Theosophical University Press Online Edition
[This letter incomplete. -- ED.]
DYAR (MADRAS), INDIA.. . . you to this country and giving you an unmistakable assurance of their allegiance and Esteem, will be in your hands. You need not be surprised at the absence of Mr. Muthuswamy Chittiar's signature from the said communication. He did not sign it, not because he had any doubts about phenomena or your honesty, but because he had ceased to be a member of the Board, from its very commencement, as from domestic afflictions his own morose temper and other causes he came to the conclusion that he should not take any active part in the affairs of the Society.
Mr. Raghunatha Row's signature is there; and I am very sorry that you are so much disgusted with Hindoos in general on account of his hasty resignation. Let me inform you, Madame, that belief in Madame C.'s statements is not the principal reason by which he was actuated in doing so. He was offended at some remarks of a personal nature made by Dr. Hartman and Mr. Lane Fox within his hearing. Madame C.'s statements might have disturbed his mind a little, but you must kindly remember that even Colonel Olcott, who is not a Hindoo, and who has had, besides, the advantage of knowing you and the Mahatmas for a long time has also been misled by the woman's allegations. If you recall to your mind the past history of the Association you will perhaps be able to see, if the excitement of the moment were to subside a little, that more harm has been done to the Society by Europeans than by Hindoos. Please kindly read Damodar's letter fully before you come to the conclusion that the Hindoo nation should be denounced on account of the momentary folly of a single Hindoo.
For the foregoing reasons I see no objection whatever to your coming here and I hope you will not come to the conclusion that you can now safely give up your work in India or postpone your arrival here indefinitely.
The Society cannot afford to lose you. As for myself I feel very lonely and miserable in your absence, and I hope you will soon let us know the date of your starting as soon as possible. After receiving the orders of our Master, I think it will be advisable to send Colonel Olcott here a few days in advance. You may enter into the contract referred to in your letter with the Russian paper. You will have plenty of leisure even after coming here to write to the Russian papers as there will be many contributors to the Theosophist.
Our prospects here are not at all gloomy in spite of Madame C.'s residence at Mylapur.
Yours sincerely,
Chronological Order
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