![[ICO]](/icons/blank.gif) | Name | Size |
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![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Esau-Edom/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Jews - Who are they (Edomites)/ | - |
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![[TXT]](/icons/text.png) | 1. Big Truth on the Khazars - Grande vérité sur les Khazars.txt | 4.9K |
![[TXT]](/icons/text.png) | 2. Israel Adam Shamir - Extract on the Khazars from his book -Flowers of Galilee-.txt | 7.0K |
![[TXT]](/icons/text.png) | 3. Origin of Ashkenazi Jews - Origine des Juifs askhénazes, rothen Schilt.txt | 5.8K |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | A Real Case Against Jews - Marcus Eli Ravage.docx | 32K |
![[TXT]](/icons/text.png) | David Duke (davidduke.com rethinking-khazar-theory).txt | 47 |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | David Duke.com - Rethinking the Khazar Theory!.pdf | 2.6M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | Edomites (Jews admit that they are not Israelites in their writings).docx | 43K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Israel Adam Shamir - l-Autre Visage d-Israel - Fleurs de Galilee.pdf | 1.9M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | THE MOST ANTISEMITIC VIDEO EVER! The Truth About Jews (VO st FR).mp4 | 30M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Khazar Kingdom's Conversion to Judaism.pdf | 302K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | WHO ARE THE JEWS - Aryan Israel - Sven Longshanks.pdf | 3.5M |