Theosophical University Press Online Edition
22nd January.
A telegram brought me here yesterday as our kind friends were anxious to consult me on Theosophical matters.
Being here I have talked to Madame Gebhard about my appeal. We have both come to the conclusion that it would be most unwise to put into print that appeal I sent you, namely my experiences, therefore we both withdraw our sanction to its being printed, but give you full authority to read it at the meeting of the 27th and show it to any Theosophists you please -- but to no outsiders. I do not wish to give the name of my Master. M. Gebhard was with me when the scene I described took place, she says I had my eyes shut and she does not remember how long it took, we used to sit together every evening.
I return to Madame in two days.
In haste,
Yr. truly,
C. W.
Chronological Order
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