Theosophical University Press Online Edition
{Elberfeld, May 20+}
I have certainly no right to rebel against a decision of yours, however contrary it may go to my personal wishes. You have, no doubt your own and very good reasons for not coming here as hitherto proposed; but I had also mine, since your refusal is quite a new development -- to desire and expect you would -- otherwise, I would have never inflicted my sister and niece on the good Gebhards but would have timed their arrival direct to Ostende. However, unless there exists a parti pris on your side to avoid my sister -- which would remain incomprehensible to me -- there's no harm done and you can see her as well at Ostende where she will remain with me for the cure for a month or so. Therefore, all I want to know is -- have you anything against seeing her? Considering all our differences due to the infamous Soloviof are now over, and that, having read my original Russian letter to him and seen there was not one word in it tallying with the famous translation in Mad. de M.'s dossier she now sees all the depth of his villainy and dishonourable calumnies -- she is all for me. She has read the Memoirs, does not find there anything to change -- except a word hither and thither -- and liking them a good deal she has added most interesting facts about my childhood, girlhood, family and so on. I ask you as a friend, then to let me know whether I can expect you at Ostende for a final determination about the Memoirs and a talk with her. Even the delay in their publication is a blessing instead of a nuisance, as you see. Had you been in my skin when the whole winter I was bombarded with family letters warning me not to touch such or another family matter, not to lay sacrilegious hands on that or this grave etc. you would then understand how nervous I felt about those Memoirs. Matters were such, that for one sentence mentioning my prayers and supplications not to be married to old B----- would have brought down protests and denials from my cousins who would deem it their duty to prove that it was not my grandparents or aunt, but my father and I who had to be blamed for the ridiculous marriage. I had to be over cautious. Now my sister read them and no one can say that there is one word of a fib in them or that any one of the Fadeyeffs, Witte, or Dolgoroukis compromised.
Please do not be scared about my going to Paris, I only pass through the city and will remain for a few days in my room -- having no legs to even go about in carriages -- but I have to see Dramard, the Duchess, Thuzman and some old friends. As to my sister she is determined to go to Mme. de M. and demand of him (the husband) to be shown the infamous translation. My nephew the dragoon is coming purposely for it from St. Petersburg -- for it is the honour of the whole family that is touched by my soi-disant CONFESSION (!!) to Soloviof, of immorality, having invented the Mahatmas, forged letters etc. This letter or mistranslated document that Mad. de M. has shown to hundreds of persons must be shown an unblushing libel and a concoction. Soloviof is now mortally scared; he refuses to let my sister have a true certified copy of my Russian letter, and this refusal is his clearest condemnation. It amounts to a confession of guilt. Mad. de M. must be shown a credulous fool bamboozled by Soloviof, and the latter a blackguard. My sister has written yesterday for the last time to S. telling him that unless he sends her the original letter or the copy of it she will then be compelled to publish the infamous proceeding and to notify all the theosophists of the fact, since his refusal to do so shows him beyond any doubt, not the victim of a simple hallucination as she once thought, but an accomplice, of a dishonourable conspiracy. The moment the Emperor hears of the news coupled with the conspiracy -- namely that he lives with his sister-in-law (a crime in Russia) Soloviof will be lost -- and I swore I would give out all the facts. Then he mixed Baron M.'s name with his lies -- and the Baron swore he would cut his nose off, whenever he met him, for he has never told S. anything about me as Soloviof avers, and I wrote to the Baron. So do not be anxious. I believe that my soi-disant confession will and has done 1000 times more harm to the Society than if it is proven a lie and a conspiracy. My sister is cool and reasonable, and will do the things with Dramard and under his guidance -- quietly. What I want is simply to show the depth of the whole conspiracy, the determination to ruin the Society on the part of our enemies. Remember, Myers is now the bosom friend of Soloviof and his correspondent, and this will cut off his wings.
Our dear Duchess boasts a little. She is a dear, good, honest soul, but it is not she who saved the Society but Dramard. However, let her think so, the dear good soul. She is faithful and true. My love to Mrs. Sinnett, goodbye. I intend leaving in a week or so.
Yours ever truly,
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