The Canadian Theosophical Association has been in operation since 1924. It regroups lodges and study groups in Canada.

At the present time, lodges and study groups are found in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. Members who may not be able to connect with a local group, are spread across Canada and found in most provinces. PEI and Newfoundland being the exception where we have no presence as yet.

Activities are in the English language in all the provinces where we have a presence.

We have a French speaking lodge in Magog, and two french study groups in the Val David and Rosemère areas. All of the french groups are located in the Province of Quebec.


Active english groups are found in areas such as Vancouver, Calgary, Athabasca , Toronto, and Pointe Claire (Montreal) -

In french —we have groups in Magog , Val David , Rosemère and Longueuil accessible [if you click the underlined words] and that will connect you with our french web site

We invite anyone interested in what the Theosophical Society does - to contact us.

Study groups can be set up to study the perennial philosophy whenever there are members who are interested in regrouping; that is those who are not attached to any of our present study groups or branches and who wish to study with other persons.

The National Secretary for Canada can be reached at:

E-Mail: [email protected]

ENQUIRERS who wish to get more information or documents can also make an e-mail contact by writing to the secretary


As member you benefit from:

a) receiving the Magazine the Light Bearer every season

b) on orders of books published and distributed through our Society, you benefit of a reduced price- ask your study or lodge leader- or else- for other members send a message to [email protected]

c) you are a member of the International Society in Adyar -first and foremost, while being a member of our Canadian Theosophical Association as well. Thus you have the privilege of membership in all the countries where Adyar connected groups have activities and you are able to assist at all events.. Each occasion allows you to find how big is the family of people interested in the study of spiritual things. See the international directory at:

4) borrow books from Association's Library or your own lodge or study group. Send a note to
Pierre Laflamme at: [email protected]

5) participate to theosophical events across Canada.

6) you can be either attached to a study group or a lodge that is closest to you - or when they are too far or that it is inconvenient for you to attend meetings, become a member at large.

A free sample copy of our bilingual magazine can be sent to you. This offer is only good for a mailing to a Canadian address. You have to supply a mailing address.

The Canadian membership of $25.00 includes the receipt of four seasonal issues of our magazine "The Light Bearer" . If you are a resident of Canada send a note to [email protected] requesting a packet of information and your free copy of our magazine

For membership outside of Canada send a message to the International Secretary in Adyar, India [email protected]

For a problem viewing one of our documents - or to report an error in a document - send a note

We will try to answer any other query -if you would send a note to [email protected]


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This document is a publication of the
Canadian Theosophical Association (a regional association of the Theosophical Society in Adyar)
89 Promenade Riverside,
St-Lambert, QC J4R 1A3

Telephone: 450-672-8577

our website is at :

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