Theosophical University Press Online Edition
Letter No. 135
[This letter appears to be a copy in Mrs. Sinnett's handwriting of a letter from Countess W. -- ED.]
Jan. 26th.
My note written from Elberfeld will have surprised you, and now that I am back again here and am able to assemble my thoughts which have been turning in a whirlpool, I think it is only right that as you are President of the L.L. that I should make you acquainted with the truth for your future guidance. The only person to whom you may show this letter is Mohini, but before doing so he must promise you on his word of honour, that he will keep the contents secret; so much harm has come already of gossiping that I am obliged to take this precaution. When I came here in the beginning of December I found Babaji perfectly miserable, he said he was contemplating running away or committing suicide. I could see that he was wounded and jealous that Mohini was doing so much work in London, while he was comparatively speaking doing nothing and nobody. I was delighted with his teachings and as he had a Tamil and some other books which seemed to contain much that to our Western minds was perfectly new I thought it most desirable that he shd. have facilities for teaching what he knew, and so with Mme. B.'s consent, sent him to Elberfeld where they are all so anxious to learn. Personally I had great sympathy for B. and was delighted to think that we had now a chela here who could teach us high morals and ethics.
Well a few weeks ago B. began by writing most insulting letters to Mme. B. so at last I wrote to him that I refused to hand her such letters any more; then I received from him a letter which was the letter of a madman in which he begged me to come immediately to Elberfeld or he wd. be lost, that the Dweller of the Threshold had come to him, that I and I alone could save him, that all the Gebhards could do nothing for him, that I on account of my psychic powers could help him, that he called on me as a sister, and that if I refused to come, that the consequences wd. be dreadful, and that all the Karma wd. fall on my head. Well knowing that Mme. G. is a sensible woman I wired to her "if my presence was really required"; the answer came "Yes." I started at night, had a most anxious journey, wondering which lunatic asylum he cd. be put into etc. and when I got to Elberfeld my first enquiry was, "is he raving, is he violent?" Mme. G. looked at me with astonishment and said no "B. is quite well, he only wanted to force you to come here, because he said Mme. B. wanted to psychologise you." B. received me with scoffs and jeers -- and when I said to him "now B. tell me truly your trouble? I have come all this long distance to help you," he said "what do I want of your sympathy! What do I want of your friendship, I only want to get you away from Mme. for I hate her." I had a private interview with him and no words can describe the scene. He was no better than a wild beast with the most fiendish look of hatred in his face and finished by foaming at the mouth, he knocked about the furniture to that extent that Mr. G. who was in the drawing room below said he thought the chandelier would come down and every piece of furniture was being smashed upstairs; the upshot of all this row was his intense hatred to Mme. B. He said he would draw her life's blood out of her, he wd. kick her out of the Society, that he wd. tear her to pieces, that he wd. write articles against her, that he wd. send to the public papers in London, that he wd. destroy the T.S. and wd. form out of its remnants a Society for himself where he wd. preach only ethics. On asking why he was possessed of such a violent feeling against Mme. B. he said firstly because she had desecrated the Masters by connecting them with phenomena, and 2nd because she had insulted himself several times, (and I say wounded his vanity). I thought at last that the exhibition was sufficient, told him I was tired and then left him. We met again at the drawing room tea table. B. was then quiet. I asked him to state the charges he brought against Mme. B. and which he wd. publish, they are as follows: -- that Mme. B. had written to some Indian that Col. O. had never really seen the Masters, that she had herself pyschologised him to see them and that later on when the Col. was shown this letter, for 3 days he was on the verge of suicide; that Mme. B. and the Col. wanting money they had written a letter in the Master's name to some Indian, asking for money and promising that if he gave it his sick child shd. recover -- the child died, and the Indian was furious; -- that Mme. B. wrote you a letter about Mohini and women in which there were a few words from the Master M. and that naturally such a thing was desecration. The Gebhards had agreed that in consideration of these charges, with Hodgson's report etc. they had determined to destroy the Society unless Mme. B. made a solemn promise to never mix up the Masters' names again with phenomena, women, or common worldly matters, that, that must be done or either she must be turned out of the Society or the Society cease to exist. I said I thought we had kept silent long enough, and that it was our silence and screening what we believed to be wrong last year which had brought on all the trouble. I then wrote the letter which you will find enclosed -- also a paper to Colonel O. abolishing the permanent fund etc. which we all agree should not exist; to this paper the German Branch will add different reforms which they think necessary and then the paper will be forwarded to you. Well I left Elberfeld, but before leaving told B. that I had been brought to Elberfeld through a lie, that I had never been so insulted in my life before, and that he had done me a great injury -- namely, that looking upon him as a chela who had been many years with the Masters, that I thought at least that he would have learnt to be truthful and honest, but that now to see a chela preaching such a high code of morals and ethics while in heart he was filled with duplicity, deceit and base passions was to me dreadful.
The Franz Gs. worship him and they tell me I must not believe his words. I must not look at appearances for when he says one thing he means another, but that you know will not do in England, and now he intends to go to London he says to make reforms, he is going to set everybody right, he will do this and that and if people do not obey him, he will burst the whole Society and then run back to India. Now you see the danger, and my advice is -- do not have him in London; but at the same time act very cautiously for he has a large correspondence and could really if he chose do what he says, because being a chela, people have the highest respect for his word. B. was furious at my returning here to Wurzburg. He told F. G. that Mme. could if she chose psychologise me to the extent of committing forgery. B. told me that he wd. never return to Mme. B. -- that he would prevent M. from doing so and that he had written to a 100 Hindus about Mme. B. and that he had written expressly to prevent any chela from coming here to replace me when I am gone; that he wished she wd. go to Russia and throw the S.D. to the dogs and then he could preach his philosophy in peace.
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