as you move towards your destination or goal. You are in control from lift-out to return, rather than being instantly there or back.

4. You can get out much quicker. This means you're less likely to get pulled over to the asleep-side of the awake/asleep line.

Me And My Memory O' Me...
When I lived in Arizona, I would often drive to the Grand Canyon, where I was fond of climbing way out onto the ledges. It was my way of physically recreating the experience of being nonphysical. To be as high up as possible with very little support. To feel that long drop of space below. Since my move to Louisiana, I've continued to visit the Canyon nonphysically.

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I am going to share a method with you for reaching the awake/asleep line that I had completely forgotten about until last night (which is now many nights ago). I had used this method over and over again in my early traveling with great success. But, treating this method like an old toy, I eventually placed it in a box (metaphorically speaking). Now (important fanfare), I have found it again.

My last night was probably just like yours; ordinary. The particulars of my quiet evening were a movie with dinner, and my favorite radio show as I prepared for bed. It was just another night of winding down, when SUDDENLY WITHOUT WARNING, a commercial came on! This was soon followed by another commercial and yet another and another and AAAAAHHHhhh!!! Too many dang commercials if you ask me. Just give me a list of what you want me to buy and I'll support the program's advertisers, for gosh sakes. Why I never in my whole...(Alan continues to mumble something incoherently.)

Important secret-spy music begins to play.
Agent (insert your name), it's time to receive your instructions for the mission. Are you prepared? The following instructions have been locked away for years. They will never again be repeated! (As if.) Pay close attention Agent (insert your name again).

The Travel Tones Method:
Everyone has songs, tunes, or sounds that really get them going. For me, in the above instance (after the commercials), a tune came on the radio that reminded me of this fact.

It was a recent release by an alternative (that's what they call it this week) band. But it could also have been Pachebel's Canon in D or The Brady Bunch Theme. And whatever your songs, tunes or sounds are, you may use exactly the same method as I have, to reach the awake/asleep line and travel from your physical body.

The first step in this method is to choose your selections. Pick songs, tunes, or sounds that really stir your emotions. One selection might move you to happiness, another to excitement, and the next to melancholy.

Choose songs, tunes, or sounds that make you want to stop everything and listen. Pick about ten. That should be a piece o' pie. I can name ten of mine without even trying. Umm (okay, trying a little)...some songs/tunes by Fleetwood Mac, Nirvana, Kate Bush, Peter Murphy, and Enya. The sounds of tribal drums, windchimes, ocean waves, firewood crackling, rain and thunder (which is happening as I type this). It's a snap to think of songs, tunes, or sounds that you wouldn't mind hearing just one more time. And by coincidence (not), one more listen is all you get.

You may listen to your selection once and only once, whenever you want, prior to your attempt at the awake/asleep line and traveling. Please do not operate heavy machinery if the selection really affects you. This would include operating cranes, cars, pencil-sharpeners, skateboards with engines and of course, out-board turtles. Once you have heard your selection just ONCE, it's time to get groovin'. (Uh oh, I'm time-tripping again.)

Hey there hip dudes and chicks. As you know here on Travel Tones, our selections are rated by you, the listener. You pick the sounds you want to hear and Travel Tones lays down the waxy tracks. Stay fresh like bread you crazy cats. Don't forget to use a different selection for each travel attempt. Whoa, I'm gone. (You can say that again.)

And I'm back. You should have differing selections for each night. Keep the method fresh by choosing a selection that compliments the way you feel that day.

Recapping the method thus far:
You have listened to your song, tune or sound just once (preferably through headphones to capture every nuance). You have it in your head now. It's floating around in your recent memory. It likes it in there.

When you are ready to practice your traveling, get into bed and recall that selection. I want you to play that selection over and over in your thoughts, in every note and pitch and word and boom and ring. If it's a song or tune, I want you to gently hum the parts that fall when your breath exhales. I want you to place your whole being into your selection and recall everything. I want you to hear it loud in your thoughts! That is what I want! So, hop to it! (Alan snaps his fingers.) Because, if you can do that my friend, you are gonna travel. And here's why.

PsychoBabble Breakdown:
Your are in a cycle of deep concentration centered upon the music and sound areas of your brain. With each spin of your selection, you highlight more points of music and sound. Your focus upon this area of thought also counteracts the more logistic-side of you. Therefore, instead of rationalizing yourself right to sleep, you relax and maintain your control.

Simply Stated Breakdown (As I am the simpleton stating it):
This method creates a spiral effect. You hear the song just ONCE. You want to hear it again but you can't. So you listen to it in your thoughts. Then you do it again. Each spin gets clearer and more correct. You get more focused and more relaxed. Suddenly, your physical is snoring and you are alert on the awake/asleep line.

You may become so wrapped up in your selection, as you reach the awake/asleep line, that the only signal of your arrival to the line is that your selection seems to be playing very loudly from everywhere. The notes may seem almost tangible to the touch. You should use this as your WAKE-UP call to initiate your traveling plan (lift-out, destination and goal).

When you do feel that your selection is playing at optimum, you should immediately begin to target into your traveling plan. Don't think about your plan, just do it. A travel-plan which bumps you a good twenty feet from your physical would be excellent. For example:

Humm hum humm. You're re-playing your selection over and over. You're drifting to the awake/asleep line. Drifting, drifting, drifting. Suddenly, there you are on the line. The music is very loud and crisp and clear. NOW, DO IT! (Initiate your travel plan without hesitation.) Down the hall. You're going down the hall. Passing through the door. Getting away from the physical. Getting outside. Moving up the street. Go, Go, Go! It's that easy. Take the whole of your sound-concentration to its finest point and then re-route it, to blast out of your body!

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As you mentally relax and focus, there are certain "signals" that may occur. These signals will alert you that your physical body is near-ready for the separation of your nonphysical. Unless a lift-out occurs very quickly following your controlled physical shutdown, you will likely encounter at least one signal and possibly a combination of signals. I have included a few of the more common signals here.

Vibration Signal

The most widely experienced signal is called "vibration." Its description is concise but the finer points of "vibe" are complex.

A Description Of Vibe: You'll know it when it happens.

The Finer Points of vibe:
Vibration is literally what its name implies. It's almost like a sub-atomic shaking. Vibration feels slightly electric, although not painfully. It may be localized to one part of your body or be full-body. Confused yet? Okay, try this. Ghtrki lkifdfow jjdfiip.

During vibration, your physical may seem to be immobile and unresponsive to your intent to move it. The reason for this is simple. Your conscious control has switched from commanding your physical body to commanding your nonphysical. You can, if you desire, switch your control back to the physical with the force of a decision to do so. The vibration will then subside (you may feel a slight vibration for a few minutes following), and you'll be able to move your physical as always. I found vibration unpleasant as a child until I realized that it wasn't harmful. It's just unsettling until you become accustomed to it.

You may be familiar with the knowledge that all things vibrate at their certain frequency and that there are countless different frequencies possible. This is why a solid object appears solid to the touch. Your physical body vibrates close to the same frequency as the objects that exist in your environment.

The vibration frequency of the nonphysical is faster and allows the nonphysical to permeate physical objects, such as walls, without difficulty. After you're out a few times, you'll get the idea.

Sometimes, the vibration may seem irregular while you are still in your physical but hoping to separate. This is caused by your perception. You're feeling both the nonphysical and physical vibration frequencies as they begin to move out of sync. It can produce a jarring effect. Additionally, as I've mentioned, the vibration may be localized to only one part of your body.

To assist you with the vibration signal that you may encounter at some point, I've a method to share for making the vibe do what you want it to. This method uses the vibe to assist in your lift-out from the physical body. And, thankfully, it does not require any understanding (or opinion) of the concepts at all (jargon-free ala me).

The A.G. Dervish Method:
When you experience full-body vibe, place your acute attention upon it and picture the vibe as one large whirlpool that covers you completely. Visualize the whirlpool becoming less erratic with each spin. See the whirlpool becoming smooth as it spins faster and faster.

For a localized vibration, place your attention on the vibe area and visualize your whirlpool growing larger, smoother and faster with each rotation until it encompasses your whole body.

This whirlpool visualization places your attention on the nonphysical. This suppresses the often annoying dual-perception of the physical vibration (as I explained above). In addition, the whirlpool method will smooth out the "spikes" of the nonphysical vibration. This results in a smoother lift-out.

Vibration is always present as part of the lift-out process. However, the vibration signal may go unnoticed if the jump from physical to nonphysical happens quickly or is accomplished while the individual is in a semiconscious or unconscious state.

Surge Signal
You'll be overjoyed to hear that this signal requires only three sentences to explain. As you near the moment of potential lift-out, you may feel a rush move over your body. It's similar to having that tingly feeling when an emotion overtakes you for a split second. This "surge" signal will often perk up your conscious control level.

Snoring Signal
One of the more blatant signals is to hear yourself snore. (Perhaps more blatant still, is your mate kicking you in the ribs to shut up.) This may occur despite the fact that the majority of your physical hearing is shut down. It's like wearing earplugs; you can still hear yourself breathe. Although you may hear yourself snore, you can ignore-the-snore or silence it by directing your desire upon doing so.

Temperature Drop Signal
When you intend to travel, it's important to keep your physical body a bit warmer than you might normally for a night's sleep. This is because, at the verge of lift-out, you may perceive a drop in your physical body temperature. Although the temperature drop is minor and may be ignored, it could disrupt your level of control. This can delay or cancel your potential lift-out from the physical.

I suggest loose-fitting nightclothes to keep you warm (or turn up the heat). Try not to bury yourself under too many blankets because as you go deeper into controlled relaxation, you may feel smothered by the weight. This extra weight would place more emphasis upon the physical body and may make the focus of your nonphysical travel more difficult to accomplish. (In the glossary, see Variable.)

Seeing Through Your Closed Eyes Signal
You may, as you're lying there deepening your control, begin to see past your closed eyelids. It may take a moment to realize this is occurring, and it seems strange the first few times, but it does signal that you're very close to a lift-out. You're now "seeing" nonphysically and slightly above and out of sync with your closed physical eyes.

Pseudo-Sound/Sight Distraction Signal
You may encounter noises and visualizations as you reach potential lift-out that seem real but are in fact fakes. This might be a phone ringing or a voice or an alarm beeping. It might be an image of your mate walking into the room or your dog jumping on your bed. It can be any type of noise or image that your brain feels like kicking up.

Now, by this point in your relaxation, your physical hearing and sight has likely shut down. Additionally, your eyes should be closed and the room fairly dark. The chances that an actual outside event is truly occurring at exactly the same time as you are reaching the awake/asleep line is slim. And you may lessen the chances of any actual interruption by unplugging the phone, turning off your alarm, and putting puppy on the porch. As for your mate, that's up to you.

I suggest that if you have doubts about what you think you're hearing or seeing, do not physically rise to check on the event. Instead, if the event is a noise, focus on hearing that sound though your ears. This will trigger your physical sense of hearing and raise your alertness just enough to counteract any pseudo-sound. If the event is visual, you would do a similar trick that's a smidge harder to pull off. You would focus upon opening your eyelids just a teensy-weensy bit. Again, this will trigger a jump in your alertness and provide a brief view of your surroundings for further verification.

Once you've satisfied your curiosity, drop your level back to where you were and continue. The pseudo-sound/sight may return but can be ignored or silenced with a command from you. Pseudo-sound/sight does not persist after you've separated a small distance from the physical.

More and More Memory O' Me...
I've had many nonphysical visits to swimming pools . It's an odd sensation to be out and underwater. Traveling through water does not feel like traveling through air or a vacuum. Each is a completely different sensation.

I'm thirteen. It's nighttime, and the pool is closed, yet here I am. I'm gliding through the water. I'm in the deep end near the diving board where we're told not to swim. I experience an awareness of my physical upon the bed. I'm concerned for my breathing. I'm under the water, looking up through it to the night sky.

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Do you fear leaving your physical body? Do you fear what you might run into, out there in the nonphysical? Do you fear falling from nonphysical flight and that you die when you hit the ground? Do you fear that you won't get back into your physical? Do you fear that someone will think you are dead while you are out-of-body? Do your fear that something will take over your physical while you're gone? Do you fear that traveling will make you miss an important physical event that requires your attention? Do you fear that you will get lost while nonphysical? Do you fear the unknown? Do you fear fear? Well don't. You have absolutely nothing to fear my friend.

Please follow along as I answer each question above with an equally one-sentence answer below. Exciting, ain't it?

If you are in reasonably good health, your physical body will be fine while you are away from it. Other travelers that you may meet while out are primarily more interesting than frightening. You can't fall from flight without a conscious or subconscious desire to do so and it doesn't even smart a little if you do. You can always get back in your physical because you are connected to your physical. Any outside observer can tell that your physical body is simply sleeping. Your physical body is your body and nothing gets in it unless you tell it to. You may be easily roused back to your physical by any outside event that involves your physical. You can't get lost from your physical because (again) you are connected. Never fear the unknown because it's only unknown until you get to know it. Never fear fear, but minimize its hold on you by using common sense in new nonphysical situations. Oh. And the last answer is: Yes, that was exciting.

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Now that I've explained some signals that may greet your attempts at a direct lift-out, I'd like to again refresh your memory. (Refreshing like a cool mountain stream.) A quick-travel may bypass any signals prior to a lift-out from your physical, because your goal is to "be somewhere" with as little fuss as possible. Your nonphysical may then respond less to your conscious desire, than to your subconscious desire, during that quick-travel. If this occurs, you may lose your control temporarily while your goal is being reached. Accomplishing a direct lift-out is just one step past initiating a quick-travel. A direct lift-out is a method that you would consciously choose and control to separate from the physical. As you progress in your traveling, your lift-outs will be quicker and easier from the awake/asleep line.

There. Now you are completely refreshed. Except for that spot behind your left ear. Oh, that's a dime. I see. No, I don't see actually. Why would you glue a dime behind your left ear? Uh huh. So you know that you always have some change left. That's even worse than some of my jokes. And I think you need to work on your delivery too.

Keep in mind that a quick-travel utilizes a visual-destination (or goal) that is general in action and accomplished immediately. A quick-travel is your instruction to get somewhere or do something NOW!

To initiate a direct lift-out and travel, you utilize a more defined visual-destination. You give yourself instructions with more exact intentions. You direct your nonphysical one action at a time, rather than all-at-once.

A quick travel will accomplish the task and introduce you to the nonphysical. But a direct lift-out and controlled travel puts you in the driver's seat.

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And action! You are an actor playing the role of a director. No, that's wrong. You are a director directing a scene that has an actor in it. No, wait. That's not it either. You are an actor and a director, both at once, working on a scene. Yes. That is what you are! You are an actor AND a director. And ACTION!

The scene opens with you in your bed. You are at the awake/asleep line.

Actor: Your physical is sleeping but you are not. You begin to focus on rolling over. You hold that visual of your impending movement and make it real. You get into your role. You tell yourself that you're going to move at any moment. You're going to stir yourself and roll over. You're a very good actor.

Director (also you): You have demanded that the actor (you you you) must not move the physical body! This is a role of thought only. The actor must desire to move and see it about to happen. But the actor must not move, or risk revealing the cliff-hanger ending too soon.

Actor: You tease and taunt that you are about to move. You are Academy Award material. You are just about to move but you keep your cool, remembering the director's dictator demand, "No Movement But The Mind, You Acting Swine!"

Following the release of the movie (and the accolades):
Your physical continues to sleep (as you have acted and directed), while your nonphysical goes off on a delightful travel. Here's why.

(Please follow the bouncing stream-of-consciousness ball.)
If you tell yourself that you desire to move and build it up further by preparing to move and any moment now you're going to move and getting ready and here you go and you're going to move at any second now BUT you don't allow your physical to move from sleep...

Your physical will continue to sleep while your nonphysical reacts to the teasing (it's ACTING!). You then slip out of sync with the physical to fulfill your desire. Ta and da (Russian for yes). You may not even realize that you've moved nonphysically instead of physically until you check. Once, I was halfway to my front door to find my newspaper before I discovered that my physical had never left the bed.

Additionally, the way in which you tease (direct your actions) will affect your nonphysical body's lift-out and movement. Your lift-out might be a roll-out right or left, jump-out, slide-out, float-out, spin-out, etc. Your movement might be flying, floating, running, jumping, moving fast or slow. These are just a few commands to tell you how to go. Yes, that's a rhyme. Go back and read it out loud from "Your movement..." because it's fun.

After you've experimented with direct lift-out a few times, you may soon find that you require only a whim of decision to lift-out, without all the teasing (acting). For, as your intent to move nonphysically becomes your usual practice, you bypass the learning process used initially and go straight to a direct lift-out on command. Your separation can become as nonphysically routine as, "I'm going to sit up now" or "I'm going to roll over to the other side of the bed now" or "I'm going to float to the ceiling now" or "I'm going to go check on the morning paper now."

It's best, as you become more proficient at direct lift-out, to lift-out with an intent of moving at least twenty or so feet from the physical. I'll tell you why in step six. Let's take a break from all this deep thought. Got any munchies in the house?

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I've been elaborating upon awareness since early on, so you may be surprised to find that it also garners its own step, five. (Surprise! Toot Toot!) Well, don't be too surprised. Your awareness following a lift-out can vary from sharp to blurry. So it's important to provide yourself with the best chance for remaining near the sharp side of your awareness. One excellent way to do this is to mentally quiz yourself with "details" as you travel. "Detailing" will provide a more constant control level and allow for a clearer memory imprint after your return to the physical. Detailing also makes it easier to revisit a travel destination at a later time by recalling the specifics and "thinking yourself there." Try some of these handy-dandy detail queries and then invent some of your own as your travel-awareness dictates.

Detailing (Or...What's With All Of The Etceteras?):
How are you getting about in your traveling? Note if you are flying, running, jumping, hopping, swimming, etc. How do you look nonphysically? Observe whether you are normal, wispy, transparent, undefined, etc. Is your vision crisp, indistinct, shimmering, dark, bright, etc.? What details can you note in your surroundings? Look for road signs, the time of day, people you see and their actions, the weather, events that are occurring, etc. Are you in an environment similar to what you know? Look for the differences between what you know and what you observe. What type of place is it? Are you the only one there or are there others?

If you focus your thoughts on the specific details of what you are experiencing...YOU WILL:

1. Retain a better memory imprint when you return to your physical
2. Gain more insights for later traveling attempts.
3. Enjoy an increased level of awareness and control while traveling.

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If you've read my preface to this book, you're aware of my displeasure at the lack of helpful insights I've been able to accumulate from "expert" sources. Most of the books attempt an explanation of getting out and then send you on your merry way without an "instruction map" of how things work while you're nonphysical. The few books that do include a map are either too convoluted to be useful or so vague, it's as if they took a couple of x's and drew a line between them. If it appears to you that I have a chip (chocolate, I hope) on my shoulder, you're a very keen observer of one so obvious as myself. I don't understand why so much is written and so little explained. Well, that ends here. Included at no extra charge, I'm about to supply you with the map it took me twenty-eight years to grasp. I'm going to explain the way things work when you're out and how to get the most from your efforts. I'll be glad to write a sequel to this literary masterpiece (which, due to your kind letters, I have now done), but I refuse to leave anything out from this one book that's of immediate importance towards your success at traveling! So by golly, let's get to it. Step six has lots o' parts.

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There are laws of the physical environment (i.e., gravity) and there are laws of a nonphysical environment. In addition, some of your physical senses have correlations to senses that you possess while nonphysical. The laws and senses of being nonphysical require a basic understanding and a tad of practice to master.

Thought Equals Action
Just as your physical activity may be motivated by conscious and subconscious thought, your nonphysical may also carry out an activity during varying states of consciousness. But, although there is a similarity, there is also a major difference. When you move about physically, you think to go here or there or do this or that, and then you move into action. Or you don't. Sometimes you change your mind and do something else or nothing at all. In contrast, when you're traveling, the action responds so instantaneously to your thought process that you may have no opportunity to correct or redirect your intent. If you have a lack of direction, any whim at all of conscious or subconscious thought may initiate an action. If for instance you're out but your physical body is nearby, and you casually think about a return, you're there in a flash. There is no delay of any kind worth mentioning (so don't mention it).

You may observe your physical or wander around your home, but you must avoid accidentally thinking yourself back into bed. Even at a great distance from the physical, a gentle thought about your physical body may send you hurtling back. However, from a distance you may have a chance at redirecting your action (perhaps a few seconds).

A return to the physical is not the only result of misdirected thought. You may be pulled away from your desired destination or never reach it. You may find it difficult to control your movements as if being tossed in a strong wind. It all depends on your thoughts. It's as if you were to think about raising your physical arm and before you could think to do otherwise, up it goes.

It takes practice to accommodate this law of nonphysical behavior, but it's not too difficult if you plan ahead. For instance, if your travel was destination-oriented to a nearby park, you'd plan your route before you directed your lift-out.

After your lift-out, you'd stay focused on your chosen route and the final destination of reaching the park. You may observe as "non-directing" thoughts what you find while on the way to the park but keep your primary actions geared to your intent. If your thoughts wander and you find yourself misdirected, pull the reins in and get back to your original plan.

As you now know, a quick-travel (whoop, whoop, get-out-ma-way!) may bring you to a destination, person or thing by visualizing and "feeling" a desire to be there. Although this type of "you-are-there travel" may eliminate conflicting thoughts that send you places you don't wish to go, you must still contend with the "thought equals action" law after you arrive. Once again, you should have a plan as to what you'd like to do or see after the quick-travel has worked its magic of getting you there (where ever there is).

If your travel is task-oriented, before a lift-out, you would plan what you hope to accomplish or learn. For instance, if your goal is to practice your nonphysical movement, you would stay focused to the movements that you have planned before the travel. "I want to fly straight up. I want to stop. I want to move to my right. I want to go faster. I want to slow down. I want, I want, I want." (And you deserve it too.)

You should always have a basic plan for your travels. That way, even if you become misdirected, there is still a chance to reroute yourself and benefit from being out. Although you may concoct a plan after lift-out, a travel without intent will likely pull you first here, then there, then back to the physical.

It's also a grand idea ($1000.00 worth) to have a preset agenda that you don't mind repeating. This helps when you find yourself out without having planned a direction or goal. For instance (I always have a for-instance.), there's a gazebo near my home. I've repeatedly instructed myself (so that now it's part of my back-up) to visit the gazebo in the event that I suddenly find myself out without planning. I've also instructed myself to regain conscious control when I find myself at the gazebo. These instructions place me in a familiar setting, peak my awareness while out and allow for some distance from the physical, thus avoiding an uncontrolled "pull-back."

Seeing Is Believing
As I've explained, while you're nonphysical, thought equals action. It may also be said that desire equals perception. The senses that you possess while out are primarily utilized by wanting to do so.

When you first begin to venture from your physical, you may find that your "vision" is not quite up to snuff in comparison with your physical sight. You may find that objects appear fuzzy or muted. Don't worry; you don't need nonphysical glasses. This is an easily corrected, occasional occurrence that's common to the newly nonphysical. (Say that sentence three times fast while eating crackers.)

If your "vision" is poor following your lift-out, place some emphasis on wanting to see. Gently prod your vision with a desire to see in total clarity. You'll find that your nonphysical sight responds readily to your direction.

Objects viewed nonphysically may appear to shimmer or glow. There may appear to be a radiance that permeates all that you "see" regardless of the actual light available. (I wish I'd known as a child to "turn on" my vision while lost in my darkened bedroom.)

You may also, by focus of your desire, observe details that are a great distance away. This skill takes more honing to perfect, but after awhile you should manage to do so.

It should not be necessary to "turn on" your vision every time you travel. This, as with all nonphysical skills, becomes a part of a learned routine that is self-perpetuating.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye
Your sense of hearing, that may be present or absent (hearing impaired) while in your physical body, will probably seem distant or garbled while traveling. You may perceive sounds that are either physical or nonphysical in nature. You are not, however, using your physical ears to do so. Sounds are not heard in the manner we're familiar with but felt as "waves" that may be "decoded" with some concentrated effort. To explain further, sounds behave much as they do while underwater. A sound may seem to come from everywhere or be distorted. To hear nonphysically, you should first locate the direction of the sound and then attempt to interpret it. This, as always, gets easier and more bountiful as you practice.

Tell Me How You Feel
On the chance that you encounter another traveler, it's important to understand nonverbal communication. This type of exchange requires intuition and intent. In other words, you should develop the ability to discern the message being "sent" by the other traveler and "broadcast" your own thoughts and feelings to that traveler. This takes place in a rapid-fire exchange of information that far exceeds normal conversation.

To illustrate, let's assume that I've just eaten a doughnut to end all doughnuts, and I'm communicating this information to you in the usual way. "I just ate the most spectacular doughnut. It was a masterpiece. The filling was a delectable cream that danced on my tongue, and pastry so light it practically floated from my mouth. The doughnut was drenched with blended chocolates yodeled from Switzerland, and I believe that I've fallen in love with this confectionery delight." Okay, you have my permission to go buy some doughnuts before continuing to read. It's my fault, of course, so you better save me one for when you get back.

Oh, you're back. (Hey, where's my doughnut? Why you, I outta...)

To continue, now that you're satiated. If I were to meet you while you were traveling, you could "receive" the doughnut information, in all its sublime deliciousness, in one quick blip. You'd receive the emotion I've attached to my thoughts and perhaps a "visual" image of me eating the doughnut. Our exchange would occur in a millisecond as opposed to minutes. It's like throwing you a compressed "ball-of-info" instead of unwinding an extensive line of descriptive sentences. Although normal sentences are possible between travelers (also "sent" without actually speaking the words), it's more likely that you'll encounter the "ball" type of communication. To practice this before traveling, think of something that you wish to convey. Don't think of words that describe. Visual images will replace the words as you concentrate on the feelings that surround your topic.


1. To send a ball-of-info about your environment to another traveler:
Your visuals, impressions and thoughts might be...
A clean lake. Fresh air. Tall and lovely trees.

2. To send a ball-of-info about your cherished pet to another traveler:
Your visuals, impressions and thoughts might be...
Fido cuddles your lap. Fido chases a stick. Fido chews up your slippers.

3. To send a ball-of-info about your dinner to another traveler:
Your visuals, impressions and thoughts might be...
Fresh, crunchy chicken stacked in a box. Plenty of napkins. Burping.

By eliminating your dependence on words, you are combining your perceptions of the topic with a directed intent and imagery. This nonverbal ball-of-info may then be tossed (with discretion) to another traveler.

Nonverbal communication does require practice, but it's not really too difficult. Your intuition will serve you best for communicating during a travel, and you should not experience a problem with reading what another is sending. Remember however, that another traveler may only send what she/he/it wants you to receive. Play it safely until you get accustomed to nonverbally communicating. After a few tries, you too will be seasoned enough to send selective information.

August 2, 1986
Work was very prevalent in my mind as I tried to become relaxed. I'd used travel suggestions and breathing techniques: I was at the entrance to Park 16 (Osborn and 16th St.), and six travelers floated towards me. There was some initial animosity on their part that seemed to pass almost immediately. We proceeded to "chat," and I explained my job in the building, transmitting my thoughts and feelings as best I could. During the group "discussion," there was one among them who floated to the center and challenged me. The antagonist primarily used a threatening movement to do so. It was quickly realized that I wouldn't rise to the aggressive level being exhibited, and our exchange of nonphysical attack and counterattack was then carried out in good humor. The most accurate similarity I can draw is rough-housing. This was followed by a short bit of further "discussion," and then I returned to the physical. -end entry-

No Tongue, Nose Knows
Forget about taste. It does not seem to have a correlating nonphysical sense. If you think you're tasting something while you're out, you're either "picking up feedback" from your physical body in bed or recalling the sensation from a prior physical experience.

The lack of a physical nose on the other hand (a nose on your hand, how odd) does not seem to limit the nonphysical from "sensing" scents (abundant flowers for example). In addition, an odor appears to permeate the whole nonphysical rather than being limited to a sniff, as through our physical nose.

Seven Quick Facts That You May Find Strange But Useful

Fact One
While traveling, you will encounter many physical barriers that would halt you if you were in your physical body. You're not of course, so don't worry 'bout 'em. You can pass through a rocky mountain or a giant mound of feathers placed just so. You can go underwater or into space without running out of oxygen or blowing up (oh yuck). Weather and temperature conditions may be perceived while traveling without the discomfort often associated with the extremes of either. Basically, I'm telling you to choose a tour and explore galore.

Fact Two
Physical objects when "touched" nonphysically may seem to offer a slight resistance at first and then yield to the more intensified "push" of your nonphysical as you pass through. Your nonphysical, due to its light density and faster vibration, can occupy the same space as a physically solid object. However, I wouldn't try remaining within a physical person. That's oh so rude and it's not gonna work anyway.

Fact Three
You won't, under normal circumstances, move physical objects while nonphysical. Although there are accounts stating that this has occurred to some travelers, it's the exception, not the rule.

Fact Four
Nonphysical objects or other travelers will "feel solid" if their vibrational frequency is close to that of your own frequency.

Fact Five
You may while nonphysical, with the proper lighting and a "desire to be seen," attract the attention of a physical person or animal. It happens more often with animals than people due to the mental blocks we impose upon ourselves, but it can be done. You may also with a force of desire "touch" a person or animal, but it's usually disconcerting to them. I suggest avoiding this temptation for attention.

Fact Six
You may, by focusing your desire while out (notice that trend), increase your vibrational frequency and explore beyond the physical environment. I know that this sounds bizarre, so please at your discretion, either buy the premise or pass it by. I'll explain it anyway to satisfy your curiosity. (Meow.)

The nonphysical frequency that you initially vibrate at while traveling is still only slightly faster than that of the physical. Therefore, you overlap and perceive both environments. However, by increasing your vibrational frequency, you may explore the faster vibrating environments that exist beyond our normal scope of perception.

Fact Seven
There is such a thing as mental-traveling. Mental-traveling doesn't mean that the travel occurs only in your mind. (Ya know, mentally?) Instead of your consciousness traveling in a nonphysical "body" that may allow certain "sensations," your consciousness travels a bit like a dot that primarily "sees" rather than feels. You will find while attempting to visit the much faster vibrational environments that a slower vibrating nonphysical body may not transcend the travel. Therefore, a mental-travel would occur automatically because of the desire to reach that environment.

The following entry elaborates upon facts one and two and the importance of planning ahead.

July 17, 1985
Whenever I awoke during the night, I worked on concentration exercises:
At 5:00am or so it was very bright in the room, so I put some shielding over my eyes to assist in my relaxation. I don't recall starting the process of leaving my body, although I experienced the separation, for I felt my heart beating as I went out. I also felt the wall to the right of my bed as I passed through layer by layer and to the outside. I then became momentarily confused because, although I'd desired travel from prior suggestions, I'd no real goal in mind when I set out. I reentered the room and paused to float in the doorway. I then went out again, this time through a window. I remembered the mountains out by Deer Valley and began heading in that direction. I felt as if a breeze were blowing around me, and I turned about in it a couple of times. The breeze, in fact, may have been only my lack of initial decision as to a travel destination. This absence of a preplanned direction was responsible for my pull-back return to the physical that happened shortly after. The return took almost no time at all. -end entry-

Physically Attracted
You know by now that I prefer to use just those average words that make the most sense regarding traveling. Well, for this section, I don't have to fix the dictionary. Unbelievable. There is simply not a better choice of word to describe the "cord" that connects the nonphysical to the physical than the word cord. That's what it feels like, acts like and is. Best of all, almost all of the information on the cord names it approximately the same thing. There is an actual consensus.

While I've been out, I've reached behind me to verify this chosen word. The cord is usually located near the nonphysical base of the head and neck and upper-back region, assuming that a standard bodily shape is your chosen form of travel. (The actual shape of a traveling body is limited primarily by desire.) It's a cord all right. It feels in actuality like a number of cords that make up the whole. (Think of cables braided together.) As I'll explain in the next section, the cord plays a very important role in your traveling.

Travel Connection
You may recall to my explanation of a direct lift-out that I instructed you to move to a distance of at least twenty feet from the physical after your separation. Well, no matter whether you remember or not, I wrote it. Go back and look here and here. (And you still owe me a doughnut. Don't think I forgot about that either. But I digress. Such a surprise.)

The cord that connects your nonphysical to your physical works somewhat like a rubber band that doesn't break. When you're closest to the physical, it's wider, and as you move away it thins out. But it's also the opposite of a rubber band. Unlike a rubber band that increases its pull as you stretch it out, to spring back to its original form, your cord pull increases as your distance from the physical decreases. You may find yourself pulled right back into where you just got out from. The pull can be overwhelming despite your resolve to stay nonphysical. So, the further you move away from your physical, the better your chances will be to resist. Twenty or more feet of distance from the physical should be enough to gain you the upper hand if you can avoid premature, random thoughts of a return.

Although the pull-back to the physical is a tad frustrating on occasion, it's a wonderful safeguard. The cord insures that you will never get lost while traveling. You're attached to the physical, so you can always find your way back. (It's better than a trail of bread crumbs and considerably less sloppy.)

When you feel like returning to your physical, you just have to think of the physical body or "feel" for it or tell yourself you wish to move the physical body, and the return trip is guaranteed (no postage due). The cord pulls you back neat and tidy, realigning the nonphysical with the physical in a reverse of the way you lifted-out. For instance, if you've lifted-out by a roll-out to the left, you'll return by a roll-in to the right. (Uh oh, I feel a cheer looming. Run while you can. Too late. Roll to the left, roll to the right, stand up, sit down, flight, flight, flight. The rah-rah song for Traveling University. That's T.U. to you.)

The cord connection may also alert you and/or pull you back in response to an event that involves your physical. This might be a discomfort of your physical body or someone shaking the bageebies out of your sleeping self upon the bed.

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There is a potential difficulty I'd like to warn you about in hopes that you'll heed my advice. Avoid electric blankets. Allow me to explain.

Electricity that moves through your home in a wire here and a wire there is not a problem when trying to leave your physical body. Even the main junction to an electrical supply (i.e., a master fusebox to your home's electricity) is confined to an area that your nonphysical could pass around without incident.

An electric blanket however, has wiring that runs throughout the blanket from top to bottom. The electricity is restricted to its "wiring pattern" and your nonphysical may not get past or go around the dense "electric fence" that's created. It's as if you're trying to get through a pattern of bars that's too small. Although you may simply slip out through the top of your head (unless you cover that too), I do advise that you avoid the possibility of difficulty.

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It's sometimes difficult to remain calm while traveling from the physical. This overwhelming emotion is due, in part, to the actual incredibleness (look it up) of the event. But your emotional highs AND lows are also affected by your nonphysical proximity to your physical body. Near the physical, less desirable emotions (than those associated with incredibleness) may amplify without restraint.

Fear is one of the not-so-fun amplified emotions that may occur close to your physical. A brush with amplified fear can easily drag you back into yourself. There doesn't even need to be a cause for the alarm. One second you're wary, the next second you're terrified, and the next second, you're back in your physical. However, once you are a few feet (I say again, 20 of them!) from your physical, this emotion-boost of highs or lows decreases. Then, you may continue your travel with clearer thoughts.

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Your consciousness may exist in two places at the same time and this is not unusual. Well, it's not for gosh sakes. Even during your normal waking state, you may be in two (or more) places at the same time. It is your selective perception that decides which place will get the majority of your attention.

For example:
Perhaps you are sitting in your chair watching tv, but you are thinking towards the fridge for a cold drink. You see yourself moving to the fridge. Now, you're inside the fridge, standing on a ketchup bottle. Any beverages left in there? Can you see what shelf they're on? You can? Your fridge light must be stuck. It's supposed to turn off when the door is closed. Must be bright in there. Hey, while you're getting a drink, grab one for me.

Ta da. You just existed in the fridge and in your chair at the same time. Your perception made it happen.

Unfortunately, this dual-perception of consciousness can bind you to your physical on occasion. While attempting to travel, you may seem to be part here and also, part there. You may find a nonphysical bit of yourself flopping about while the rest of your nonphysical is still "locked" into your sleeping physical. You may also experience nonphysical signals, such as vibration, and feel trapped at that signal-point. You experience both your body on the bed and the nonphysical attributes. You are (again) perceiving two places (environments) at the same time. Now, stop flopping about like that. Do you have any idea how silly you look? And I repeat (as I like to remind myself), this is not at all unusual.

Now, although signals are interesting, they are supposed to be signals, not a sticking point. And although flopping about nonphysically is good exercise, it is also counterproductive to your attempts at traveling. Your goal is to separate completely from the physical, not to ponder bi-location observations. There will be time enough for that later on in your traveling.

If you choose to travel, you will experience bi-location (or even tri-location) due to your ability to perceive more than one event and place. It's a fact. It's just like being in a classroom. There's the teacher speaking but you also hear doodling pencils and classmates snoring and you see the lovely day beyond the window and look at bird on the tree singing a tune and snap of a ruler, you're back to answering questions at the board. Your perception makes it possible to be many places at once.

So, the way to get past the lock that holds you and your perception to both places at once, when all ya really wanna do is float to the fridge is...
(dramatic pause)
Switch your attention to just one place or the other. Either allow your nonphysical to cut loose and LEAP into your traveling plan, or let the effort end and go to sleep. Make a decision and DO IT. It's that simple.

As I mentioned, the vibration signal (and others) that may seem to hold you at that point is a bi-location event. It is nonphysical and yet, you still are in your physical. You feel your physical on the bed at the same time. Again, to get past a dual-perception that locks you to your physical, you should note the event that has happened (signals, flopping about, etc.) and PUSH ON. It is your choice of perception. So note the signal or dual perception; then ignore it and PUSH FORWARD towards a full separation from the physical.

PUSH yourself to your travel destination. Pay no attention to being temporarily stuck. Don't fixate on the signals. Don't concern yourself with how much of your nonphysical is in or out. Note those events and PUSH to the next part of your travel plan. That is where your selective perception should focus.

As a result, you will:
Bypass your bi-location fixation.
Speed up your vibe.
Have a wonderful travel.
Get me a drink from your fridge.

You have been using selective perception your whole life. Use it now to PUSH your perception into the singular task of being where you want to be.

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As I sat earlier tonight on the edge of my bed, it occurred to me that I was out-of-body and ever so slightly above my physical. This was not by choice, although the ambiance and my attitude certainly contributed to my separation. The moonless night was gently lit by a candle and I was feeling loose. It was a quiet moment that followed a long day of effort. On a night like this, I just let what's gonna happen, happen. And it did.

I was suddenly nonphysical, three feet up and observing my physical just below. At the same time, I'm sitting physically upon the bed, fully aware and observing my nonphysical up above. Sounds like bi-location fun, doesn't it? Well, it might have been had I not been faced with a major dilemma that you might not have even thought of. Go on, guess the dilemma. Nope, that's not it. My dog would never use me as a tree while I'm out-of-body. Good guess though. It is about time for his walkies.

The major dilemma I faced which made the event more of a snag than a joy was that I was sitting physically upon the bed. I couldn't let my nonphysical go off exploring or my physical would lose what little control I was managing to stay upright, and just flop ridiculously to the floor. It was this dilemma that finally dragged me back in. I just had to save my gorgeous (heh heh) physical body from succumbing to gravity during this unintended travel. Next time, I gotta remember to lay down before I let what's gonna happen, happen.

April 22, 1988
While waiting for a phone call, I decided to lie down and take a short nap of approximately forty-five minutes. At some point during my relaxation, I found myself out in the living room near my easychair. I could see that I wasn't in the chair, and I tried to remember where I'd left my physical. I felt for it and discovered that it was stretched out on the couch in the other room. Unfortunately, by thinking of the physical, I caused myself to return. As I reentered, I pondered the fact that I'd obviously had a spontaneous travel. Although my mind was preoccupied prior to lying down and was the catalyst to my travel, I'd earlier consumed about three cups of coffee. It seems amazing that I could relax at all and that I'd even considered taking a nap. -end entry-

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Return (Part One Of Step Seven)
You're now familiar with returning to your physical because it was explained as part of the cord description. Since it's step seven, I stuck it here as well with some further explanation.

You can slow your return to the physical with a bit of restraint. This is done by first concentrating on the direction of your physical body. You then move towards your physical with a controlled, dilly-dally attitude. You simply instruct yourself to return at a pace of your choosing.

The return to physical is much easier than getting out because it's the natural "state of being" for this environment. We live in a physical environment, so our physical takes precedence over our nonphysical. Traveling is the oddity. We are "pushing" with our desire beyond the physical perspective.

Memory (Part Two Of Step Seven)
I've explained the importance of committing your nonphysical travel to physical memory after you return. It was way back at the beginning of the book so you might have forgotten by now. (Gee, if you forget to remember about remembering memories, they should cancel each other out, and you'd remember to remember and...oh forget it, I'm getting a headache just trying to remember what my point was before I forgot.)

Rather than make you click for the passage on memory, here's a rerun. A clean memory of the nonphysical event requires that it be imprinted upon the physical brain. A simple, conscious effort by the individual to recall the nonphysical event after returning to the physical is enough to imprint the travel. If the return to physical is immediately followed by falling directly to sleep and not committing the event from nonphysical knowledge to physical knowledge, there's a good chance of a muddled memory later or none at all of the event.

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I get a lot of email regarding possession possibilities and I just wanna say this about that. When was the last time you spoke with a possessed person? Be honest. I'm not just talking about some guy who seems a bit daft. I'm talking possession. Never, right? It's just not happening. Despite all the hype about the dangers of losing your physical body or your SELF (eep!), it's not an average event. The only way anything is getting hold of your goodies is if you want it to (on some level). Even a channeler (if you're into that) links with an outside-other for a brief time by choice. It's not a give-me-your-body-or-else situation. Possessions are more rare than winning the lotto.

It's your physical body and you are connected to it. It's a sealed connection. The door is locked tight. Nothing gets in without your say so. Nothing kicks you out of your own physical. You won't be overcome by another while traveling from your physical. Just as you protect your physical in daily life (look out for that bus), you protect it in sleep. It's automatic. You would hear more on this, but it doesn't sell as well as the scary stuff.

If you care to use prayers or chants or sword images or shouts, to fend off a nonphysical intruder, or to protect yourself while traveling, do it. These methods work well to trigger that natural protection response you always have.

With any method or none, you will either take flight from fight, or exhibit a powerful posture, preventing potential possession-poachers. So stop worrying about someone wanting your body. That only happens in Hollywood (where everyone wants your body).

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I felt it would be helpful to give you an example of how a potential travel might play out. It should be a travel that includes a bunch of what I've been writing about. My diary entries are oh so fascinating (uh huh), but they primarily highlight only one or two aspects of something I've learned. Therefore, I've culled various entries from my collection and assembled the following.

Nonever 33, 20018
I was intent upon some traveling last night after my long day of writing. Towards this goal, I first took a brief bike ride to calm my body. Then, to calm my thoughts, I took a shower by candlelight and listened to some ducks quacking proudly outside my bedroom window.

As I reclined in my bed, I planned my travel. I wanted to visit my old neighborhood back in Maryland. Since it's a long way off from where I live now, I planned to first lift-out and go to my nearby gazebo. From there, I could then direct a quick-travel to the old neighborhood rather than meandering all the way there. Once I reached my destination, I'd tool around the neighborhood and the woods where I played as a younger me.

My relaxation method soon brought me to the awake/asleep line. As I gathered my control, I felt a quick surge and then some smooth vibe located around my lower torso. I immediately focused on moving the vibe by whirlpool method to full-body.

The vibe seemed right after a short time, so I directed a spin-out and went through my bedroom window to the ground below. It was a moonless night but everything still shimmered in the glow of all things nonphysical. I moved away quickly from the window because I felt a close-to-physical tug of my cord.

As I reached the gazebo, I spied my egg-raised, extra-big-and-mouthy duck, BooBoo (because that's what she was), lounging in the water. I took a moment to detail her markings. This helped to hone my awareness for the quick-travel.

I reached with attachment for the old neighborhood and quickly began to move in that direction. My vision blurred, and I felt the incredible speed of the travel. After about ten seconds, my vision cleared as I began to slow. I came to float about fifteen feet above the ground in the backyard of where I grew up. Talk about a good landing.

I took off exploring as I'd planned to do. I flew through the woods and up the near-vertical trail I'd climbed on my way to school. I ventured to the creek and rock where I'd hung out on summer nights. I went over my street and took it to the end, where it emptied onto the main roads. There were new buildings where once was woods. At last, I visited my nearby elementary school playground. I explored the large, open-air, upper level. I then rose to a few hundred feet and scanned the sleeping neighborhood.

I decided it was time to return, so I felt for the direction to travel and slowly moved towards my physical. I allowed the speed to increase gradually until it blurred, and I was soon near my home again. I saw another traveler outside my complex, but I couldn't discern any messages or intent being broadcast. I sent a brief greeting but avoided an invitation due to that lack of communication. Perhaps they were not aware that they were traveling and were only dreaming their actions. I moved off to below my bedroom window and floated gently up. I went back through the glass and spun-in a reverse of the way I'd left. I could feel the charge throughout my body, and I lay quietly thinking about my travel, committing it to my physical memory for a later entry.

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Cue music. Curtain up. Cue spots. Music down.
There are two travelers on stage. One is holding a book. They speak.

You: Hello? I thought that there were only seven steps.
Me: Oops. I did say that, didn't I?
You: Yes, you did. What the heck are you trying to pull with this section?
Me: A fast one?
You: Always with the jokes. What's the eighth step funny man?
Me: You are the eighth step.
You: All right, now I'm confused. Stop being so cryptic.
Me: I can only take you so far. The decision to travel is up to you. The interpretation of the event is up to you. The eighth step.
You: Hmm. You did say from the beginning that I should formulate an opinion that was correct for me. That does seem like a step. You're off the hook, Alan.
Me: Whew, imagine my relief.
You: Well, I should be getting back to whatever I was doing.
Me: Yeah, me too. It's been nice hanging out with you.
You: When will I see you again?
Me: Soon, my friend. I hope to see you soon.

Spots go down. Music swells. Curtain closes for another night.

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I've always been a thinker of this and that. When I started leaving my body, I had even more to ponder. Over the years, I've given the question of why I travel some considerable attention. I've always wondered why I started young and it never left me. Now, my eventual answer circles back to my questions. I travel because I've always been a thinker. My thoughts run deep and focused (even my dumb ones). At the age of eight, my thinking collided with my strong desire and I jumped out-of-body. I've never been the same since.

I lead a normal life, but my life is not normal. During the hours unoccupied by routine and necessity, traveling is my ever present obsession. If I don't travel, I think about traveling. It's not the fixation of an unhappy man hoping for more than life offers. I'm happy with my life and the person that I am. It is simply a desire to understand and experience.

Writing this book, like my search for answers, was a solitary task. I have sat alone in my not-so-comfortable chair and stared at the screen. I've typed and then retyped and then retyped the retype. Through it all, I've thought about you. I'd like to think that my words will comfort the next accidental expert.

I won't feel so isolated the next time I write. I'm hopeful that your letters and your thoughts will be with me. And if one day we happen to meet, whether physically or nonphysically, you still owe me a doughnut.

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Here we are at the end of my book in a book. Thank you for reading.

This sequel has been a lot of work AND a lot of fun to write. It helped me to recall traveling events and feelings from long in my past. I remembered a time when I wasn't an accidental expert. I was just some guy trying this and that. I was just like you may be now.

As time progressed in my travel attempts, I found some pieces that seemed to assist me in getting nonphysical. Before long, I learned which pieces worked best for me and used them over the pieces that didn't work as well. Eventually, the odds of traveling outweighed the odds of not traveling. And you can do the same.

Traveling is not a great secret handed down by the ancients and it doesn't need to be a bunch of mumbojargon (that word actually defines itself). It's not beyond your reach, reserved for the experts only. It's not expensive or strict in method. In short (too late), it's not hard to travel beyond your body.

If you want to travel, you will travel. Each attempt is a success. When you know you're dreaming, that's a success. When you reach the awake/asleep line, that's a success. When you feel vibe or hear pseudo-sound or feel out of sync, you've had a success. Build on it my friend. A brief travel once, leads to a longer travel in your future. Don't stress the time between your adventures. You'll get there. Each attempt is a success. Each attempt is a success. Each attempt is a success. Now, have at it.

See you out there.

Alan Guiden



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Awake/Asleep Line
The line between falling to sleep and remaining awake, alert and in control of your consciousness.

The level of your control during a travel.

Controlled Dream
A dream that you create. You may dictate either a general or specific direction that the dream follows. You're aware that you're dreaming.

Direct Lift-Out
A method that you would consciously choose and control to separate from the physical.

To travel from the physical body in a nonphysical form and "act out" your desire and subconscious thoughts. You may "awaken" at any point during the dream-travel to full conscious control.

Any method utilized for the nonphysical to separate from the physical.

The time between the last really cool thing that happened to you nonphysically, and the next really cool thing.

Puzzle Pieces
Used to overcome Variables (see below). The best traveling methods and ideas that have worked for you in the past. May be as general as adjusting your position upon the bed, or as specific as a relaxation technique that quickly drops you on the Awake/Asleep Line (see above).

An immediate travel to a distant or nearby destination, person, thing or action. The travel may occur in a matter of seconds and is driven partially upon your instructions for reaching your goal and partially upon your desire of immediacy to reach it.

The nonphysical reentering the physical body.

An occurrence just prior to lift-out that indicates the possibility of separation from the physical.

To separate from your physical body in a nonphysical form.

Any hindrance to your attempt at traveling. Puzzle Pieces (see above) may be utilized to lesson or remove the effect of any variable. The hindrance may be as general as an uncomfortable position upon your bed, or as specific as an inability to reach the Awake/Asleep Line (see above).

A signal prior to Lift-Out (see above) from the physical body. Vibration may be perceived as a subatomic shaking. It may feel slightly electric, although not painfully. It may be localized to one part of your body or be full-body.

To create a mental image or instruction based upon your desire.


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