Theosophical University Press Online Edition
{Adyar, late Jan.}
[This letter is incomplete. -- ED.]
. . . your highly virtuous Soloviefs and id omne genus.
Let the Countess write a good article about the composition of the book: it will be the best advertisement in the world to get such a story in circulation. Let the parallel be drawn between it and "Isis" (in the method of composition) this is better than any mere vulgar phenomena.
I take Leadbeater to Ceylon via Tuticorin, starting hence on the 27th. Letters will probably reach me at Colombo until the latter part of April, when I shall come home and prepare for the Mysore trip. My work this year I intend to be confined to this Presidency and Ceylon.
On the 23rd I am to lecture at the Saidapet Agricultural College on "What is Practical Agriculture?" and the Principal, Mr. Robertson will preside! "How is that for high?" The 17th, I lecture at Pacheappa's on "National Education" and shall have two very clever Brahman boys of 10 and 12 years chant Vedic hymns -- which they do grandly. There will be a crush at the Hall.
I think the Jan. Theos. will delight you. To give full currency to the Proceedings I have bound it in as the Jany. Suppt. and it will then go the world over.
I send you the Jany. cheque this time to your own order as Bowaji is away. If you are mad enough to throw its proceeds away upon silly toys, so much the worse for you. You are great on "S.D.'s" but a flapdoodle about "L.S.D.'s."
Dr. Cook is here and happy. He is translating parts of Kabbala Denudata for the Theos. Nivaran has gone home for a long visit to his old parents. Bharvani has come to an understanding with his family and they are to stop molesting him. No news from Damodar. Tell me exactly what you know about him, and how much I may repeat. M. visited me on the night of the 17th Dec. (or I visited him?). I asked him if he was satisfied with me. He said in his queer way "I have heard Maha Sahib say he was satisfied" -- thus answering me and giving me another most precious information. I burst into tears of joy and "awoke" sobbing. The tremendous strain that had been upon me for 18 months can be appreciated by this. The tightened cord was almost too suddenly relaxed. Since then I have had the heart of a lion in me, and now feel as if I could defy the world to do its worst.
I shall have E. C. watched and sounded and hope things will be propitious for your return this year. So far as the S.D. is concerned I think you will do better to stop quietly at Wurzburg, for at the best you will be subjected to great excitement, perhaps persecution, here. I have got the convention to do the needful in your case, and you may now take your own time about returning.
Besides the Oriental Library scheme I have formed a Modern Library of some 2,000 vols. by massing together the books of the T.S., C.W.L. (some 800 vols.), A.J.C.O., yourself, and myself; arranging them by subjects in departments, and putting them in the new (old occult) room, which I have finished and fitted with shelves "all around." It looks elegant and is a splendid convenience for all of us writers. You will prize it highly. See if you can't get everybody to give books for it. Collect them and send them by steamer when you have a box-full. Love to Countess.
H. S. O.
Baron Wiber is charmed with everything and thinks the T.S. a wonder of wonders. I have sent him to look at the Castle!
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