The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett
Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Letter No. 150


28th March.


Many thanks for your long and admirable letter which I am very glad you wrote as it gives such a clear rendering of the whole position.

I had fancied that there were many earnest workers in the L.L. but as you say there are but few -- the present passivity cannot paralyse the working energies that do not exist. You have not been idle at any rate and literature certainly arouses the public interest in these Occult subjects more than anything else.

As you were unable to obtain other testimonies concerning the existence of the Masters, you did quite right not to publish Madame Gebhard's and my own experiences in Madame's Memoirs -- because it would simply be bringing phenomena again before the public in a new form, giving them fresh incentives for attacking us all round and new victims on whom they may hurl their anathemas. Madame's life is published as a vindication of her own conduct and when once it is out I think the wisest plan will be to let "phenomena" and all discussion on that point die away entirely as far as the outside world is concerned. I know for my part I shall never mention it except to those who have much knowledge and experience on these subjects. The Secret Wisdom Religion and the philosophy, is all that can be given to the public.

We have all of us had a very hard winter but you have worked indefatigably and certainly without you the L.L. would have melted into thin air. You are the soul and life of it, and we must live and hope for better times.

I hope that the exchange of letters will be effected, it would be a mercy to have the business settled. Do not refer to this letter when you write.

Yours sincerely,
C. W.

I hope Madame will live to write the S.D. The doctor here does not seem very hopeful of her case. She is very nervous about herself and her health now is her great preoccupation.

Letter 151

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