The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett
Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Letter No. 133

{Ostende, Oct. 13}


Will you be very kind and execute some commissions for Madame Blavatsky? Will you purchase for her four bottles of No. 3 medicine at Mr. Wallace's, Oxford Mansions, Oxford Circus, and send the bottles here by post. Please do not tell the Wallace's that the medicine is for Madame B. or mention my name in connection with it. He has a most violent antipathy to her and has written to me several serious letters warning me against her, so I have been careful not to let him know that I am here or that Madame B. is taking his medicines with decided benefit to herself. Since last writing I have had a private talk with the Doctor, and he says that her general health is better than it was last autumn, but that she has such an accumulation of diseases within her that any day she may die suddenly. Madame is terribly nervous about herself and once when I ventured to ask her if she had made her will and if all her papers were in order, she got very angry with me.

Madame asks also if you will kindly get for her from Redway the "Vishnu Purana," price 10/-. She cannot afford the other volumes, she begs that you will kindly deduct her debt to you from the money which is coming from America.

The Duchess gives a sad account of the French Branch. Are Christians less Christians because there was once a Judas Iscariot and a Magdalene!! Immoral Popes and Priests! Perfection is to be found nowhere.

Yours very sincerely,
C. W.

Letter 134

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