The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett
Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Letter No. 191

[The passages printed in italics in bold type are underlined in blue by H. P. B. -- ED.]

1726 N. ST., N.W.,
March 20/86.


Do you remember the legend you inscribed on the photograph you gave me -- your defiance to escape from the psychic maelstrom? I think you were a true prophetess, as usual. What have you been doing to me of late? Your presence has strangely affected me at times, as if in answer to my request of long ago for a "sign." Ever since I first got the astral bells, some months ago, and learned some of the other mysteries of the astral fluid, my psychic senses have steadily developed, till I have become fairly clairvoyant and clairaudient; and when in those strange states some of the strangest things happen to me, in my sense of double consciousness. I would give almost anything in the world for a few hours direct intercourse with you just now. I have never forgotten the lesson you taught me that day we were locked up together, and I think you are the greatest woman in the world, controlling today more destiny than any queen upon her throne. My appreciation and admiration grows with the development of my interior faculties: could we meet now, I think you would find me no longer on probation, but an acceptable if not accepted chela in the esoteric wisdom, and also something of a practical occultist, able to work on the akasa. I do not say these things lightly, nor boastingly: but because I feel that I owe to you the first right and direct guidance of my growing psychic faculties. How can I thank you enough, or prove sufficiently zealous in the cause of your great Society to which you have devoted your life. What an inconceivably stupid performance is that of the L.S.P.R.! I have no patience with such people -- and wish you would feed the fools with flapdoodle till they burst their skins -- serve them right. Those who know how to approach you have their rich reward, as I know by experience; and as for the rest, of what consequence are they? But such things as that H. report, have of course great weight with outsiders. In this country it was followed by a great howl of the "collapse of the Theosophists." I broke the force of the blow by some curt remarks in the Scientific journals where my name has some weight, and since then have been working all the harder in your service. Still you are of course not without many enemies, some of them in the guise of friends. Let me advise you to be very cautious in answering any inquiries about Thibetan envelopes? I etc., etc., especially from N.Y. Things would not suit you if you knew how they were going in certain quarters there. Any word or sign you choose to give me, or any kind of communication, will as heretofore be faithfully kept and carried out to the best of my ability both by ordinary and extraordinary means. I have passed my novitiate, and some of the strange visitors to the privacy of my chamber are such as you would recognise to be genuine, were you to hear about them or share the apparitions. I don't know but that I shall be irresistibly led to pay you a visit in person during the coming summer: I am often with you in the astral, and sometimes you seem to be here. Let no eyes but those that are worthy read these strange revelations I am making to you -- though doubtless you knew them already: and let me know how I can serve you further. I have learned the law of silence, and the full meaning of the magic formula which concludes se taire.

I trust your physical health is fully restored, and that the Secret Doctrine progresses steadily. With great devotion, and the best of all good wishes, I am, your faithful friend and humble servant at command,


Let me hear very soon.

Letter 192

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