BW 30b-
30c/24: |
SIEGNITZ drawing 1361 of 14/10/1942 (Holzliste 659 u. 660) — (Timber
lists 659 and 660) Einäscherungsanlage im KGL Auschwitz
Binderquerschnitt, Lamellendach über Schleuse bzw.
Aufenthaltsraum, Draufsicht, Binderschnitt A-B,
Schnitt C-D Cremation installation in the Auschwitz
POW camp Main beam cross-section, Lamellate roof over air
lock and prisoners' rest room, Plan view, Main beam
section A-B, Section C-D [Drawing received by the
Bauleitung 7/12/42] |
Kr IV |
30/34A: |
containing 14 rather pale blueprints of known drawings. Those marked with
an asterisk are clearer and more legible than the originals. The list is as
follows: |
1. Bauleitung 1678 2. Bauleitung 1678
3. Bauleitung 936 4. Bauleitung 932 5. Bauleitung 2136 6.
Bauleitung 2136 7. Bauleitung 2036 8. Bauleitung 2197 9. Bauleitung
934 10. Bauleitung 1678 1 l. Huta 109/15 12. Huta 109/16a
13. Huta 109/13a 14. Huta 109/14a |
* Kr II Kr II Kr III * Kr III Kr IV * Kr II * Kr II
* Kr IV Kr II (Bauleitung 932)* Kr II (Bauleitung 933-934) Kr II
(?) Kr III (?) |
containing documents other than drawings |
30/25: |
[Microfilm 1322] 15 pages. Correspondence on the Birkenau Krematorien.
Letters exchanged between the Bauleitung and Messrs
Topf & Sons of Erfurt. Page 15 lists the drawings
produced for the construction of Krematorium II (and III)
by Huta of Kattowitz. |
30/26: |
63 pages.
Correspondence on the four Birkenau Krematorien. Pages 1-20: Huta
estimates for the shell of Krematorium II, with
corrections by the Bauleitung. Page 21 is the Bauleitung's acceptance of
13th July 1942 of the Huta tender for the shell of the
new Krematorium (II) for the sum of 133,756.65 RM (page
22). In fact two mirror image buildings were constructed
(Kr II and III). Pages 23 and 24 are concerned with the damp-proofing of
the building (subcontracted by Huta to Vedag of
Kattowitz). Pages 25-51 are estimates for work done by Huta on
Kr II and III. Pages 52-58 are construction contracts
for the chimneys of Krematorien IV and V between the
Bauleitung and Messrs Robert Koehler of Myslowitz.
Pages 59-62: correspondence between the Bauleitung and
Messrs Konrad Siegnitz of Beuthen on the roof of the
future Kr IV. Page 63 is concerned with an order of
16th February 1944 for 2 bottles of acetylene gas from
the Vereinigte Industriegaswerke, delivered on 18th [and
which have nothing to do with the Krematorien!].
30/27: |
[Microfilm 130] 41 pages. Correspondence on the Birkenau
Krematorien and camp. Photographs of documents seized by
the Soviets in 1945: letters exchanged between the
Bauleitung and Topf concerning the Krematorien. Several
of the texts are in Russian, having been somewhat roughly
translated. The Topf letter of 7th July 1943 concerning the furnaces for
Krematorien IV and V mentions their genesis and price and
the "Mogilev Contract" Some of these
documents, preserved in the "October Revolution"
State Archives in Moscow, are to be found on microfilm M
29 of the Warsaw Central Commission for the investigation
of Hitlerite crimes in Poland. |
30/28: |
[Microfilm 1256] 145 pages. Timesheets concerning the
construction of Krematorien IV and V: shells by Messrs
Riedel & Son of Bielitz; chimneys by Messrs Robert
Koehler; drainage by Messrs Karl Falck of Gleiwitz;
some work on the furnaces was done by Messrs
Josef Kluge of Alt-Gleiwitz. The Riedel & Son
timesheet for Krematorium IV for 28th February 1943 (page
73) has the entry "Fit gas-tight shutters" and that for
2nd March (page 68) "Floor to be covered with hard fill,
tamped down and concreted in gas chambers." |
30/29: |
[Microfilm 1257] 66 pages. Timesheets for work done by Messrs
Josef Kluge. Page 1 concerns one week's work on Kr II in December 1943.
Pages 2-53 concern work on Krematorien IV and V from
1st February to 22nd March 1943. Pages 54-66 concern
worksite BW 45 [Hauptinsgemein] in the women's camp
of BA.] and BA.III of the POW camp and have nothing to do
with the Krematorien. |
30/30: |
[Microfilm 1255] 97 pages. Correspondence exchanged between the
Bauleitung, Huta and Vedag concerning the damp-proofing
of Krematorien II and III carried out by Vedag.
Pages1-85: damp-proofing of Krematorien II and III. Pages 86-97: Huta
static calculations for Krematorium II. |
BW 30/31:
[Microfilm 1258] 416 pages. "Schlosserei"
(metalworking shop) file. Bauleitung orders issued in
1943-44 for equipment from the Auschwitz DAW metalworking
shop. Only a small percentage of these orders concern the
Birkenau Krematorien. |
30/32: |
41 pages.
Correspondence exchanged between the Bauleitung and
Messrs Konrad Siegnitz concerning the roofs of the four
Krematorien. In this file there is mention of an
"Abfertigungshalle f�r Transporte / Clearance
hall for transports," [BW 48] at the beginning of June
1944 ("Hungarian Action") |
30/32A |
14 pages.
Correspondence exchanged between the Bauleitung and Huta
concerning the cost of the shells of Krematorien II and
III. The last three pages are letters from the Bauleitung to the
WVHA-SS in Berlin concerning the "new
Krematorium" (the future Krematorium II).
BW 30/33:
20 pages.
Timesheets concerning drainage work carried out by Messrs
Triton of Kattowitz for Krematorien III and
IV: Pages 2-8: Summaries for 2nd to 9th June of work done on
Kr IV, BW 30b; Pages 10-20: Timesheets for 2nd to 13th
April concerning Kr III, BW 30a |
BW 30/34:
[Microfilm 1060] 116 pages. "Krematorium II u. III/BW 30
u. 30a, Schriftwechsel" Correspondence on the genesis and construction
of Krematorien II and III. |