Theosophical University Press Online Edition
February 2nd.
Y DEAR MR. SINNETT,I can only repeat what Babajee told you in his letter of yesterday. He was not three days here when he told us D. N. was not his name, and explained all to us. To us it seems of very little consequence how he calls himself. One string of Indian names seems to us to have as much sense to our ears as another. We have learnt much since he came here, and I suppose when he has taught us what we are to know for the present, he will return to India after his voluntary or involuntary exile, to be lost to us for ever.
Should I ever go to India, I don't think it is likely that his family will trouble me much. The only thing we care about is that he is a chela of Mahatma K. H. and is willing to teach us what he knows so far as he is allowed, and when he is gone I suppose another will be sent in his place, if we progress, to teach us more and help us on.
Now about the Countess, I hope in a few days to be able to write you all the details on that subject. For the moment I have a frightful cold in my head, and a racking headache and it is as much as I can do to send you these few lines. But one thing before I say adieu; Babajee sinned on the side of too much zeal as far as the Countess goes, that is all in my opinion, only his letter was much too strong to get her here away from H. P. B.'s influence, which he thought was bad for her.
With best love to dear Mrs. Sinnett,
Ever yours affectionately,
Let me congratulate you on your able defence of O. L. You give it well to Hodgson. That's right.
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