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   The Rosicrucian Fellowship is an association of Christian men and women banded together for the purpose of helping to make Christianity a living factor in the world. Its teachings give a definite, logical, and sequential explanation of the origin, evolution, and future development of the world and man, from both the spiritual and scientific aspects. The Fellowship has no connection with any other organization.

    We offer correspondence courses in Philosophy, Spiritual Astrology, and the Bible. You may study those subjects which are of interest to you. These lessons are not sold. The Rosicrucian Teaching is free, but the expenses incidental to their production and distribution are met by free-will offerings from students "as the heart dictates and the means permit". However, all receive the same teaching and attention even though circumstances may be such that some are unable to assist in supporting the work.

    Upon completion of the Preliminary Correspondence Philosophy Course, one becomes a Regular Student, and receives a bimonthly Student Letter and Lesson. These are to be studied, though no written answers are required. A postal card is sent with the Student Lesson and is to be signed and returned so that connection with the spiritual forces of the Fellowship may be maintained. After two years of Regular Studentship, during which time the aspirant has striven to raise his spiritual standard of living, practicing self-control and "loving, self-forgetting service to others," the next step may be applied for: Probationership. The following courses, offered on a love offering basis, are open to all except hypnotists, and professional mediums, palmists and astrologers, and are available in several languages.

Philosophy              Spiritual Astrology              Bible



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Rosicrucian Fellowship - International Headquarters
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA
PO Box 713, Oceanside, CA 92049-0713, USA
(760) 757 - 6600
(760) 721 - 3806 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]