Theosophical University Press Online Edition
{Nov. 2}
AHARANPUR.Arrived last night, no, -- yesterday morning (it is Scott who came last night from Mooltan). Fisher and Williams met me, and are anxious to join. Last night dined with Mrs. and Mr. Fisher at their house and stopped till 1'OC. after midnight. Today will pass the whole day with Williams at his house and tomorrow morning will start for Dehradun with Scott.
Why do you call me lazy? Why do you reproach me with being silent and not writing? Why do you calumniate me and say I swear? I do not. I wrote to you the sweetest and most refined letter and got no answer from you for a fortnight. Saw "the Boss." Of course I did. But how can I repeat you all he said since it is difficult for me to write a sane letter and you do not patronise insane ones. There never was a genius but was cracked. And I am a "genius" -- so Williams says at least. And now I did not hear or see or smell the Boss for three days. He must have prigged your letter though for I see he knows what you do. How many times did you write to him? he is very cross -- at least was when I last saw him at Lahore. Called me a lunatic also for wanting to say my mind to the editor of the C. and M. Sewer. The latter came out again not with a libellous but a most stupid impertinent letter. Well I will not die happy unless I see him horsewhipped by someone, and there are several Englishmen who want to do it. What can I say about your initiating the Fellows immediately? Of course you ought to initiate them and send their applications to me, not to Olcott for I represent him now here. He is at Tinevelly with 50 Buddhist priests and creating a big sensation. As soon as I see the Boss I will ask his permission. But where the deuce is my Boss? Since he blew me up, I did not see him. I guess he must be roosting somewhere near our K. H. Mr. Hume? Why Mr. Hume never said a word about the "Brothers" since you left except to sneer at them once or twice. He said to me before leaving: "In a week I will have done my work of 'Stray Feathers' and I must receive a MS. from Morya if he wants me to go on." That's all and now there's Mr. Williams after me to take me away. The Disinherited wants to write to you he says -- if you permit him -- through Damodar. The Boss said something about going to see Damodar. But D---- does not say a word.
Well goodbye I will write or try to write a more detailed and sane letter from Dehra.
Yours in Jesus,
Chronological Order
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