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Healing Work


Healing Building at Mt. Ecclesia

The Rosicrucian Fellowship Healing Department


The Rosicrucian work of healing is carried on by the Elder Brothers of The Rosicrucian Order through a band of Invisible Helpers whom they are instructing. The work is conducted according to the commands of Christ Jesus, namely, "Preach the gospel and heal the sick." Applications for assistance may be made to our Healing Department.

Rose Cross Request an application for healing

How the Rosicrucians Heal the Sick

Healing Service

Healing Dates

The Origin and Development of Healing


Please give us your feedback

Rosicrucian Fellowship - International Headquarters
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA
PO Box 713, Oceanside, CA 92049-0713, USA
(760) 757 - 6600
(760) 721 - 3806 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]