Theosophical University Press Online Edition
A Postcard
5 Aout, 1886.
November, 1869? Well may be for all I know or remember. We did not land. What I know is, that it was in the year of the opening of the Canal, soon after, and when the Empress of France was there. Whether she had been there some month before or was then -- I could not tell. But my remembrances hang on the fuss made about it on board, and constant conversations, and that either our steamer or one going with us was the third that crossed it. My aunt received letter 11 Nov. 1870 from the Master. I crossed if I remember in December. Went to Cyprus, then in April, I think, got blown up in Eumonia; went to Cairo from Alex. in October '71. Returned to Odessa May, '72. "18 moons" after receipt of M.'s letter by my aunt. Then, if she has put the right year it was a year, after first opening that I crossed.
H. P. B.
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