Theosophical University Press Online Edition
12th March.
Madame Blavatsky has begged me to answer your letter, as writing takes up so much of her time. She is all eager to get away from here and most willing to go to England if you think it prudent for her to do so. As Madame never goes out, the place selected is immaterial to her; you and Mrs. Sinnett must therefore consult your own convenience on that point. If I may be permitted to make an observation it seems to me that Ventnor is very far away from London and a long journey for you to go backwards and forwards. Do you know Westgate? -- about three miles from Margate, a quiet little place with detached villas everywhere. The express goes there in less than an hour. Madame B. would give her directions at "Redways" and nobody need know that she was in England except you and myself. Do not tell the Chelas for they worry her terribly. And for the present at any rate it would be far better for her to have no communication with them.
If Mrs. Sinnett will really stay with Madame, I believe this will be the best plan, and then your short visits will relieve the monotony and prevent the old lady from feeling as bored as she does here. You see she has been accustomed to society all her life and this quiet inactive life with nothing going on around her is dreadful to her. The apartment is paid for here until the 15th of April and though Madame would like to pack up her things and be off at once I tell her it would be very foolish to throw away money recklessly like that -- and that she had much better stay here until the 15th of April. If you decide on this plan will you take a little cottage for Madame B. -- she had better have her own servants and avoid having anything to do with a landlady -- that class of people are always "gossips." As soon as you have taken the house I will pack up the furniture and books here, for as they will have to go by luggage train they will be about a month on the road.
Please send me back the letters written to me by Madame B. when I was at Elberfeld; also the copy of the one written to the Gebhard family.
What do you think of the following idea. In reading the first chapter I got so confused over the "Stanzas" and the "Commentaries" that I could make nothing of them. Madame then wrote the former in red ink, the latter in black ink, and now they are far easier to comprehend as confusion of ideas is avoided; this has suggested the following idea, that in the S.D. the Stanza should be printed red and all foreign words of a separate colour, Tibetan yellow, Chinese blue, Greek violet, and so on. It would be original, and prevent confusion.
Ever yours sincerely,
C. W.
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