The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett
Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Letter No. 4

{H.P.B. left Simla October 1, visited several towns and branches on the way back and did not reach Bombay until November 29.}

Ordered by My Boss to tell Sinnett, Esq., the following: --

1. Not to lose the opportunity to night of acquainting R. S. with every detail of the situation he can think of, whether relating to the Society or his projected matrimonial ideas.

2. To insist upon having a true copy of the hitherto written sketches of Cosmogony with the Tibetan words, M.'s notes etc. H. P. B. is also ordered to have one, as she has to know thoroughly what Mr. Hume has noted and how much he has elaborated of the explanations. Otherwise when the reaction comes and Mr. Hume begins studying once more -- neither Mr. Sinnett nor H. P. B. will be au courant of his thoughts; and he will begin once more abusing -- like the quartette of musicians in Aesop's fable -- the instruments on which he does not know to play.

3. Mr. Sinnett is advised, once he is in Allahabad, to announce the formation of the Allahabad Society, calling it "The Anglo Indian Investigation (Theosophical) Society" or some such name which would not jar upon the nerves of the unbelieving community. Let it be distinct from the other Branch in Allahabad called the "Prayaga Theos. Society" though the Hindus in it might be very useful to Mr. Sinnett and he will find wonderful mesmeric subjects in it, if he but searches.

4. Mr. Sinnett is advised by M. to make a special duty to prevent his little son being made to eat meat -- not even fowls, and to write so to Mrs. Sinnett. Once the Mother has placed the child under K. H.'s protection let her see nothing pollutes his nature. The child may become a powerful engine for good in a near future. Let him be trained as his own nature suggests it.

5. Mr. S. is reminded to telegraph O. not to answer one word to M. Hume until he receives a letter from Mr. Sinnett.

6. Mr. S. is advised, now that he will be alone, to put himself in communication through Adytyarum B. with some Hindu mystics, not for the sake of philosophy but to find out what mental phenomena can be produced. At the Mela there is a number of such visiting the town.

7. Whenever he feels like writing or needs M. advice, Mr. Sinnett is invited to do so without hesitation. M. will always answer him, not only for K. H.'s sake but his own sake, as Mr. S. has proved that even an Anglo-Indian can have the true S---- SPARK in him, which no amount of brandy and soda and other stuff can extinguish and which will occasionally glitter out and very brightly.

It was my wish that she should read the letter to Fern last night. You can also show and read it to R. S. if you like. All of the above is correct. Yours, M.

Letter 5

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