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Alphabetically Arranged with Cyclopedic Meanings and Bible References


An historical personage at the court of King Solomon, whose name appears in several of the advanced Degrees. In that of Select Master in the American Rite, it has been corrupted into Izabud. He is mentioned in First Kings (iv, 5) where he is described in the authorized version as being "principal officer and the King's friend." The original is Zabud ben Nathan cohen regneh hahmelek, which is literally Zabud, son of Nathan, a Priest, the friend of the King Adam Clarke says he was "the king's chief favorite, his confidant." Smith (Dictionary of the Bible) says: "This position, if it were an official one, was evidently distinct from that of Counselor, occupied by Ahithophel under David, and had more of the character of private friendship about it."

Kitto (Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature) says of Zabud and of his brother Azariah, that their advancement in the household of King Solomon' may doubtless be ascribed not only to the young King's respect for the venerable Prophet (their father), who had been his instructor, but to the friendship he had contracted with his sons during the course of education. The office, or rather honor, of 'friend of the King,' we find in all the despotic governments of the East. It gives high power, without the public responsibility which the holding of a regular office in the state necessarily imposes. It implies the possession of the utmost confidence of, and a familiar intercourse with, the monarch, to whose person 'the friend' at all times has access, and whose influence is therefore often far greater, even in matters of state, than that of the recognized ministers of government. "to Clay probably by Preston, and so it still remains This conception has been fully carried out in the (see Fervency and Freedom), Legend of the Select Master's Degree.


Zadok was a joint-high priest with Abiathar in the time of David, and was designated by David for the anointing of Solomon as his successor, Abiathar having allied himself with the claims of Adonijah for the throne.  Zadok then became high priest under Solomon, and Josephus says that "Zadok, the high priest, was the first high priest of the Temple which Solomon built."  It is thought, however, by some authorities that he died before the dedication of the Temple.


This was the Egyptian title of Joseph, given by the Egyptian king under whom he served as viceroy.  The name has been interpreted as meaning "Revealer of secrets," and is used in an important sense in the old rituals of the Scottish Rite.  Egyptian title of Joseph... Gen. 41:45

Zarthan And Zeredathah

In the description of the casting of the two pillars Boaz and Jachin in the plains of the Jordan, we find it says in 1 Kings, that the clay ground was between Succoth and Zarthan.  Also in 2 Chron., it is recorded that they were cast in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah.  The two names refer to the same place.  1 Kings 7:46  -  2 Chron. 4:17


Ever since the Revival in 1717, for it is found in the earliest lectures, it was taught that Apprentices served their Masters with "Freedom, Fervency, and Zeal"; and the symbols of the first two of these virtues were Chalk and Charcoal.  In the oldest instructions, earthen pan, was designated as the symbol of Zeal; but this was changed to Clay probably by Preston, and so it still remains.  The instruction of the Operative Mason to serve his Master with freedom, fervency, and zeal--to work for his interests willingly, ardently, and zealously--is easily understood.  Its application to Speculative Freemasonry, for the Masters of the Work we substitute the Grand Architect of the Universe, and then our zeal, like our freedom and our fervency, is directed to a higher end.  The zeal of a Speculative Freemason is shown by advancing the morality, and by promoting the happiness of his fellow-creatures. 


The fifth point of the old English Lectures, and alluded to the prayer, for the blessings of Jacob were given to Zebulon in preference to his brother Issachar.  Gen. 49:13

Zechariah - Jehovah has remembered

Zechariah was a post-exilic prophet of the Jews, born in Babylon during the Captivity, and a companion and supporter of Zerubbabel in rebuilding the Temple.  His name therefore appears in Royal Arch Masonry.

Zedekiah - justice of Jehovah

Zedejiah was the twentieth and last king of Judah and was placed on the throne by Nebuchadnezzar after the little kingdom had been subjugated by him, and prior to the destruction of Jerusalem.  Although he was pledged under oath to loyalty to the Chaldeans, at the first opportunity he rebelled against king Nebuchadnezzar.  As a result the siege and utter destruction of Jerusalem took place and the Jews of Judah were carried away captive to Babylonian territory.  A legend of the Superexcellent Master's Degree covers the gathering of his officers and advisers in the Temple, after the city had been entered by Chaldean soldiers, in his plot for escape.


That point in the heavens which is vertical to the spectator, and from which a perpendicular line passing through him and extended would reach the center of the earth. From of old the documents of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite are dated "under the Celestial Canopy of the Zenith which answers to" the latitude of the place whence the document is issued being then given to fill the blank space. The latitude alone is expressed because that indicates the position of the sun's meridian height. Longitude, however, is always omitted, because every place whence such a document is issued is called the Grand East, the specific spot where the sun rises. The theory implied is, that although the South of the Lodge may vary, its chief point must always be in the East, the point of sun-rising, where longitude begins.

Zerubbabel - begotten in Babylon

He was known as Sheshbazzar at the Persian court before Cyrus.  Born at Babylon, commissioned governor of Judea by the Persian king, Cyrus.  Leader of the Israelites returning from seventy years captivity to Jerusalem.  Carried orders from Cyrus to rebuild the temple, but was hindered by local petty Persian intrigue for seventeen years, finally by the aid and power of Darius, finished the Temple.  Book of Ezra.


Mount Zion was the southwestern of the three hills which constituted the high table-land on which Jerusalem was built.  It was the royal residence and hence it is often called the City of David.  The name is sometimes used as synonymous with Jerusalem.


Japanese term for inlay that is often applied to gold inlays, usually in black oxidized metal, enamel, or paint.


The Hebrew word, meaning Splendor. After the surrender of Jerusalem, through the victory of Vespasian, among the fugitives was Rabbi Simon Ben Jochai, who remained an Anehorite for twelve years, became visionary, and believed he was visited by the prophet Elias. His son, Rabbi Eliezer, and his clerk, Ptabbi Abba, when visiting him, took down his pronounced divine precepts, which were in time gathered and formed into the famous Sohar or Zohar. From this work, the Sepher Jetzirah, and the Commentary of the Ten Sephiroth was formed the Cabala. The Zohar, its history, and as well that of its author, overflow with beautiful yet ideal mysticism.


More correctly, Zarathustra.  He was the Legislator and Prophet of the ancient Bactrians, out of whose doctrines the modern religion of the Parsees has been developed.   The Parsees say that their Prophet was a contemporary of Hystaspes, the father of Darius, and accordingly place his era at 550 B.C.  The religion of Zoroaster finds its origin in a social, political, and religious schism of the Bactrian Iranians from the primitive Aryans.  These latter led a nomadic and pastoral life in their native home, and continued the same habits after their emigration.  But a portion of these tribes, whom Haug calls the proper Iranians, becoming weary of these wanderings, after they had reached the highlands of Bactria abandoned the pastoral and wandering life of their ancestors, and directed their attention to agriculture.  This political secession was soon followed by wars, principally of a predatory kind, waged, for the purpose of booty, by the nomadic Aryans on the agricultural settlements of the Iranians, whose rich fields were tempting objects to the spoilers.  The political estrangement was speedily and naturally followed by a religious one.  It was at this time that Zoroaster appeared, and, denouncing the nature-worship of the old Aryian faith, established his spiritual religion, in which, says Bunsen, "the antagonisms of light and darkness, of sunshine and storm, become transformed into antagonisms of good and evil, of powers exerting a beneficent or corrupting influence on the mind."  The doctrine of pure Zoroastrianism was monotheistic.  The Supreme Being was called Ahuramazda, and Haug says that Zoroaster's conception of him was perfectly identical with the Jewish notion of Jehovah.  He is referred to as "the Creator of the earthly and spiritual life, the Lord of the whole universe, at whose hands are all the creatures."  He is wisdom and intellect; the light itself, and the source of light; the rewarder of the virtuous and the punisher of the wicked.  Zoroaster taught the idea of a future life and the immortality of the soul.  The doctrine of the resurrection is one of the principal dogmas of the Zendavesta.  He also clearly inculcated the belief of a heaven and a hell.  The former was called the House of Hymns, because the angels were supposed to sing hymns there; and the latter the House of Destruction, and to it were relentlessly consigned the poets and Priests of the old Aryian religion.  The doctrine of sacred names, so familiar to the Hebrews, was also taught by Zoroaster.  In one of the Yashts, a portion of the Zendavesta, Ahuramazda tells Zarathrustra that the utterance of one of his sacred names, of which he enumerates twenty, is the best protection from evil.  Of these names, one is ahmi, meaning I am, and another, ahmi yat amhi, I am who I am.  The reader will be reminded here of the Holy Name in Exodus, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh, or I am that I am.

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